Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 20, 1989, Page 3, Image 3

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    Women's group meets tonight
Mi l ! !\( A
\ (lis< ussion group lor mini'
I’ll (it ( lllor II;' .'s t'\ or\ Ml
da\ Imni 1! (() to i .10 |i m Par
In ipants arr welcome on a
drop-in basis I he group will
meet toii,i\ in KMP (leuturx
Room li l or further inlornia
lion plr.isr i all \\ la at
wit! 40«n
Survival (enter is having a
general meeting tudav .it l to
_Kt als
p in. in I Alt Suite 1 All < nor
ilmators. interns anil ai live vol
unteers are encouraged to at
W omen in ( ommunii atoms.
Ini . is meeting toilav .it 1 .10
p in in I All (’.edar Ki mm Din
the KM! Kvervone is u el
National Student I \< hange
Orientation meets toda\ at
noon loi more information,
i all Ai ademii Adv ising and
Student Sen n es at OHO 1.1 1 1
Katin American Support
( ommittee meet toni .'.lit .1
a to in KMl' ( .enlurs Room I
All interested .lie wtilt ome
Survival ( enter s ocean ecol
ogv sei lion (l.a Mer) mli In i I
a brief meeting tonight at S in
Student Health Insurame
( omnuttff
p.ni in KMt l.enturv Room I
to i ontinue discussion of 1*11
lollment s\stems
I .mil I iler.n \ I linuglils oil
literature ami the Knviron
ment" will lir tin- title ' ■ t a li '
Iuri' to he given In William 1 lo
u ait li ot Princeton Iniversitv
Iml.n at l 10 p in in llif I Ml
Walnut Room
Sonia Inlinsnn a Iailn al
teminist. will share her under
standings ol iflation-sliips anil
if volution tonight .it 7 III in
tlif I Ml 1 Hallrooin
Ihf lollovving organizations
will be holding interviews on
rumpus I or inlorinat ion on
signing up for interviews. tall
the Kneel I’lanning and Place
infill Otlic.f at tiflti t-M'> (sign
ups arc not neiessarv for group
niff tings):
Vm . JO Instilutf for Interna
tional (aiupcratinn and l)evel
opine tit (program ol interna
tional travel, sludv. solidarity)
group meeting onh Nov «o
I mm 7 to H pm I \ 11 ( e dai
Room I!
JUST *2.95
6:00pm 'til closing
Dancing and Music
Fver\ Wed., Fri.,
and Sat. night!
13th \ \ldt-r
<>n i (un/ni.\
"I've got it again, Larry... an a«rie feeling like
there's something on top of the bed.”
\< ii ! MS A I ! nt Am murl \
Daiu higikwnl Students must
speak lap.mesr ,iinl I. n g 11sn flu
1 rilo I,av, Ini (in.itiuf.K tur
mg supervisor; assiHiate engi
I’ftzei. liu {pharmar noth al
sales representative)
\<a J‘i 1'nhersity nt San I)i
ego l.anver 's Assistant I’ru
grain (hmvei s assistant pro
gram) group meeting frum M
to >1 Id a m in KMI l rnliit\
Room I)
Vm III kr.ilt Knot Is Ini
(salus representatn i*)
Arms ( ntp is,ill's traini'i')
Iht I t ,in o liu {prntliit
lion maiiagciiiriit tr,i11no• at
i minting management traini'i')
Mist I 1.1 AM ( )l S
\ sliuh aliruail npportiinitv
in |erusalem Israel will lie ills
I lisseii at all I III) irin.it li>ll meet
mg tinl,i\ at l p m in I Ml ( e
rial KiMinis \ iiiul H
\ii nrieiilatmii session for
the Summer l inpliiv mi nt I'm
gram a 111 he lie a i !• h l.n il in
p m in Room 1I lemirir ks
Orison D;iil\ _ _
»* (» H.<* *1 <•» I .
§ diioi
Managing Editor
l ditor mI f ditor
Graphics I ditor
t rlCOf» f ditor *• ■
of I1
t (MCI
Sporls l tJilor
Supplements t dtlor
Niqht I ditof
WiSocmip r onors
Community • i * Student Government Activities
Higher f ducatron Admmistr a I ton feature*
Reporter % • A ■ • » r >• A*.’ • *■ 1 i
f «-..«*• 1 .dh*v»ne , StephaMoil.md JaM'S JOM'l'h l a,nr L.dtfdmh < am
Sivt’Mful Alt. e T r». trntt.M
Photographers . 3
Advertising V > ■ I- *; »• • >.■ M.t •
*t M A. , Am. y Mitt* •!;t.»f,5t Mr- l N- • . It.' * • »».!•: . V , » P» »' •
f ■ iM.f • K- St: St. !* — f t U.f ! We/M-: ►
Production • A - hr-. h %<'. ’ * H ■ . ’ « w Ai . »• i
.1* Lotus Child I .i >1 Jin V in. h Yvette C» *1' \<tf Huey. I mda
p- i.j .l,|t| 1 ■ ..i l • . M.r W* tv M ' A ,■ i Mi/'.: 1 i ■ >■
P.iitM-A:. : Anna Memt**-. *■ Janet >• Ted She pier Jrmiici Smith. Scott
Smith •; ,»«ttin Stark Jennifer Thum.is Jimv i r? toy/ ! White Kelly Wi! 'mm
General Staff
Advertising Duet: tor Assrslant to the Publisher
Production Manager Advertising Coordinator
t lassitied Manager
Account* Receivable Circulation Newsroom 686 *>511
Classified Advertising t>88 4143
Display Advertising 686 371.'
Production Graphic Servo r*. 886 4381
With Macintosh
you can even do this:
M.k'init >sh‘c< »mpiitci's have alw a\ s
i\*eneas\ to use But they ve never been
this ease to own
lYesenting'lhe Mac intosh Sale
ihroui»h January d. y<>u can save
hundreds of dollars on a variety
of Apple* Mac int< >sh computers and
N) n< nv there's nc) reast >n t() settle
h ir an < wdinarv PC With llie
Macintosh Sale, y< >u can w ind up with
much mi ire < )l ac< wuputcr.
Witln nit sjvndin^ a It >t nit ire nn >ne\
Microcomputer Support Lab
Room 202 Computing Center
Mondav-Fridav 9am-5pm
The Macintosh Sale
Nowr through January' 31
C /'*• • Vf* < '•*$*!** •*»* V**> '** Vf* • *' I 1&* :>..•• Vun 'Ui.,<*n; '• ««*'./•* < Vf*. h,