Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 20, 1989, Image 1

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    —-^Oregon Daily_ _
\fc>n<i<i\ \mrmtiri Jll. l'llCI
1 ( lli'Unn
\ illume 'll \iimbei ill
■ Civil War wrap-up, Page 5
■ Seniors keys in win. Page 8
■ Netters head for tourney, Page 10
Rally protests
priests' deaths
B\ jolie Andrade
Emerald Reporter
Over HHi hundred students protessors an<l um
cerned citizens rallied in front ot the Kugenc I eder.il
Building Sunday afternoon to protest the recent hoinli
inns and killings in Id Salvadoi
The rails and aicompany11114 vigil u<is organized
and supported l>\ the ( ommitlee in Solidarity will) tile
( entral American People the l'niversil\ ot Ore
gun l niversity of l.l Salvador Sistei l diversity Pro
ject Clergy and l.adv Concerned, and Witness of
1‘eac e
l liis (the rally) is a response to the whole 111
years that C S has waged w.11 on Id Salvadoi said
Roh Margral. I'niversity Sistei Projec t representative
( Irgani/ers held the rally as an emergent v response to
the murders of siv |esml priests earlier last week
'Our basic: demand is to stop am further aid to
the Salvadoran government Margin) said adding the
sistei universitv pro jet I also wants to slop the mohili
/.ation of O.S troops in HI Salvador
"We are taking a whole dnv to make .1 statement
to the Hush administration that we re not going to lol
erate it Margraf said
"We re1 sending .lid to kill people who are strug
gling lot freedom in then own country said Sara
l.avvton. (!IS< AP staff memliei
"II we weren't sending aid the AKI \.\ govern
mi'll! wouldn't hist. ’ l.avvton said
CISCAP is demanding that the C S government
put an immediate end to all ty pes of aid to the Salva
doran government, end .ill violations ol human rights
associated with the Salvadoran Armed l orecs and
death squads and fore e the Salvadoran Covernment to
negotiate a politic al solution to end the war ac c circling
Turn to Rally, Page 11
Leave it to Loville
l)uck tailback Derek Loville scampers into the end /.one on a 4-yard run in the first quarter of
Oregon's 30-21 Civil War victory over the Oregon State Heavers, l.oville's 111 yards rushing put
him into 10th place in the all-time Pac-10 rushing category. Stories on pages 5 and H
Photo by Mark Yl«n
(irafliti on Eugene walls illustrate a possible gang presente
Ganging up on gangs
Gang anxiety hits the
city : the city hits hat A
By Alu e V\ heeler
Emerald Managing Editor
hlilor's null• I lir Inllim nn;
is thr first nl .1 /no-par/ Mon
day In-Depth serif's ry.immun;
tlir gang issur in hunrnr
i hi1 ret (Mil i ontrnvc*im.iI
court injuni lion barring IH
vc.it ulil alleged gang member
Bobbin Robinson limn the I n
gent* School District has ire
.ilcil .1 surge nl i ommuuity in
Icrcsl and i oni cm uvci the pus
sibilily ul ilmg g.mgs establish
mg themselves in hugenc
I tigene's loi.iticiu lias made
it a potential target tin drug ori
eiitcil gangs moving i i.u k co
caine up and down the West
( a last v la Interstate >
Drug gangs such as the Crips
and the Bloods have taken ovei
neighborhoods in I os Angeles
< aid I at oma \\ ash . and
Cortland, marking their territo
r\ with graffiti svmbuls Mis
takes in and between gangs are
not taken lightly
"They are normally really
territorial They are possessive
ul the areas they live m " said
Sgl Kuk Cilham investigator
lor the Kugene Colne Depart
men! "Csually that's where
you get the drive by shootings
when somebody infringes on
somebody else's area
So I,il Iugl'lie il11J ii11 s (roe nl
K. 111K v ii ill Mu i- .mil i i .11 k
I lini' .nr ini documented
gang ii-l.ill'll ( mill's m I ugenc
lilu' drive li\ shootings We've
Ii.hI slum- iliu iimimii'il gang
memlrers here who have com
tnilii'il somr minor i rimfs
fs|llip||ltlll)4 I Ill'll ). lull ll IS Mill
gang ri'l.ill'll tvpe i nun's s.iiil
I I’l) I li'li'i livi' 1 li'imis \\ il
I jams
"I I III Ilk I Ill'll' N .1 g.I I lki'11
IiiiiiiI well liiivr simii' gang
i i mu's m tin- future. (.illi.un
sail! li.iseil on the I.II I lh.it we
are on the I "> i orrnloi w e hav e
a large |)o|iulation hase anil we
have a large portion of drug us
ers or abusers, that's going In
altrai I some gang members
dow n here
"Ue have documented gang
members from the Portland
area and other places that have
been in laigene he added
"There are some that have lost
been through lliosth . hill there
are a few that are li\ ing here
Credit lions (If \ iolem e
Although some people be
lieve local gang members ma\
be trying In get avvav from the
gang si ene to get an film ation.
"iiiv suspii ion is that they are
here to basil alls si ope the area
out. see what lhe\ i an do what
kinds til inroads they i an make
and primarily lor criminal rea
sons '' (. 11 ha nr said
II gang at ti\ itv ini leases
we .ire going to see more V lo
lent i nines sir some shoot
mgs, some people getting
hull ' he ptedli lei!
line. (,II I lie I e is little nr llii
f y idem e III i r.ic h use in the
i t tin in ii it it \, although melhiilt)
11hel.inline use is high (illil>«III
said I I’I ) has nu ey ideni e
t hat they (gangs! air selling
uielh lhe\ are slrii tly selling
( rai k cm alllf at this pointlie
However, gang i one erns are
mil new In hugene Last win
ler's sleu nl rai i.illy mol I v. ited
hale i.runes < ausetl enough ill
leresl in the community In fus
ter the Inrmalinn ul the ('mil
inunity ( ii.ildinn fur (. a 11 g I’re
vent ion
I'he ( (.(.1’ u as stalled In a
group ul minority i omitiunity
nieinhers in I ehrnary IfIBtl
They met rvith lau eiifori emenl
nieinhers III disi uss how III deal
u ilh the rat nil v inleni e piuh
lenis, said |.in (hind i hairpin
soil nl the ( ( (. P coordinating
i mini 11
( ( (d’ nuu stands with (our
suht nminillees business ed
ui alinii yunlh and government
plus the coordinating conn
i il
Hearing (hint erns
Although ( ( (.1’ has nn puli
<y making power, it works
uitlun the community as a In
rum Im com erns. and it helps
In develop and promute plans
(urn to (.angs, Page 4