Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 20, 1989, Page 5, Image 5

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Ducks Civil after 30-21 triumph
By Tr.ii \ Sumner
l merald Sports l ditor
\\ hot appeared to lie <i rout
in the m.iking Saturday turned
into ,i real battle as (fregun beat
( fregori Stale 10 1 in the
( !i\ il War football game in Ant
/en Stadium
()regon held a 1 n 0 leail late
in the third quarter and ap
pealed headed fol mole when
Oregon State safet \ Billy
I luglleh ilileri epted a Bill
Musgrave pass .ll the Ili'.O el
110-yard line and returned it V
Yards to the (begun 2 \
1'hree pla\ s latei Bear er
qiiarterh.ii k \ii k Si hit title hit
split end Maurice Wilson from
2") sards out for a touchdown
Schic'htle was tilling in for
starter Matt Hoolier who m
lined Ills knee ill the first qtlar
I ii 111 >. it k I ’at ( halter ran the
two yards foi a two point i on
version to bring Oregon Stale
within eight at In 8 with 1 It
lett in the third quarter
\ pass iuterlerem e call on
the toii< hdou ii pla\ and an nil
sportsmanlike pimallv on the
extra point took the Oregon
State kii koll to the l begun t'i
where ihr Heavers attempted .m
nn sides kit k Oregon rei eivei
1 tiny I largain re( in ered the
line-drive kit k at llie Oregon
2 I
Oregon led I>\ !he passing ut
igiartf rlmt k lidl Musgrnve the
I el ei V lllg III I I'll \ ( Mire .Hid the
running ul I ..it in Hens then
m.irt lied v.irtls 111 nine plnvs
tin ,t tout lidniv n .1 ml .i 2 i tl
lend with 12.rein.lining in
llie g.mie
The st tiring pln\ u ns n spet
Ini ill.n t nit li hv Oltee ill tile
right t in net ut the enti /one
m ei lten\ er t tirnei lint k Hi inn
Met k Oliee snid Intel th.it Bet k
lintl llie mien eplinn hill he
simplv look il n\u\ Irom the
Itenvei defender tor the st ore
()n the tlnve Musgrnve t oni
pleletl three passes to (Ihee lot
. I yards anil the lout litlow n
Berry’s 12 yards rushing on the
drive helped set up lilt* 24 yard
scoring play
(Iregon Stale rc ith the help
ol sloppy spet ml tennis piny hv
the 1 till ks t nine right lint k to
pull within 2 ill on n one yard
scoring plunge hy ( hulley with
w ilh 111 HI remaining llie two
point conversion attempt ty.is
no good.
Tile Heavers started the drive
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im thru ovv u I ( alter I lughelv
loturned thr k n ki >11 i.' v.11 ds In
set up tlic i'-v.ird Mining
dm r
Oregon SI,Ur , delrnse then
stopped the Dm ks on thrir nr\l
possession Ion mg ,i M.iri
IVnsu punt ill.H He.nei ll.mkei
Reggie lllllihard returned -! 1
\ .lids lo the I tregoll I
Si hictltlr then lilt tight end
t’lul Koss for .1 1*1 v ,iid g.im .mil
• i lust doun .il tin Oiegou _’ll
Mlet i lorn void g.un In
( lulltn .111(1 .III till omplele
p.iss Schii htle i omlnned with
( li.illev toi .i I v .ml loin li
down p.iss I nn Ihissnmi li s
extra point in.ide il 1 l I (lo
gon vv illi less lli.in eight min
tiles remnming
Bliss.mu II drew i ousel III IV e
live \,iid penalties on the eiisii
mg kn koll lot kii kiln; the hall
out ol hounds Russell I aw son
then look the k it koll a I Ins own
2 I and si .import'd \ arils lo
the ( It i run -I l. selling up the
I )u< ks ill iv e Im an insurant e
tout lid own
After ail mt omplele pass
lailh.it k Derek ioville who
rushed lor 111 v aids lor ins
third straight Kill yard Civil
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