Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 20, 1989, Page 12, Image 11

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We’re Closed Thanksgiving Day
And Open Friday and Saturday
moo OFF
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s40.00 OFF
ANY PURCHASE $160 TO $319.99
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_ u
s20.00 OFF
ANY PURCHASE $80 TO $159.99
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s10.00 OFF
ANY PURCHASE $40 TO.$79.99
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s5.00 OFF
ANY PURCHASE $20 TO $39.99
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2.00 OFF
ANY PURCHASE $10 TO $19.99
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1.00 OFF
(some exclusions -see below )
Excluding: Coursebooks. film & processing,
tobacco products, movie rentals, class rings,
academic regalia, some Electronics Dept, mer
chandise, computers, educational software
and items already priced as SALE merchan
• Limited to stock
• Coupons required
• No further discounts
• Valid thru 11/25/89
13th & Kincaid M F 7 30 6 00 SAT 10 00 6 00 686-4331
( ontmiM'd from P.ik<‘ 1
Ill .1 ( ISC Al’ press
Ilie rails began
with people i ti.i111
mt; "Sloii the
IximhinK slop the
u ,1! I S out of Hi
Salvador .mil
Stones for
s( hools not for
\\ .ii I! S out of HI
Salvador I lie r.il
l\ ( outilined w itli
brief spool lies in
various individuals
(as ier ( astro a
native HI Salvado
ran and a member
of the I llgene Sal
vadnran Refugee
( amimittee pleaded
u ith the demonstra
tors to stand up to
their novelnnient
Hlie onlv uay to
slop the madness is
d we sla\ togetll
ei ( astro said "If
the I s govern
ineiil and ( (ingress
see hundreds and
thousands of people
I’holo In Svrfii I'nslmi
Di'munslralors hr lit ,i rail) Sundax in
trimI nl Ihr hrilrrnl lluildim; In /trolrsl
I S invnlirmrntinHISiili.uhir.
on tin1 street iticv II ,n i
left Sr,ii ,i s|inki'sm.m from
Kep IVter Defazio's
11) I 11n<*11<*) i it111 c read a
statement hum 1 )i• I a/m asking
tin- I S government to stop
their support ol the Salvadoran
gov el nrnenl
I lie I lilted Slates should
i ease all unlit,ir\ iissisl.ini e to
the government ot III Salvador
and demand th.it serious nego
tuitions liegiii immediately
I tel a/io u rote
( tiller speakers mi hided
ASI ( ) Vii e President Si oil W\
i oil Marion Stall out of ( Al l
loin Hager from ( ainpus Inter
faith Ministry. Nicholas van
Aelstyn from the National l aw
vers t.ulhl and I'niversitv pro
fessoi Dan (loldi u h
Although the rallv was eon
dm led mostly bs students
many communilv members also
showed up for the event
"I've been < oneerned w ith
our government polu v in I en
tr.d Ainerii a for a long time
said I )ni is Tremit a member ol
CALC and Council lur Human
Rights in Latin America
Instead (it allow mg selt de
termination, the I S is send
mg mnne\ down there to the
dir talors and i ausing more kill
mgs L remit said
Seven -veer-old Sarah 1’e
tarson was concerned with the
i hildren o! LI Salvador
1 don't want kids to die
Peterson said "I don't want
anvone to die
Donations were collected
from rails parta ipants to aid 1.1
Salvador citizens injured dur
mg the te< ent bombings
The rally was followed h\ a
--4 hour vigil set up to ai hieve
group solid,irit\ between Lu
gene and LI Salvador < itizens
Margraf said
A s\ mix dir blockade ol the
I eileral Building is si hcdlded
for te la a m tod.n
Nov. 23 (Thanksgiving)
Nov. 24 Friday
Nov. 25 Saturday
Nov. 26 Sunday
Your Student Health Center
Urgent Care Service
is open from
By Pam
Student Special
Sets S24 (teg $45)
(complimentary bottle
of pohsh with set)
Fills $17 (reg $20)
Manicure Special
$7.00 ireg $12 00)
by Appointment
Studio 340
340 E. 11th • 484 0088
r /
/ i
mm ®
Oriental Buffet Lunch
t Try Our Dinner
Hours: Downstairs
M th II 00 7 00 F Sa I I 00 4
Hours: Upstairs
M Th 4 JO 10 00
F Sa 5 00 10 30
Closed Sundays