.University— Workshop focuses on Judaism B\ Mi< e I hornton Emerald Reporter I )r jerry I)illei < uiulin led .1 workshop Wednesday on the problems ol being Jewish 1 p.irt of Jewish ( 111111 r.i I Aw.in ness \\ eek I filler, .i psephologist who spei.iali/es m problems ol elli mi iilenl its. has perfoi med < linical uoik that 101 uses ,>n the dilfit lllties ol being Jewish and growing up Jew tsh "It's not unusual i,u ppopl, w I10 are born lew isli to re,11 li a point in their lives u liere tlies (onfront eontlii I w iili their Jewish identity. I tiller said "Main have well timed the op portunitv to talk about il I tiller 1 ondllt led a slmlv le vears ago In interviewing lew 1 s11 r.ollege students who were leeling alien,lied In their |ew ish heritage I le said there was an enormous t.(insistent \ ol re spouses dial are similar to those tell In main young lews today I til lei said about 7 1 pen out of students inlerv itrwed felt am bn alent about their lew ish identity I le said as lew as 1 > pert ent see ludnism as a mean ingliil aspei t of their lives 'People said that as they were growing up ludnism be 1 iime a soon e ol 1 onfiii I w ith then parents." Itiller said RECORDS ' 258 t 13th 342 7975 JUST SAY GIS€n This week-end at A delicious alternative to yogurt & ice cream1 Across from UO Bookstore Open early. Open late1 345-5566 BUSY? GET TAN QUICK!!! Fas! Convenient Relaxing Affordable SunShower on campus UHIWH »T »■"*> » I hr struggle for imiepeii lien! c from thrir p.irenls often h» usi'il .irinillil being Jewish Hiller ■lllrilnitiul m.mv of the negative feelings hi llii' \\ .1 tried llnUIl lllll.UMIl 111 till' sub urhs whit h lit' siftil Is bused on too mum mil's .mil ,i irmm • il ill Ihr spinlu.il v,11urs ill |u liaism rhr\ basil iill\ find il im possible In rrl.ilr to Ihr spinlu thru othllll idelltllV Kthnothernpist litdilh Klein narrated I ho video which \v,n totnpiled troin therapv sessions with her im n patients Klllliother.l|>\ is ,i Ivjie ol Kruup ltier.i|iy th.it studies the tnnsi unis .1 net uni ons! mus ways people deal with their etluiit heritage Klein said etliuotiierapv groups that meet tot sessions ol “It's not unusual lor /teoph■ who are horn Jewish to roucli a point in their lives where they confront conflict with their Jewish identity. Many have welcomed the opportunity to talk about it. " — Dr. Jerry Diller ,i111\ (>1 hi’ing lewisli Dillci s.iid I )il Iim im'scntfil <1 \ iilt'u 1 tlimith«-i,i|>\ U illi Ifnvs. in show the |irm i-ss In ulmli |mvs mas cdiiu1 In term* with lip III It'll IVCt'k.S t Apt'liflll f 4iu incrt'.iM' in positive iitlilmles low.iril |eu islilless rhi' 111 t ri'.IM'd aWiirelll'SS ,llloV\s pen pie In lin nine more t oinmilteii lo llu'tl lew ish i I % .1 »-•. • ■ l- U< K , I»»<*.» • . 1* Winter Wonderbed Non wnii I wjii snow in vour (ira\vrrs with our sltsl (red it has under IksI stora^ .1 lili-tiini' wan.intv. anil it's exi lusively ours lake it liouir (or a soil#' >■ \ n (*>•'• Ml *1* n KNNIIV .■ t • 'H Nf* H tr- ; MS. . { 1(1 to Willdiurttr M M2 17ti2 Hey! DUCKS! 5 NOW’S THE TIME TO GRAB YOUR ORIGINAL QUACKER BACKER SNEAKER! • 100% SOFT LEATHER • CUSTOM DUCK COLOR LOGOS • DURABLE ALLRUBBER OUTSOLE • DOUBLE ALLIANCE STITCHING i 'REG. 43.50 2695 SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Return in 30 days tor full refund or replacement -U O-Bookstore 13th & Kincaid M F 7 30 6 00 SAT 10 00 6 00 686 4331 Having a garage sale? Get the word out with an ODE classified