» u rw w« n \c r A pithy comedy of a woman deciding that early middle age is no! the same as death as she accompanies a girlfriend on a Greek vacation Good, literate comedy "AN ELECTRIFYING PSYCHO-SEXUAL COMEDY..." "THE SEASON S SMARTEST AND FUNNIEST FILM!" sex, lies, and videotape -H'-U :1:11....1 » n ■- \» i :i< THE r *. •* i if-, >«, oh 1 * ■ . T Ljtmrtc S/iftv,.' L<« 1 •! t 4 if 1 It’s Benetton’s Pre-Holiday Sale! Friday - Saturday - Sunday November 17th, 18th, and 19th For Our Pre-Holiday Sale EVERYTHING in the store, with the exception of our fragrance. Colors, will be 20%-25% Off. Even 012. our delightful line for children available at Washington Square, will be on sale! See you there' UNITED COLORS OF BENETTON. GALLERIA • NW 23RD & FLANDERS • WASHINGTON SQUARE VALLEY RIVER CENTER L ^ CIVIL WAR SALE i BROOKS ASICS < Nk\ I low III Men's HH7-HK 1H Store Hours: Mon-Thurs lll-H Kri. Sat. !t-7 Sun. 1 i!-r» Community Care programs face money woes Us |.inis Joseph I merultf Reporter loss uages ,ni(l poor benefits m.is lor. i mum I 11s:*■ 11• - .iie.i residential I .III- programs to i lose lis next se.il s.ml rep re senl.it is es of t he Assim i.ition lor Retarded (nli/eiis of Lane ( omits in a press r onlerenee I Imrsdas 'It trills is a i risis sse re not pist i is ing svolf said I’ani King exei utise direr tor ol \K( ol l.ane ( omits Ihere are programs in jeopards of i losing il tlies doii t get more monos I.oss pas lias led to a 'ill per i ent turnovei rale in the last sear loi ()ppiirtiinilies and I’m gininming toi People ss itli In tensive Needs a I ugene group home tor people ss itfi severe developmental disabilities ar lording to a ssiitlen statement I is Sue Iverson program direr tor |ohs m residential i are for people vsitli disabilities are de mandilig and pas extremels loss ssages The state gises agent ies S4 li an hour to pas their stall members We has e ashed the i mints and state tm mi leased funding to i ontimie our program and inr reuse stall ssages. Iseison said Km'.: s.iul they are asking III'' stall' fm a Hi port nil increase hi s) 7 million fm wadi's ami licnrlils In stall members nt ri's iilinilial i are programs lor I In ■ 1080 *i I biennium •The problem vvilliin 10111 mtinity programs is nol that wr do mil have tin- < aiing. com passion nr the know-how to serve people sin* said ll is (hr simple lai I lli.il we do mil have tin' money to pro \ nli' the ser\ n cs that people need I lien- are seven programs in I lie 1 ugene area providing resi denii.il ( are lor 200 peiiple w illi disabilities If the rare pro mains do not get more money H'i people will he ill .1 crisis sil nation. King said 1 .asl \pril the stale agreed to move 100 residents of I airview I raining I enter a residential fai ildv lor develiipmenlalh disabled people in Salem. In 1 (immunity programs over the next three years as mandated b\ the I ederal I leallli ( ale I'i nain ing \dininistration she said It this mandate is not met. Oregon will lose $100 million pei biennium in federal Medi r ant dollars. ” King s.iid $20 Rebate On HP's Top-of-the-line Qilculators ■*T * ,ft>° * HALLEY'S COMET ALIAMM BROS COFFEE 45$ (8oz ) 55$ (12