Continued from Pjr€» "> said Intensity is ,i good leadership quality and ( begun noth i‘s in both tin- muldlr attackers Uavvnn s ,i good leader She's very < ompeti tun ,md she \\,ints In uin (iregorv said stie s a verv supportive person She s got a Ini of good leadership qualities "I think there are a lot of things I |iist said about Dawnn tfrat are virtually the same with Mindee. Gregory said Hiev are extremely ag gressive in a positive light from an athletic stand point I’he move of Adams to the middle has eased the pressure a hit on (Iharroin this year and has ( omplimented her game "It lakes a little pressure off trying to force the middle only the rotations when I was there (Iharroin said I pist like the way she plays The lots she lots tnjrroi what I hit and it’s hardet lor them to defend it doth players give i red it to seniors Stephanie Drier and Denise hiilm for then jobs well done this year "I think Stephanie Drier and Denise Kuhn are awesome middle blot kers.' (Iharroin said I think Mindee and I are more mobile, hut then ((Iregorv) brings in Drier I think that was the smartest think he did coaching wise was bring her into the lineup "It takes a little pressure off as middles and it gives her an opportunity to play Adams said “(Drier) comes in and puts the hall away 1 think she's one of the most consistent players on the team Adams and (Iharroin also give credit to the Ducks' senior setter Stephanie Sny der "We love her She's the best." (iharroin said "She's a leader She's the one that will kii k you in the butt if you're not doing what you need to he doing, " Adams said "And you inspect it." Gharrion added Neither player is worried about Snyder's re pla< ement for next year in their classmate Molls McGrath Ihis year the middle is secondary to the outside name and next year it’s going to he pri marv with McGrath.” Adams said "Molly loves to set the middle. She'll push it no matter where she is " Injuries are a part of any athlete's i areer and both Adams and ('harroin have dealt w ith them Adams redshirted her first year be< ause of a left knee problem that required surgery. She said redshirting was the hardest part because she ( mild not even prat tii e until the season was over Her knee is still not 1(1(1 percent, but it is strong enough "It makes you apprec iate your teammates and stuff too because they help me out a lot. Ad ams said ( diarroin's injury was less severe and i ame in tin1 form of a broken foot but the ordeal was not easy 1 had just m.uif thr ()lvmpic Spurts I esi ival team ,nui (thr s >->40lhs 40 »Olbs >0-<>0lbs Ml '(libs I. (I( «).»( 40. IH h'.IH 7 » 01 0 .(lll)S >0 OVl'f 20.00 2 ">.00 Il in or pregnant It) .()() M.i 12, '>0 to IH) mm it pregnant hour M F '.im 4pm s\l Hjid 4pm 485-0161 72'. I. i'.lh COUPON j 2 MEXICAN DINNERS | MACHO'S MEXICAN RESTAURANT West 11th A City View Eugene 485-6595 ■ my . f.n ni: i l • Shredded Beet • Cheese Onion • Chicken • Greene Chili Pork (hot) • Chicken Verde • Beet Green Chili * ■' J wi?h r t- ♦’ S’*' in- hi; • t i I 1 Get FREE Mini Nachos, Tool I j ■ HBMMMaBaBHaHHmaaMiaiMBaa ■■■■■■ si I Don’t miss DOCK ACTION I because your hair’s in your eyes! Our haircuts are only $7.00! We cut any length of hair to any style. Come in today to Kampus Barber Shop 85 1 East 1 3th Phone:343-7654 Men & Women WE HAVE 3 BARBERS TO SERVE YOU! NO APPOINTMENTS NECESSARY Look For Our Coupons in Duck Bucks! : • ; i; 1 ODE &tx • i ; i ■ t-.-T.-ri, i ode —i : i •> fm»AW Ww^v* fW?1^ PPJ . )»■ '.'_! °.Dt-. . ; ' 1 •> ; - :■»-to.j OPE f«-j, :■ '. v i Frnfll.,: QDt SPORT A NEW LOOK! The team at Precision Cuts has got what it takes to give you the sportiest look in town! So place your bets on Precision Cut s team for a mere $8, and you'll always come out a winner! Precis ion Outs MT.( IA1.ISISIM C UTTinCj MAIK 2001 Franklin Blvd. Eugene 484-3143 Across Irom Romania Chevrolet NEXT TO YOGURT HILL ALWAYS