Editorial The travesty of the year: Ducks are denied bowl The saddest part of the t'lft'i Oregon font hall sea son was not an 18-17 loss to Stanford It was not blow ing a i t I 4 lead at Brigham Voting to lose 1 >-4 1 The saddest part of the season for the l)u< ks is real izing even though they can play with just about any body in the country, they probably will not he invited to play in a bowl game After holding off Oregon State for a ,10-2 1 win on Saturday. Oregon finished its most successful season since 1064 with a 7-4 record A 7-4 record should be good enough to warrant an invitation to play during the holiday season But a 7-4 record for the Ducks is like a TO rei ord for the Penn States. Ohio States and Syracuses of the country. You see, there are some things those bowl selec - tion people look for when choosing a team to play in a bowl. Does the team play in a major media market? No. Oregon does not Is this a team that people on the East Coast would turn on their television sets to watch lor three hours? No, because the Ducks have no exposure on the East Coast. You might wonder what type of exposure Oregon would need to be attractive to the howl people. They have a quarterback in Bill Musgrave who threw' for more touchdowns and more yards this season than such NFL st.irs as Dan l outs and Chris Miller What about the rest? Well, the Ducks have a de fense that is one of the best in the country and have some exciting players in David Cusano, Peter Brantley and (ihris Oldham So instead of taking one of the hotter learns in the country to the freedom Howl. John Hancock How! or Copper Howl the howl know it-alls will select a few other teams with worse records and worse teams than Oregon's Sin h possibilities iiu lude • Arizona Stale This is a hard one for Duck tans to stomach The Sun Devils are l> 4-1, a very der.eivinn re cord It Arizona State loses to Arizona they prohahK won t go to a howl Hut it they do go. it will he a trav esty This is a team that tied Oregon Slate and lost 27-7 to the Dm ks when they let Derek l.ov I 111? run over them like Sherman man hing through the South • Syracuse: This is a team who at h-.i would he vets lui kv to end up 7-4 or t>-4-l, hut w ill likely end up (>-."> Still, they're a more attractive team than the Dm ks. according to the experts. • Indiana. Minnesota and Iowa: At the moment .ill three of these Dig Ten schools are under consideration None ol these teams can finish better than ti-7>. and Iowa lost 44-ti to the Ducks. Yes. the Ducks deserve a howl hid before any ol these teams. Hut better yet, let's abolish the current system and come up with a playoff system like the NCAA uses for basketball. in ?»*** tots V* 'nm "You'll be happy to know I’m not taking any more campaign contributions from Lincoln Savings and Loan.... Here, have a toaster." Umbrella ban should be better publicized !n .ill I hr r vi ilrmrnt and happiness ilm iilg Ill*' I)i■< ks' \ i( t< 11 \ over the liravrrs Sat urdav al Aiitzrn Stadium, mam Ians might lint have noticed a i|llirt lilt It* aililiiililir Ilirnt II tllr\ had thru reaction ptnhahlv wouldn't have hrrn that pleasant Saliml.iv's game was thr last timr uni til t * I las will hr allnurd in Aut/.en Stadium I his aminuiK rinriit was liist madr during thr l ung Hr,ii li State game hut in rived lit tie media attention. The 1'im ri sit\ s athletn department has lint rvai ll\ gone mil ill its wav tn public i/e (he umbrella ban kite whole issue has been handled vers cjiin»tIs Stalling next year, no person can i nine min the stadium with an umbrella A s a i lets ul reasons Ini banning umbrellas have been given, such as thru potential physical dan gei and uhstiui ting the view ol others We've thought long and hard about this one Until sides ul the issue have good argu ments \nbndv likes having watei dumped dovv n Ins bac k by the umbrella vv lidding id iot behind him. but no one wants to sit m the iniu In watch a Inntb.ill game (letting (Irene lied lakes all the bin out ol going to the stadium in the lirst plat e Kllgene residents live with the lat I of lile th.it during tilt* autumn and winter months, they re going to get wet It's all part ol Ore gon's unique environment No one likes to get rained upon, hut it defeats the purpose to go to a football game when vou miss most ol it because sumebodv with an umbrella is sitting in front ol you As we said, we don't necessarily agree or disagree with the ban We see both sides but we are upset the decision was made without letting the fails have am input At tei all, t hev re the ones who pay the money for tic bets thev should be (lie ones who con tribute to the dc*c ision-making process. The ban was made in the middle of the football season, but the plan was not an nounced until nflrr it already had been agreed upon We find that a