Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 17, 1989, Supplement, Page 2B, Image 17

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Oregon looking to atone for '88 Civil War loss
Third straight defeat in Beavers' future
By Tracy Sumner
Emerald Sports Editor
I or .1 year mm Oregon foot
hall players and coat Ires have
had to live with the humilia
lion of last \ car's 2 1 10 ( av il
War loss to Ori'Kon Stall- in
( orvallis
Now it s payback lime
I'lii- Dorks host tin' Heavers
Satimla\ in tin- Oirrl Oregon
( is 11 W ar football Kami- hop
ing to r-rasr- tht- im-morv ol Iasi
vt-ar and r-tid the PIHO s with
<in H 1-1 record against Oregon
I lee Andros loi iner (tregnn
Slate head roar h used to stun
up the feelings ol .ill involved
m the ( ivil W ar
Oh this gamr- isn’t irnpot j
I,lilt the (.rent I’umpkin
Used to sat "It s just lor the
i ight to 11\ i- in lire si.ile ot (lo
\\ r i an icirgix «* .mhhus mm
tin- In perbole \lli i .ill id Ill'll
(link (iorv ■<! I is was i-iill pail
of Oregon ill is (|U«'sliciniil)l<‘
whether anyone would tight foi
tin' right In Inc llicrc though I
Oregon In ,ids into tin- game
w till almost no i luiin c at post
season |)lii\ Allci tin- I)oc ks
IH .'ll win ,il I '< I A l.tsi weck
llicrc w ,is hope lli.ii ( )regon
would be given .1 shot at a
how I
Those hopes have all hut
vanished this week with the an
nouiu emenl that the Ticedom
How I inv nation w ould Ko to the
winner of the Washington
Washington Stale game with
the (aippei How l im itation go
mg lo hometow n team Arizona
Kealistii allv the onlv reason
the Dm ks how l hopes lasted .is
long as thev did was that there
are just too damn main how ls
Once again it gets hack to
blown opportunities by the
Ducks, itu hiding eailv season
losses to Stanford and Wash
ington State
Mthough Oregon's i.Irani es
tor .1 Iwnvl bid .lie remote .it
best, this game still Is of Ire
inencloiis import.mi c to the
I fill ks
A win would give Oregon its
first seven win season sim e
1<H)4 when it finished 7-2-1
Oregon lost the (livil war game
that year •<> the Kose Howl
hound Heavers (that is not
I he game .ilso has-'
importance lor thi‘ Heavers
who i mild finish the season
i i | for theii first five vs in sea
sun sim i‘ P17 1 and its fust nun
fusing mmsoii sim r 1070
(In-gun Statu has ai i ivi-d
where it is this st-asun with
sunn- unospei ti-d wins and
suiiii- really uglv lusst-s
I In- Ht-av i-rs stai ti-il tin- sim
sun w it li a 20 1 7 win over Stan
tun! m l.urvallis Since then
(llt-gun Stall- has hi-ali-n Holst
Stall- I ( I A and ( alitornia
Tin- Beavers also til'd Arizona
I hi- lai t th.it tin- Hr.i\ rrs
have lust tivr games at this
point in tin- season is nut near
Iv as disturbing (to OSl' fans!
