PRESENTED BY THE FAMILY, JEWELS t need something mope in MY LIFE IT S TIME FOR ME TO OPEN NEW AVENUES OF SELF EXPRESSION YOU'RE A NICE GUY (IPAD BUT TPANKIY I HAVE TO THINK Of THE FUTURE l NEED SOMETHING PERMANENT AND BEAUTlFUl SOMETHING THAT Wilt l AST A lifetime I AM BP AD I M A BIT TPOUBlFD THAT MV HARRY RfTCMUS ACCOUNT CAN AROUSE SOMETHING IN M! THAT YOU CAN T V. TELEPHONE THERE ARE CUtTuRAl O PPQRTUNlTie S N U M f ROUS AS GUTTER IN*. GEMS Of M O R N I N Q DEW AROUND HERE YOU 'AN GET TO EVERY ONE ON THE BUS FREE VALID U OF O STUD E NT ID IS A BUS PASS fARI FOHTMf TERM INCLUDED IN STUDENT INCIDE NTAl FEES PROVIDED IN cooperation with A s S O c; I A T E D STUDENTS U N I V I R S I T Y OF ORE GON Tight vpua's nuke me nerwniN M\ taste leans more toward opera Encore! mrtrM Phulo I hr Ir.ulrr til I hr World's Most Dangerous Hand. Pit ill Shnflrr. t.ikrs his ,tu iliriu r on .1 musii ,il \ rnturc tram Coast to (loast n ilh his drhut .tlhum Paul Shaffer goes 'Coast to Coast' to capture contemporary sounds By Lav no lakofish Enr ore Reporter He's the kilty; nt keyboarding He's always got .1 good line .mil .1 good tune and non he's got an album his lust album In l'lilt). (.lining a rei nrd was the last thing on Paul Shaffer's mind He was busy w ith Loir \ ii>ht with lLivid I .cl I cm 1,1 n. a ro< k and roll 1 uln. show that he ran live out of New *1 01k < itv s Haul Km k Cate. guest appearances and spetini pro jeils He also didn't have .1 musical statement to make, as he w as 11noted as saving in Veu ) . >1 k magazine Hut things have sim e 1 hanged and on Aug U his debut album was placed on record store shelves Alter over a year in the making < 'oust to Const was finished and Shatter was satisfied "Pm thrilled with it (the allium) because I did what I set out to do Shaffer said in a tele phone inters iew The Hi song album is interesting in itsell The title. Const to Const accurately des< ribes the proc ess Shaffer went through in (Hitting the al bum togelhei he went 1 oast to coast lie (ricked nut' o! tile mini- tun lm ations t he tun songs re (drill'd there were recorded Ini' unlike .ill the lest ot (.'(),ISl It I ( s soul’s \\ e h.ld .1 slllok III session III l hit ago." Sh. liter s.iiil Ue l\ .lilted In a jttU\ huh ti'.ituti \hmn!■ u f//f sufh’ i rntfiio nifHthili'itMHui*4 r !ht !hv Ui. >..Wi tki itffi rs ,11, H4(hi/ 'fX-./niilUt, Min, n . •• ,(.’i > .ii.hi .ill ' t ”... .• •• (iiMI/WI.Vf' Macintosh Ilci And more. Ih< \/th tnt> >sh fiimth . ntfnilc>\ nurts i u u/c wm>t' ■ •/ JimA UkilHi "il 111,' UkirH' i'll M Mu ini'^i S| v Take.ilookaisk’wo latestadditions to the \pple* Maunt' -ii' i ini|Hik*rtamiK sheMactni<>shI’otta!'lean!sheMauntoshIK: Mi!i> nujli»>ne h the MiulleM Mai mtt >sh eur and lie • die; is she SaMf'S \ mi'll notiic quite a resonNanie Iviween 11 inn IWuum- like all Macintosh lanuh mewk-rs. she Maunt* Mi Portable anil the Mauni> >sh Ik 1 otter tin- samroperatme swnn intuitive graphic initiiuie. and pi her standard Mai mtnsh liardwareoptii >n> All the teaftire> tlut nuke e\erv Ma< intosh powerful veteasi l<> lam and to uv Mi >p hv ii xia\ and \\e II min kIik e \ < >u to the entire famik Choose here. Microcomputer Support Lab Room 202 Computing Center Mondav-Fridav 9am-5pm 686-4402 Sjni inl Vru infi for l of O students. t.uult\ oikI stuff