Walk-ins Welt ome! ( Sign up before I Opm 1 CONFEITI'f L “SUNDAY NIGHT LIVE" Talent Showcase 10pm-2am • Sunday evenings ( (iris Coltrane A the Blues Blasters CjATFWAY & BFLTLINE Inside the Shilo Inn _University Forum looks at insurance options Bv D.in f tsler l merald Reporter Stii(!i'n( 1 lealth Insurant c ( nmimlii-r members and .1 n*|) resentative (if the Ami't 11 .11) ( ollegr Ifcallh Assnt 1,ilinn held .1 mm mid forum Thtirsd.n In ( (insider oplions Ini ( I).m^cs ill tin \S1 ( ) Student Health In siiram r Pro-am SI lit will make a dlM islnil oil insurant e lii km nmmend to the I niveisits administration In I lead Week said S(((tt U \ l k nil \SI '() vi( e president and "Choice" and the Abortion Issue We do nfil get to choose . . . whether or not unborn children arc alive They arc We do aol get to choose . . . whether or not it is wrong to destroy these innocent human lives It is We is. get to choose . . . whether or not sse ssill deal with this issue with moral and intellectual integrity, We must Defend unborn children - our humanity depends on it. ('astatic 1‘rcsbytcnan Church .#20% OFF OUR VERY POPULAR DUCK FOOTBALL CREWNECK SWEATSHIRT (OFFER GOOD NOV. 13 18. 1989) We’re Proud To Be Your No. 1, Original Duck Sportswear Store— UN I V K KS IT\ & n K K C o Njff -UO-Bookstore 13th fv Km, a ;: M F 7 30-6:00 SAT 10 00-6 00 686 4331 committee c hairperson \( 1|.\ representative Ste plii*n lii i Ue\ I'xplaiiu'd several slmlriil h insurant •• en mllmrnl s\ stems im lulling i iiinpleteK mandaloix plans ami iiistitutinii.il reipi irtMiii’iit plans with either loose waivers or strong wan ers I tiller a mandatory s\stem, all students would he required to partii ipate in a si hool-spon sored student health insurance plan, w till no waivers a< i ept ed at cording to a list ol enroll ment systems provided by Met kle\ I tiller a loose waiver s\stem, students would automatii ally he enrolled in the student health insurant e plan unless lhe\ i hose to w line < overage lhe\ wouldn't he required to prove the\ have health insur .tin e coverage, the list stated. The rest in live waiver s\ stem requires proof ot comparable independent i overage lot stu lents The i ost ol all three plans is eligible under federal inuncial aid programs, accord ing to the list \ small hut growing number it schools across the country are requiring mandatory health insurance c overage Ii<■( kloy said I In also said w illi the I nivei silv’s student population size a mandatory program would not work with a telephone registra lion system Instead students would have to till out a si aimer form with bubbles "Legally it s the best thing vou i nn do. d vou’ve got a form with a sign.i lure." Berkley said "All .1 loose waiver system does is raise the ronsi iousness (among students) on the impor lance ol health insurance Hecklev said, adding the disad vantage is that students mav waive the sr hool program to later find out they don't have adequate i overage With a restrictive waiver polii v. ' tile politii al report us sums o( evaluating 17,000 stu dents would he a nightmare and "make it unsafe to walk across campus." Hecklev said Her kle\ said there .ire prnb lems bidding insurance i an ior without knowing a university s enrollment system because in surance carriers are less likely to make proposals sloff any sandwich with coupon, valid 11 17 11 2d JP. U/& muAic tyudLcuy & Satu/iAcuf Good sports • Good Food • Good Times 375 E. 7th Eugene, OR 97401 484-7181 FRL NCM=