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Sports_ Seniors finish in style B\ Ashley ( unklin fmerald Sports Reporter One look .it tile sei ond hall of Saturday's Civil W.ii game helsseen Oregon St.ite old ()re gon showed just wli.it the pliiv of Derek I .ns iIli- .md Tern ( )l»ee li.is me,mt to the Dm ks in the List four ve.irs I he two seniors probably playing in klii'ii List i ullage game showed |iisl how v.ilil .ilile expel lent e is w hell the game is on the line After the delivers had pulled w itliin 11. u w ith I I I reni.iin in;; in the third quarter, the Ducks seemed like tliev would i illLlpse ill this game |llsl like tiles h.id .it Stanford and Hrig ham NHung Hut that s w hen Loville and ( )hee took over With a third down and III at the Oregon 21. i|uarlerlin< k Hill Musgras e hit l.ovtile lor a I I yard gain to the 32 and a lirs! down Issti plays later it was Mllsgiav e hitting ( thee lol all I ft \ arc! gain to the lieas or I and a first down ( )n the next play ( thee i alight an It-yard pass Iron! Musgrase (or a Inst dow n at the U> I liree plass Liter t thee made the plas of the das Musgras e looked lor ()bee in the iiglit i timer of the end /one but underthress the hall and it looked like Oregon Stale i oi nei bar k Hi i.m llei k ss mild make t he iuteri eplion Him k did has e the iuteri ep lion, hut mils briefly Obce real lied osei Him k and stole the hall assay from him i ommg down ssilli the hall at the hai k of the end /one tor a 24 yard tom Ildoss II let eption (thee said it svas a matter of i oin entratiun to make that plas I list ol all lie had the hall pit ked oil I le had it in Ins What Study-Crazed Students Say About Onsen HOUKJ.Y HOT UjO WHIM Call 345 904* for rnarvatlons. 16ft0 Gordon Ava.. Eugana 790 E. 14th 344-4471 hands like ibis (thee --,11(1 i upping his hands together I pimped nvei him and took it away {rnin him "I'm i Itsm .h mss the lif hi .mil .ill I sff is the (iclfnsivf tun.k Imm Oregon Stale gu up mill I'm thinking it might lie pit keil nil he,ul i oai.h Huh Hrooks s.uil "Hie ne\t thing I know I see the sign.il loin h illm n Ohee who ended the day with sis i,.itches lor 1L!r> yards had three receptions for "> t viirds on that drive alone Ohee had two other kev i all lies dill ing the (lav . one on a sideline route and a key card rei eplion on a lourth-and two that kept a sei ond ipiarter drive alive that led to (Iregg Mi I .ilium's field goal giving the I tin ks the Ki ll lead "( thee had about three tinhe lievahle i all lies todav Brooks added "He made a couple ot i all lies on the sideline patterns where the ball was thrown and I looked at lum anil I looked at the hall and I said no wav this thing is going over Ins head, and he went up and made the i all h to keep the drive alive (tregon State t oai li I lav e kragthorpe had plenty ot praise tin all ol (tregon s ret eivers "Thev v <• got a fine group of receivers kragthorpe said U e ot ( nurse saw the BYI tape and in that game llicv made about 10 catches where the hall pmbablv shouldn't hav e been i aught I'hev made three in tout of those loilav and |( theel espet inllv made some tough ones on the sidelines Itespile the la-point adv.ui tage. nearlv II minutes re mained I Wo v i lie si ampered I n yards tin a lust down at the Heaver II Oregon drove to the 25 and l.oville's 1 1 yard run gave the Ducks a lust down at the 14 \lter Musgrave was sacked In the 1 ' he rolled light and threw i leal at rusv the held hit Img l.ov die w ho took the hall to the Iwm aid line (in tin* next plav 1 ,ov 11 It* dove over from tin* two. Iiin m'i nnd tom hdov\ n of the game .ind doth of fns (areer The I )u( ks had a 111 It 1 lead w itli d d 1 to |da\ and hold on foi tin win l.oville rushed for 111 yards on 27 carries, his third straight lull yard game against the Bea v CI S It feels pretty good l.oville said, "but the i redit he longs to the offensive line Ihev put It together for me Brooks said lie hoped the Dinks i on Id have run Better against the Beaver defense hut it was effei live enough After last year's 2 1 10 loss to Oregon State snapped a 1.1 game vv inless streak lor the Beavers l.oville and ( thee said there was a little extra motiv.i lion lor them in this one "What happened last year was gist our iiing on the cake to prepare lor this year's game l.ov ille said "We made up our minds that we weren't going to lose to them again and that helped our intensitv lev el " This was a very emotional game." Oliee added "By heat mg Oregon State I know I can leave here and < nine bar k