VOLLEYBALL PROFILE Adams, Charroin equal intensity By Cam Sivesind Emer.dd Sports Reporter Oregon volleyball coni h Hern Oregon should gel the digital coac hing move of the year tor moving sophomore \tmdee Adams to the middle liloi king position Adams coupled with sophomore middle hloi ker Dauim Oharruin equals .1 lethal middle att.ic k tin Oregon and the Ihnks are reaping the rewards of this combination with an impressive JO 7 rec ord and .1 sure \( A A playotf bid Adams was a little tentative to move to the middle position, but is now glad the ( hunge was made "I was a right side plaver and it wasn't the best thing for me I mm ause it didn't Utilize nn ■ 1 b 11 ities to the fullest " said the ti-lool Adams Iron) Irvine. Oalit And now w ere doing belter tier r\ made the dec ision to pul me in the middle which is a good decision (uegurv is very impressed with Adam's pla\ in the middle even though he knew she was ten tative at the beginning ol the season At the beginning of the year. I think she was skeptii .11 as to her abilities to hloi k middle Oregon said "She really didn't think of herself as ,1 middle blocker in college, but she's more than bolding her own (ihurroin. on the other hand, has always been a middle hloi ker for Oregon and with good rea son The (i-foot I powerhouse from Huntington Bench, Cali' has led the team in kill-- It) times tins year and had a t.areer and team season high of 2K kills against California last month Besides earning all tournament honors earli er this season .it the I.adv I 'to (llassit in Salt Lake ( :it\ and the Oregon Invitational in Kitgene Oharroin is second in blocks lor the Ducks with u I per game and third in digs v\ ith a 2 fit) mark "She was stru tly a middle attac ker and now she not onl\ hits middle hut also hits outside. Cregory s.iul "So her responsibilities have broadened Also her responsibilities from a do tensive and a passing standpoint have ini leased "We would sub her out from time to time last veal and this vent we gist haven't had to do it. Charroin admits doing some things bettei this year, hut tools she is lai king a little offensive ly Last veai I blocked better I’m doing some things better this year than last year things that aren't as notue.ihle like passing Charruin s.ud I'm passing a lot hettei and pluy ing defense a lot bettei but I'm not hitting as well as I could and should f rom talking with Adams and Charroin. one would think they were related Both middle at tai keis are so similar as lai as attitude and ability are i one erned "I think Mindee and I are both exactly the same We want to win and vse show tt more than other people and we re both very aggressive Charrnin said "On the court it giv os oft a dittor out impression than here we are off the i ourt. be i arise oft the < ourt we re goons Adams and Charroin both agree that their ag gressive nature has sometimes given oil the w rung impression jzJSlL Photo lit Mjdtn I h»rl Mindrt* \il.ims and D.iunn ( hurniin art' nun hinini{ tor .in in ton so front linn /n/ni h tins mm son. ' People used In think I was juM tin- meanest person ami tlifii they go! me nil llie ( unit Ail a ms saiil while (iliarrnin nodded in agreement Hei ause w hen Tin ml the i mill I in |iisl inlense \nhnii\ i an make me Millie barely Intense is a good uuril In tlesinbe liulh Ail ,1111s and Charri 1 in Anyone who has ever wall lied an Oregon volleyball game knows that Adams and (iharruiii get into Ilnur roles on the i.onri "We work on it though 1 nictitating loud I h,ilium said It helps a lot and gels everyone pumped up and stuff." Adams added I think our intensity is probahK the best pm! of out game I do loo We in both intense (iharroin lorn to Adams, Page 4 $££? fcJUtfofe' 7&Tt -ft'Pj Jhrt tJ */<**& 5** Mori* l Mvi'pi'j/flt00 AUTO BODY & FRAME Repairing and Painting QUALITY SERVICE Within Walking ilislam r> ol U of O Nadine Hayes Lyle Parker 411 E 8th • Eugene. Oregon 97401 (503) 342-5501 - Pioneers promoting Organically Grown food since 1971 A Organic Agriculture • - Grow* Sale Food - Is Sustainable - Conserves Topsoil, A Precious Natural Resource - Doesn't Pollute Groundwater • Tastes Belter - Is Olten Local • Is Small Scale SUNDANCE NATURAL FOODS 24th & Huyard, Eugene Open Bam-11pm 343-9142 j Dimouk Cnoiixi Ik-wuik s mu Ol'l IONS I OK MIN IN ( OMI OKIABII N M I KM IlliKt ( l()llll\(, IKOM \K()l M) nil UOKII) l Sill I IKUtl I’KODl ( IS I OK Ml (ilOBt I KOI II KS \\l) l MOM folk \RI I’ll ( I S Sill si IM HIM \1\Khl I DOW NS I \IKS t.S i I 1 J l «*>» lilOMI. 1BTO Key Advantage COMPUTERS AND SOFTWARE! 9 1 Diskettes P Paper 3.5" Books Cabl Cleaning Kits S eight s from campus t On the corner of Willamette and 18th S s ter btands Joysticks Mouse Pads Hard Drives Rib IBM Compatibles Atari Mega/ST dealer bons Glare Screens Laptop computers Ser vices Video cards Disk carriers 344-6124