_Sports_ Football C nntinu(*d Irom (\in«‘ » \\ .11 Kami', i .trnril lor ll> voids and ,i first down at tile Heaver •it Musgrave hit tight end Joe Meerten tor 11 v ards and an other first dim n at (fregon State's tit A live v ard offsides penalty to Oregon State and an 1 1 vard run hv l.oville gave the Dm ks a first down al Oregon Stale's 1 -1 Alter Oregon State linehai ket I odd Sahlfeld sai ked Mils grave tor a three vard loss Musgrave combined with l.oville on a heart stopping plav that led to the I)ui ks last touchdown Musgrave rolled right on the plav only to find Ins receivers covered lie then turned and threw across the held to l.ov ille for ,i 15-vard gain and a lust anil-goal at the (fregon State 2 I ,ov i 1 le si ored on the next plav and (iregg Met .ilium's ex tra point gave Oregon a nine point cushion at 111 2 1 ' ‘That vv as a little si ary ()i egon coach Kii h Hrooks said "I'm glad I,ov ille i aine hat k on it het nuse the (fregon Slate de tensive liai k was < losing on it t 11,11 Mini 1)1 inruw Mr,ll ,i( mss llir Iit'lti von src tli.il lliing hanging in (hr aii and von think il might hr going I hr oilin' vvav.” hr said l.ovillr supported Mus grave s dri ision on the plas "Mill look some i ham rs hot Von hav e to take ( ham rs to i Of nr up w ith the lag plavs. l.ov illr said ' I hr pass worked out great because Mill was aware ot where I was and where the defensive guv was and got il to me ()n the Beavers' nest posses sum. Oregon lineh.K koi Metri Brantley sai ked Si hit title on Inst down, free safety Derek Horton broke up Sc hiclitle's pass to Koss, and linehaf kei Andy I'liltner sac ked Sc tin lltle again to force a tumble and heaver punt on fourth down [ he teams then esc hanged unsuc t esslul possessions to ( lose out tile game and the Mea vers were1 Civil Wai losers for the thirteenth time in the last 15 years Oregon has struggled at times this vrar Irving to hold loads, hut Brooks was pleased with the i harac lei tile I Jut ks showed m treating the Beavers to finish 7-4 "I was pleased that our team responded when they had to at the end and look the hall down tile field Brooks said "May be vve got a little sell satisfied at tile half W e c ante out a little unprudm live and Oregon State look the light to us and we struggled ” The I)u( ks grabbed an early I II lead alter Kric Castle stripped Ihighelv of the ball on till* opening kit kotl Rorv l)air\ ret o\ ered the tmnlile .it the ()r egotl State 2a hut the I links had to settle for the field goal when tin' Heaver defense field Oregon increased its lead to It) 0 on its second possession In driving 'fa yards in 12 plays the last a four yard tout hdovv n run by l.oville Oregon State punter Mark I fennel had pinned the I lilt ks at then invn live \aril line with a 22 yard kit k from the Oregon 12. rile I lilt ks si ored two sei ond tpiarter field goals for the lt> 0 halftime margin Brooks saitl the margin should have been Inggei I thought we should have had more points at the half, lie said I was real I v tlisap pointed after the fumble oti the opening kit kotl w hen we go three downs anti have to settle for a field goal 1 111' 1 fill Ks .USD II,III .III .I (>11,11 nut tom lidoss n i .lilt'd hm k u hi'ii lilt' iillii i.iIs Haggl'd ()re gun Ini ,m illi'gal him k mi Dm i'k Horton's interception return I,ili' in tin1 si‘i mill qu.irh'i I IdiIdii | i ii ki'd nil .i Si Iiii lit 11 ■ pass in Ori'gon ti*rritor\ and i,in it into tlir ( begun Stall- end /oni'. hut llii' pi'iia!t\ hrnught dll' hall hat k to till' 1 begun 1 > Alter the game Brooks and si'vcral l Iri'gnn plasms gavi* the Unas cl's t hi'ii due tin their plus against the I.is orctl I bn ks. "Oregon State kept hanging in there and kept i inning after us. Brooks said I sc got to i ongrattllate coach krngthurpe tor a joh ssell done Its his loot hall team and Ills tnothnl! pro gram Senior f u 111 on k I .at m Herrs. ss ho had made some less than kiml i liniments aliiint the Bea sitrs post game i ulehralion af ter last year's .’ I Id ( is il W ar ssin m Corvallis, grudgingls paid the Beavers respei t ' I have to gis e them a lot ol respei t liei ause dies got doss il hut never quit Herrs said As rum h as it kills me to sas it I have to take ms hat oil to them Senior nose tai kle I )as id ( us.mo anothei of 1 Oregon seniors svho played their final game for Oiegon said kind things alioiil the Beavers, hut li lt mi douht ss ho lie thought ss as the liettel team ' I has e to give them i reefit (ius,mo said "They 're a very good football team a ssell i.oai lied team "But I think it's obvious we're a belter football team and I think sve svanted il more as ss e VOLVO Owners viwn^lmDC cf# Alpine Import OX\G^^0' / / Servicev^Vp & Offers a FREE Safety Inspection 0 Springfield • 12th & Mam • 726 1808 Call lor appointment • ALL WORK GUARANTEED cMr VOL VO