Singapore students meet today \iii. 11\< ;s Singapore, Student \ssik 1,1 tion meets today .it I top m in Room I t t (iilbert I l.dl to ills _Et ills_ i uss Singapore Cultural \igli! and the Singapore Regional Meeting Sl'KAMIRS AMI I LCTl'RLS Oleg Aleksandmvich l)er\i/ will speak on I’erestroika and the Soviet Legal System" today at l to p in m Rooms 120 and 220 ol the Law S( hool The lei lure will be in Russian with Lnglisli translation MLSOKLL.WLOI S Mike Curtis I it lion editor ol The Atlantic, will speak on magazine publishing Monday morning at 't in the (lei linger Lounge A benefit wildlife art action to help U illametle Wildlife Resc ue and Rehabilitation will be held Saturday night at 7. to in Studio One ol the Hull Leu ter 1 or more information, c all <45-22t>2. I S foreign Polic y and Ke lations With Nicaragua y\ 111 lie disc ussed with Chris Orsinger a research associate with the (louiii il tor I lemispherit At lairs, today at t It) |> m in Room 2fit) Condon Hall. A let ter writing session yyill follow the dtst ussinn lust .1 reminder: t Sateride a live shuttle 'iiuir lor yvumen is running nightly from ti to midnight Route m In-dull' inlormation is .i\.11! aide in thf Womi’ii s ( i'iiti'1 I or innrt' him i .ill tiHti IJ to l lir |ewish Studi'iit I ninn 1 li.iving .1 coffi'i' htuii Sunday from 2 to 4 |i 111 .it tlio kninnnia ( r 1111 ■ r 14 14 him .ml St I nr mini' information 1 all Ion.ill nr 1 lav id at tiRti I Il4i I'hf |rv\ish Studrnt I ninn will In' having .111 open Shah hl< . -dependent!* • •* the University Adh nffii «•*. • ;* , f -* V*' • • t r> t i • f • •• i • A*. .»!•• 1 l’” • The f mer.vd i% private property the unlawlyt rem> >v a1 1 vine • papers «s p rif'g the the f dttor T h-, • i . * M«n.tymg f dito< I ditonal i dito» Graphic* fditot l ncor* t'ditOf f ditof Sports t dilor Supplements t dilor Might f dilor ( RriMopncr “>• 1 1 rmc> Supine' QarU Ja< t* son Oems** Cl»M< ■' AstocUlt t dtlots Community h i ► Student Government Activities tv « t * Higher Educatton/Admlmstration ’ • H "Features Reporters • a !--»•.)*• *' . < •"■; ‘ ** ■' • - 1 s .||h*- .• Stp; * .r’«»» Hi i 5 Jj- Joseph i .«> ■•,.»»•'*> • •• .,»n ..Sind A .. Thornton Photographers »' ! B M£»r ■ Advertising M.»•.««*• tt**■ »•?»• ( '• 1. ’ * * i1 I M i • , tl M- A. . A • , MiMi'■ tt Mi- ■ i N- i ■ V • , ' • i fV r • t mo Sharon Stothe* F >1 »s.trd Wn Production • *- A * .■■ Katt . B.rt " H< , . ! r> A . • | | p| i • Yvette 0 ponder Huey KI i ..I . Ml" .i •’ Mi. Wo .1, M A ,< M : * ' Pansewv.. / A'".,) M-u't Sih-tn-i Tt*«! Sht«i>i«r J»"'f«.i»or Smith S .-tt Smith Ca-M. • * v r,o tr. . i.-i 'of V • Whit* K.n Production Manager V Advertising Coordinator ‘ • • Classified Manager I • M .v Accounts Receivable Circulation Newsroom 686 SSI 1 Classified Advertising *>86 4343 Display Advertising ^6 3712 Production Graphic Services 4381 Up to your ears: I)i<£ yourself Out with deal on an I HIM PS/2 ^— — Mt'lurv noii i^r! -imwrd iiimIit m illi ssnrk 1111 - siar. ;;ii an I MM IVrMiiial S\s|cm/2.‘ I litMi-r I rum list- diHrivnl fwrkago ol hard Marc and MillMari- ihim al »|iri lal liiss 'ludi'iit jiniv*. I .n il sNsii'in i'iiiiio m illi i a-\ lu-11•>olIMarr Inadid ami trails In pd W hai - mnri'. m lii'ii \nn I it is si in r I’s m ill j»i'l a iiiiiiim' |Mil. a i.r>-11m I■ ili-krltr liolilrr. .mil .1 [Miwrr -trip—;»ll Irrr. \inl i h it .ill Vou ri* al-o rut it I* ■« I to .i >|m'< 'i.i I low j |»ri«v on tin'I’KOl M(»^ ' -rrv ire. too. '£f4 Vml a-iilr Irom .ill tin-, tliri’i- ol tin- ino-t |x>|tiilar HIM IVoiirmti r- " an' atailalilr at -ni'rial low nrii'r>* | hm'I prl Irft (Mil ill I lie rold! ( Hfir i-ikI- Irbruars I’i. < nnir in tin).is. How'rv you going to do it? PS/2 it! Microcomputer Support Lab Room 202 Computing Center Monday-Friday 9am-5pm 3"« handling added lo rach order 686-4402 •Th*. v< -4 •* |*» ** »• ,*r iHM<“> '.‘-vfl'i* f .‘1 8S‘jO 03’ rt • x • * 8’0Efc’ ^ouyufct* ’990 The l»- ^ * 001 .*r.4 ir-.«hr ,/< [V #•*»<** 3’ ’l«9 ' > CWt' #e »ut*»ct * «. « ,»t », vr tt**N • •■ f.K-/*odBM T^e l«. jr*><)»»*' 4» *•> f*'’** *’ TMK> • J t *' • * V' v ' » / «ndP$ . .»'• »'*>*'• *>•■> »' . •' ‘ .* «.. * • M-h •■ «-• ,*{**.f r> *■** t . - ."'4. K¥3 * 1 '• **j, S*- . - •- '■{.*■. <<1W .ind V#'. *PtQpf«ilvr •* j O* ■n# hV,\* >#•*.*. M* rwv* Co*pOr*«w I’W Ujrp ’969