Continued from Pane t sine <“ ! 'IH4 . it the i )ur ks (.in Oregon State in Aut/en Stadium Saturday Oregon is hoping to avenge last year's 2 1 10 Heaver vie ton that eneled the Heavers' Id-game winless streak in the ( avil W ar "The whole team is ext ited about this weekend." Ohee said "We've lived in humilia tion for a whole year "We know we need to play harder and better against them bee atise they're better this year than (east Oregon State teams he added "We- know d we pla\ the best we can it will be im possible for them to beat us Although Ohee might not be a big target at a foot -1 1 and 1 H i pounds Kamsdell doesn't think his size will he .1 Inn dram f in the NT I "The biggest Ihm^ the pros look for are explosiveness and tpiii kness and Terrv's not the most talented in that aspei t Kantsdell said " There's a lot of guys in the pros are small er than Terry lie s strong and durable and has i onipai I size "lie s outstanding catching the hall and going .liter it and he's great getting the extra yardage after the t atch Despite what happens after the Civil War game and in the Nil. few people will ever for get Terr\ Oboe's accomplish ments as a I hit k Terry ()!>«•«* Q Continued from P.ige 2 Trojans will remain undefeated in conference play Southern California bv six In the who < ares game of the week California travels to meet Stanford This is not the kind of game that the eyes of tlie football world w ill he glued on ( !al de spite recent improvement is still onl\ 4 t). while Stanford is 2 'l with wins over Oregon and l!(d.A to its credit California has been .1 bit of ,1 spoiler foi a few teams this Tickets for game gone (A1*) Saturday's Ore gon Oregon Slate footlmll game in Autzen Stadium has been dec lareii a sell util In I'mversiU offi i nils The Iasi ot the stand ing-room-onl\ tii ket.s for the ff.lrd (avil War game were sold Wednesday. as soring that the atteiidam e w ill exc eed •Ift.(HH) the of f i( nils said That turnout would he an Aut/en Stadium re cord and the largest i rowd to wall h .1 football game in the state Autzen Stadium estab lished its record atten dance Iasi season when 4">.‘)7H spectators were on hand for the Oregon Washington game The largest crowd to wate h an (fregon ()regon Slate contest 1 1.1 a7 in l'IH7. the last time the teams met in Aut/en Sla din in FOR INVITATIONS BROCHURES FLYERS P OS TEItS AND MORE LETTER PERFECT GRAPHICS 300 FMU 686-4381 year Last week the Hears drilled Washington Slate l8-2t> and stopped Arizona 2'l-28 the week betore dal (piarterbiK k Troy Taylor, who has won I’.ii 111 offensive flayer ol the Week honors the last two weeks, lai ks only a better supporting east to he the best m the (Conference U ith a (|iieslionahle team around him Taylor has been on his own lor most ol the year lie is. nonetheless a marvelous t.tlrnt Hr< ausi* (Califumin has shown some signs ol lining .1 Imilh.ill Icam (a Ini l.itr in llm simsdii). ihr Hoars go I the nod (California bv throe —Saturday’s (James— Saturdav \ (,amrs t )r*»gon stair j! 1 Jrrgon Washington stair at Washington ( allforma at Stan tor if l < I \ at Southern t at ■ ■I Great Haircuts $fi for only Reg. s7 PRECISION HAIRWORKS 29th & Willamette 343-11 82 ■ I api>< > -r.!•, Mon-Fn 9-6’ Sal 9-5 ’Wt;d & Tburs open til / I 7th haircut Free i with card Otter good through > December 15. 19orUsln YAMAHA We make the difference '20*t> Down 1H \ APR. 24 months on approved'credit previous credit or cosigner r^quiivd YAMAHA OF SPRINGFIELD 423 Q St.. Spfld. 747*1839 Mon I n 4 6 PM Sol '» r> PM Take h'rankhn Hlvd *a>t to Spnnghold Turn kdt on Tnh Stu rt Connn ue north to Q Street and turn lett' l - ..«■ ' Sumiay M- -otiAv h*-j | Oi i