« VOLLEYBALL GLANCE Netters would be in fourth with weekend wins Hv ( am Nivesind Emerald Sports Reporter Arizona and Arizona St, le pa\ a visit In Mi Arthur < ourt tilts weekend as the Oiegon vnllevliall team com hides its refill.n season |»ia\ I he Hill i,ink'd 1 tin ks lai e Nri/.ona toni){l I and \ri/.ona State Saturda. nielli both mail lies starling al III p in Tins weekend is itnporlanl fi n t lie I )ui ks IK deli al in)i I SI in l.iis Angeles Iasi week end , the I till ks has e a i ham e In improve then post-season ranklin'. I 111 I'M ill'll .ill* hi! I In• past W I't'kt'lld w Ill'll' lie Mi ll' .ililr In lir,it I si (ln'^on 11iiii Ii (lorn ( .ri'gim said l! pl.u i'd us in a Im>s.ition ulii'ii- tins mail Ii lias linin' mrnmnx Irum a nation,il si'i'diili! position than it would hail wr not In',iti'ii I st With two wins this wi'i ki'iid thi' I tin ks w ould liavf a noud ■ ham a to host tln ir lust round inati h ol llif \( \ \ playoffs (iri’gori said ho dors not tw lii'M' that hosti ig a (list round inati h will In- thf ui.iiu inoliva t If ill lx'll I lid till- I till ks tills w i'1'ki'iid Uc know the import,mi i' ol THAT’LL BE THE DAY! T-Shirts • % I 1 .Vtl White or vxhito w Kroon minors • ->0 '.0 mix or • H)0% i ollon Svwatshirts • S IH.">(1 whilo OnU • (Ml xhipfimx 4«d handling BUY YOUR 5-COLOR “THAT’LL BE THE DAY” SHIRT NOW! SAMI_ AODRISS:_ Ql AMITY:_ A.MOI m _ SI/I S M I XI IOTAI:_ Send order form lo I shirt Magic . 1 IOf> IsLind Ave. 1.1 (.r.inde, OR. 97H50. VOLVO Owners Preventive Maintenance Spec ial Alpine Import / /Serviced 1 hi VOLVO Spri lists FREE SAFETY INSPECTION $1050 OIL CHANGE i • \ ! nit lu( it s oil \ tiller .it I Jth M.nn m Sprin^tn'kl ( .ill 72b IH08 lor appointment Ml V\t >KK (,t \K \Stt 11) \t *.i ; IJ,. I\ t .. tl \ < )1\ ( )K I ' 4400 tourei vum Restaurant and Lounge (Ulnncse nub •(/I'liieritoii ‘ ^f’oob* ORDERS TO GO 343-4480 447 Franklin Hive). Mon.-Thur.— 11:00 a m. In 10:10 p m Fri.—11:00 a m to Midnight Sal Noon lo Midnight Sun. SiMin lo 10 10 p.m the match (.tenors said 1 think we'd he better oil |ust In (using on its another college \ollevhall match and another nppnrtumtx to do w i• 11 and not worn too nun It about the din ma ol the situation I he Wildcats ol Arizona are the better ol the two Arizona m bools so tonight's match looms heavier ft i Oregon Art zona is H-B in the Par ifii 111 t onlct fin e It. 111 n\ erall and are in sixth plai e behind the Dm ks N'nrd. .1 senior mid die hl(M kei is the si hold s all time blot k assist leader with ovei lot) in her 1 aroei "The\ lire a very powerful team, a team that I'm sure is hungrs for a u in and hungrs to repeat what tiles did to us 111 Phoenix.' ’ (Iregors said Other statistical leaders foi Arizona Slate include senim Salon ' 1st Visit */3 OFF All Services* Eugene’s Premier Hairstylists fur over 15 Years. W'e Care About You and Show It! I^t us show you we’re the best! Consultations FREE always. 342-1751 1611 Oak Street *[ <»l O 1*acuity A. Student II) ( aril Required (hind Through INTERNATIONALLY CERTIFIED COLOR SPECIALISTS seller Nuelle I ridrii h w ilh ‘i 7 > .issists per game, ami snpho more outside hitter I lebbie I’en uev wliu adds 1 i:i kills ,iml J 'in digs (Iregorv is coilhdent ol Ills learn s chances this weekend and s.us Ins learn is much he! lei now than the\ were the lusi hall ot the .season. I think just the inattei that we are a better team in the sei und half ot the year than we were ill the lirst halt Is ver\ positive ' (Iregorv s.iid That is something that you want to see happen I also think that the tiepin uing of the year we were slrug gling with shaking off Iasi year's losing season and I think that we were a little till less confident." (iregory added Oregon is currently fifth on the Par-to behind l ISO A sweep of tin* Arizona s< hools would most likely vault the Ducks into fourth ahead of Southern Cal The Trojans lost to UCLA Tuesday night, open ing the door for Oregon. Statistical leaders for Oregon ini lode senior outside hitter Michele Krebsbach with a 3.‘>9 kill average. Senior setter Stephanie Snyder owns the team assist lead with 9.53. Se nior outside hitter Melissa Terzian has 3.13 digs per game, followed closely by Krebsbach with 3.11. Terzian leads the Ducks in service aces with a 42 mark while senior middle blocker Stephanie Drier leads the team in hitting percentage with a 24H mark. Sophomore middle blocker Mindee Adams com mands the blocking duties with a 1.0 posting