little hard to take \\ In couldn't the athletic department have i nnsultcd some of the fans7 The dec i sum was borne out of complaints by some fans but to our knowledge, the athletic de partment made no move to get widespread fan opinion They should have This is probablv a dead issue, but the next lime the athletic department has anoth er dec ision to make of similar nature, they should c onsult the fans first Letters Commendation In response to i li.nIns I fin stein's letter [01)1 \<>\ ti| I nmplaimng about I>«• 111n i ited lor littering l)\ tile I 'ugflie I’o I n e I )f parlnif lit let me state loinl and i lear th.it I applaud the I I’i) Ini i it in;; I einstein I einstein v\ limes that lie should have had a warning i ouunenting in his three years at the t 'niversiH that tills is the tllst time he has lei eived a tn k et (arnsidering that most slu dents are Hi oi older when the\ enter the I'rttversitv one ma\ logii alls rieilui e I'einslein is > t or older I rankh I don't think espei tint; an adult to he aware ol arid to ohe\ littering laws is too mm h to ask I einstein not onl\ ov ertls disagrees with this he goes on to hetnoan the tai l that tour ol his friends have also been tat k eted this vear three tor mi mils in possession ot all ohol and the fourth tor urinating in ptihlii t he relation ol air ohol abuse to serious problems su< h as drunk driving and .issaults is well do( umenled. espei lallx in tin- I nix ersilx area tin- Ic^al drinking age n( J1 is well pub In i/.cd because id this it siniuhi ( nine as mi surprise In an voile llial the pol It e .lie ell Inn mu I it 111■ 11 lav\ s Tin* tillei nllensiveness n( urinntiuK in publii speaks fiit ilselt \){aiii I i oinmend tin I ,|’l) tor taking ai linn llial needs In be taken And Ini leinstein I have a sugges!inn Win mil trx Hinu mg up and takinu respnn sihilitx fur \nui at linns:’ Marx Dull.nine I avx Picturesque In a letter set linn lull n! pain dx and reproof loxxard / nie/a/d articles, I submit Ibis inmpli nienl (lam Sivesind's spurts col unin "Salurdax's ^allies leave fans in axve {OPi \’ox 7) xvas xerx thoiiidiltullx xvrittnn \s I read the column and real i/.ed the prui essiun of i urn ments I xvas i ompletelx pll'.IM'll \i>1 onh tiui hi' present the I 111.11 si (Ill's past SI (Ill'S pl.lM'l n.mil's ( onti'iriii i- rankings i.imp.ml thoughts ipi.irtci sta Iislii s Imk slabs winning drives lint tl.inn's liistnrn bil ls sail fans, vards passing. I’etr Rose all-time rei unis Stealth bombers games re mauling. Oldham s railai sag gmg spirits, struggling Arizo na (hnderella stories putenl Wildh als harsh reality weak I'OI.A Conklin fumbles lui k\ in r false impressions vain turning Dinks overall head ai lies and I nn laylor: he made me laugh In a lime of heav v rain and depressing midterm reviews I am thankful lor arlii les stu h as tins one Both the form and fashion ol his arlii it* were truly pu turesi|iie l)a\ id Partridge Art hitei lure Run-around l eai her trainees in the mild Iv handiiapped learner hi dorsemont program should he aware ol serious institutional problems ( outran to assertions made In this I’niversltv's Spei ial Kit in alion Iiepartment researi h ile.uh shows that integrative and interni live teni hin^> moth oils are more effective than he haviorai manipulations w ith a vv liter vat ietv ot students Idle! tive hit some behav ioral let hnii|Ues i an represent' men Ial. emotional and physiologi i al abuse lor students when thev are required to perform, in unison basil shills that meet onlv a I rat lion ot their real world Heeds Teat her trainees are depon dent upon their rapport with prat tii uni superv isors Power plavs and unspoken criteria rule the (earlier fortification proi ess that is done in isola tion. with lew observers When I pointed out tll!‘ need tor other teai hing materials besides scripted commercial programs I was rudely treated bv mv prai tn uni superv isors Al though I had i ompleted Htl per i (Mil id the required i nurse wink I was luld I would not re i eive im endorsement here There is no student Tat ult\ i oinmittee ol peers in the pro grain lo dismiss issues with vou I was told to tile .1 griev ante. only to find these are de i ided upon bv Associate Dean Judith tlrosenick. who told me it my philosophv was dillerent Ilian heluiv jurist I i otild go soinew here else I was not informed I 1 mild simpls avoid a vear ol heart at hi1, busvwork, slutted teel mgs .old expense hv attaining an endorsement through tlie \ I 1\ exams available in the teacher i ertifir at ion oltii e I ask Do we want spei ial ed oration tear.hers who can lie triendh with kids' Or do we want leathers who tail behave like prison guards' Our answei might lie a due as to why voung leariKMs are still tailing in resourt e rooms (Jiarlie l.arson Instructional Systems l et hnology