as him they've lust Oregon
State S live losses have i nine by
a cumulative si ore of 2 10 48
I'u the nun in.itheniiilii ians
in the i mud. that works nut to
an average snore of about
42-1(1 That's ugly
Oregon State's kev man
seems to Im‘ lulibnt k I’iil
( haffev ( haffev is seventh m
the < onferent e in rushing,
eighth in scoring and is an ev
i ellenl receiver to hoot
In the Heaver win over Ore
gnu last season. ('haffey ran for
10‘t sards and scored two
fourth (|iiarter touchdowns to
secure the ()regon Slate vs in
I Ins season in games where
(diaffev has gained more than
100 total v.irds the Heavers are
4(1 I
Hut in the last two games
losses to Southern ( al and
7 Washington In a cumulative
00 JO si ore (Ihaffev has heen
held to a lol.il ol in vards rush
Obviously v\ it hi nit Ohafley
running idler tivelv the Heavers
are in dei*p. deep trouble
I arliei in the season, the Hen
vers tooled some people into
thinking they were "tor real
and .1 legitimate t onienaei mi
post siMM>n plas What Imp
petted to the Heavers is that
dies stoppi'd playing ou t thro
In'.ids and lift amt' tin1 team
thcv usualh art'
lilt' last two works havr
brought tin- Heavers down to
earth and >• i\ i• 11 tliciti a dose ot
realits Saturday they u ill re
eene anothiT dose Mnvbf an
overdi ise
()iegon In at In.is! 11 II thr
Duiks get thr Beavers down
early , It I mild get iil\ The
Heavets may sta\ in Oregon
Staling in Corvallis is punish
Washington hosts Washing
ton State is ith the is innet going
on to the Dei tt) Freedom
Hois I at Anaheim, Calil W hile
Washington is on the upswing
at this point. Washington State
lias been going through what is
the equivalent of baseball's
June Swoon.
The Cougars started the sea
son as the surprise of the Con
lerencr going te 1 before losing
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(gasp) California to go
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After losing quarterbai k
Timm Kosenbai h to the NIT.
and uni h Dennis hrickson to
t’niversitv of Miami, it seemed
tlie ( uugars would have trouble
even staying in the top half of
the I’m It)
lint Washington State started
tlie season scoring the way it
usually does while playing sol
id defense on the wav to its fine
sta rt
file si oring is still there, hut
the Cougars haven't been able
to stop anybody of late as
shown by the H2 points surren
dered in the last two games
Apparently. the Cougars
have spent the season just plain
playing over their heads I he\
just aren't .is good as they
seemed to he
T he Huskies, after dropping
three in a row to nationally
ranked teams earlier in the sen
son have rebounded to win
three ol four, including last
week's "> 1 -14 win over Oregon
Washington was vii timized
by the sc hedule. losing to Ari
zona, Colorado and Southern
Cal in consecutive weeks I he
streak left the Huskies i
heading into their game with
The Huskies beat Oregon
Heat (Tilifornia beat I < T .A.
lost to Arizona State and
thrashed ()regon State to go 0 4
w ith a solid shot at a howl
Washington State had better
get its act together in a hurry
or it will he a long afternoon for
them in Seattle.
Washington by a field goal
Has there ever been .1 year in
which UCLA’s game with
( ross-town rival Southern Cali
fornia meant so little?
Six times in the 1980's, the
IJSC-UCLA game had Rose
Bowl implications, but this
year, the game’s meaning
doesn’t go beyond the rivalry
The Trojans. (>-0 in confer
ence play and 8 2 overall
clinched their third consecu
tive Rose Howl appearance
with last week’s 24-2 rout of
IJCLA has struggled this sea
son like no Bruin team in re
cent memory and boasts a t 7
record after last week’s loss to
Oregon. With a loss this week
UCLA would finish with its
worst record siitie 1971 when
it finished 2-7 I
It is tempting to pic k the Tro
jans by a big margin, but the
ia< t remains that the Bruins
have played their toughest
competition close most of this
season Only in the Arizona
game (and arguably against
Tennessee) were the Bruins
blown out. and they played
Michigan tough before losing
Still, the Trojans .ire by far
the better team. They have a
whole lot more to lose than the
Bruins It u ill be 1 lose, but the
Turn to Pac-10, Page 11
Pac-10 Pigskin Prognostications
.»'♦* b<ion anticipated point spread doterm
by individual voter-. A c of?• * t respon* e .• credited eacn time the favored team a i
by at least the predicted margin The numbers following each person s name rep1
>**nt that ij-vidc i •. over i record The >e prediction*, are intended for enter\r
ment purposes only
T Sumner (1121)
A Conklin (21-19)
C Sivesind (20 20)
0 Peler* (20-20)
uo. u
UO* 17
uo* u
UO* 10
UW . 3
UW ♦ I
UW ♦ 2
WSU ♦ 3
USC ♦ 12
USC *9
USC * 7
Cal♦ 3
Cal ♦ 3
YV ^
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