THE EMU CULTURAL TO RUM PRESENTS ANOTHER HERITAGE MUSIC CONCERT TRADITIONAL AMERICAN FOLK MUSIC CATHY MARCY FINK ® MAXER KOUUNDER KECORDIING ARTISTS livd t»l (he most (U Ii.imii women m llu I * *1K snili- 4 ,ithv <><■ 'I.ikj blend bi.iutitui h.unions simjim^ with r\ijuisi(e instm shies m .1 n pritoiie of folk count t\ old t»m< «ind 1 < ld APPEARING SATURDAY, [NOVEMBER 18 8:00 P.M. THE FIR ROOM The I ib llnion —University of Oreqon V1. SO ll of O Students • $ 7.00 General Public IK hi IS A V A11 A III I AT: IMI I 'll »1AI* l>l Sh IVAI I ADI I K 'll Ml and 'IOTIII K IS Al I s III hi I l It AKC.I I ISI <>H<> 4 Ab2 UP TO ‘70 OFF! "four Balfour College Class Ring Don't miss this golden opportunity to save on a Balfour College Class Ring! • $30 OFF 10K • $50 OFF 14K • $70 OFF 18K Hurry! Offered for a limited time only! RE VUSTK DISC ()l MS NOVINFI. ATKI) PRICES RING DAYS NOVEMBER 20-21 10:00-4:00 CAMPUS CONNECTION 720 E. 13th Balfour. _ (V C/ wt/u/ C/ v/yxi/N/ Meed a break’ Check out the EflTERTAIflMEttT section in the ODE classifieds ► Encore! Vocal Jazz Ensemble to perform tonight Oregon Vac*' J*rt O J l^amorte anti the Niyfun Allilut ( alt‘ndar__ '•< Nv i ugene Coot e't Chon 1 f ugene Vc Arts Insembl* i-.mets Heumon Shcm Thr Nyli Am I venmy With Me.tor Villa l obos Anne TfWj*ftJ^ ! ■ 4i and S4 for s.udents and Th^.i-r Bo* Oflic«• Alice m Wonderland The pfi'i-MiuiH <• Ad' t)« m Viiiard Hui *, An* na Theater 1109 Old Campus Lane The little Foies a . • ! - ,m ai Ih< v* ‘> Ldlle Theatre ? i*>0 Hiiyard Si at 8 IS Ti< ► U> Salutdsy N< > All |h*r.»* plays ;«■'* -'tr. ^(h> tonight a! the same rimes I Birkenitock Share the comfort of Birkenstock with someone you love. FOOTWISE GIFT CERTIFICATES AVAILABLE 703 NW 11th 757 0875 Mon Sat 10 5 30 ORIENTAL RUGS HUNDREDS «■ IMMEDIATE LIQUIDATION Over -4(H) pieces of All Genuine Handmade Orien lal Rugs Certified \s Kashan. Iubri/. Sarook. /um, Ka/ak. Bokhora. Kerman, plus mans more all marked and reads lor immediate liquidation “Public Notice” 0 R 1 E N T A L R U G S All Kl (iS will tv idemitied with countr) ol origin and litvi contents age and condition to tv sold piece h\ piece Never such an opportu mt) to purchase that special oriental rug vou alvvavs wanted M I Rt (IS (luaranleed Handmade in Winnie Nx 10 Sartmk 4x6 Lori T ril*r **x I- Indo ( hiiHM 4\I0 Multan Kilim K\I0 Bokhora Pakistani 6x9 Kashan 4x6 \iiiitjut Sarook 4x7 \ til i«|i««- 11 amadou IV54UW W5.04) I (>541.(XI 6541.00 IX54I.OO I24W.OO 1250 4X1 2>4 541.4X1 12544 1X1 \<) ki \s< >\ \m i (>i 11 k ki 11 si i) 0 R 1 E N T A L R U G S Cash, Checks, Credit Cards—Appraisals SHELDON COMMUNITY CENTER 2445 \\ illakenzie Road, Kugene Sal Nm 1 Sih and Sun Nm 10th lOam-fpm Art (inhibit • ! 'A . • < • , . V f'pen The gallery is run by the Student Activi Images of an Idyllic Past The Photographs ol E dwardS Curtis n , ' ifu-M . . Natural History s latest exhibit It will run " ' --ugh [><• ty 7 he Museum of Natural Hr. lory is located at 1680 E 15th Ave Harmony in Diversity The Architecture and Teaching of Ellis F Lawrence the title * i- • •’rbit at the University s Museum of Art The exhibit runs through Dec 3 The Photography at Oregon Gallery 14th An nual Auction a -un through November 18 It *■ ar annual fund raising effort to maintain ph 'tography exhibits at the Up.versity s Mu Alice Neel Paintings « • • - a! the University Museum »>f Art Ne*-i has fh-r !jgni/ed as one of Amen. an s tore most contemporary portrait painters The ux hibrt i ontmues thorough Dei 10 Photographs by Manuel Carrillo a p ; utar M« > . ,m photographe’ thai reaffirms the uni versairty of man and the common language ■ ’ the medium A <’■ be »m at the Mu seurr • A < thr ugh D* )1 m the Me/.'a MISCEILANEOUS U. d.i, Nov 20 Sonia Johnson M . j . t the world s most vibrant feminist voices wilt ‘ h at the EMU Ball'.. .,! School of MUSIC THIS WEEK at BEALL HALL: 961 E. 18th Ave JAZZ CONCERT Student Ensembles: Oegon Vocal Jazz Ensemble, UO Jazz Quartet Frl., Nov. 17 8pjn. $3 General Admission $1 Students & Senior Citizens AN EVENING WITH HEITOR VILLA-LOBOS Faculty Artist Senes Mon., Nov. 20 8 p.m. $4 General Admission S2 Sludents & Senior Citizens UO SINFONIETTA Student Ensemble Tues . Nov. 21 8 p.m $3 General Admission Si Students & Senior Citizens For more information, call 686-3761 (Music School)