Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 17, 1989, Supplement, Page 3B, Image 18

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Obee prepares to play final game in an Oregon uniform
Holds numerous records
By Ashley ( onklin
Emerald Sports Reporter
I .ong after ret ry ()hoe play s
Ins final game in an Oregon
uniform, he'll lie rememhered
lor his many at t omplishmenls
on the football belli
()hee has probably tome up
v\ 11li more big plavs as a Dm k
than any produt er t oultl possi
blv lit on a highlight film
(auisider lor a moment some
ol the accomplishments Ohec
• 1 arlier tins season ()bee
broke the all-time Pat die It)
Conference records lor punt re
turns and punt return yardage
lie has returned 12 1 punts lor
1.1 TO yards
• Obee li.is led the Dm ks in re
i (living eat h ol the past two
seasons He had d.'i receptions
in both 1987 and 1088 to lead
Oregon This season he has 17
receptions and 58.1 yards to
lead the Dut ks in both catego
• I.asl week against t ( I A
Obee became Oregon's all-time
receiving yardage leader with
2.075 yards, breaking Leu
Barnes’ record of 2.048 yards
Ironically he wears No. HI! the
same number Barnes wore as a
I luck
• Then there is the one moment
no Oregon fan will ever forgot
Oct I'.IKB. Oboe takes .1
handuft from quarterbai k Hill
Musgrave on -ft Spot lal .1
flanker reverse to ho,it Wash
ington 17-14 in the game's final
"llo's a top player and a big
plav guv \\ itlo rot fivers
coach John Kamsilell said
"I’rom the catches at the ffrig
ham Young game to '4li Spo
t id I' lie's done a tremendous
joFi '
"He's a guv von t an count
on when the (rail's there to bo
t aught lie's going to i alt li
it.' bead t oar h K u h Brooks
said I lo s going to t oiiio up
with the plav
"He’s going to make the run
after the catch Brooks contin
ued "He'll field the punt and
make the tough yards lie's gist
a remarkable lootb.dl player
llo's shown groat dmabililv as
well as great productivity
Olree feels he's been blessed
throughout lus t areer to avoid
serious injury to perform at
such a high level He played III
games as a true freshman in
1‘IHti and has played every
game lor the I hit ks sim e then
"I think it gist comes from
having a great summer working
out and working hard all of the
time." he said "It's been a
Sports Crew,
EDITOR: Tracy Sumner
Conklin, Cam Sivesinc*
COPY EDITOR: Christopher
Blair, Don Peters
PRODUCTION: Sandi Daller.
Elisa Lichtman, Angela Mu
niz, Michele Ross, Ingrid
Cover photo by
Andre Ranieri
Sridei (Somer
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I*hulu lit Hill lUinr
Tvrn Obee will finish his I’nivcrsity nl Oregon limlh.ill i.irriT Sufurdm .is owner ol several
si hnol ret ards and the l’<u Hit III i on/ereni.e tei aril lar inint returns
blessing limn (aid liri aiise ,iii\
fluke plav i mild i ause \iiii to
^el hurt any time
(Hire has Ih-iui more til.Ill |lis|
.1 gre.it tooth,ill player lor the
lliii ks He is also one of the top
student athletes on the team
and is on trai k to graduate this
spring with a business degree
a remarkable ai complishment
to ai hieve in four years i onsid
ering the time constraints nt
r ollt-ge athletic s
"It’s hard to tind time for
both. ' he admitted Tve al
ways wanted to combine the
two When we travel I tr\ and
study in the hotel room or on
the plane ride
"I definitely tried to keep a
ha lame between the two and
maintain that halanr e keeping
that halant e and getting my de
gree ti.is always been .1 goal nl
mine iind I'm glad i can
ill tllf\ •• it
lie.nl coach Kii Ii Brooks and
Kamsdell bolli si'c Olree .is ,i
tremendous role inoili’l lor I In
'()bee is ,i r I.ISS liiiilh.ilI
player in all senses ol l he
word Brooks said (111 the
held and on llie held he has
always i ondin ted liimselt
"He's a great role model who
has a purpose in life which is
not past foothnll Ramsdell
added "There are other gins
who can't see past tomorrow
hut Terry i an see the big pit
II there is one thing missing
from (Ibee s ai i olades it s that
he hasn't rei eiyed the all I’ai
Ill ret ognilinn lie desei t es
based mi his |i|.i\ .mil s(,tlis|it s
lies in si .hi outstanding
luutli.ill player and I don't
llllllk lie s re< rived tile ret ugni
linn lie deserves Itrnnks said
"because we don't throw the
hall sin1111\ In one iei oiver
Some ol the other rer eivers
in the league i atr h 'ill passes ot
till passes or whatever.” lie
added I )ui ret eii mu stalls
I ii s are always latrl\ spread out
and Tern still is always mak
inn more \ards per rot .option
than most players He's mnkinn
more Inn plays and as mam
tom hdow ns as am hod\
()ne ol the honors (thee i an
ateomplish is being part ol ()r
egon's lust seven-win team
Turn to Oboe, Page t I
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