“25 Years of Qualify Service“ GERMAN AUTO SERVICE, INC. Mercedes • BMW • Volkswagen Audi • Datsun • Toyota 202S Franklin Blvd 342-2912 Eugene, Oregon 97403 ! A ATARI 1 COMPUTERS a I N I I W hat t ompulrr in IBM ami MA( « ompatlblr runs MA< softwarr /()" faslrr than a MA( SI ami is I'risu'f I<» usr than froth' Bring In This Ail For 5% ooffI I I ! i i cc;mput f.r services inc 1325 W 7lh • Eugene • 343-9393 I J ( ontinui'ri from 1 nni- trnm t it\ count ilors to the .imt.iki* person in the slrert i tin In fiusli.itiiitt. If.irniiin In work, with public li'i’db.K k. is .i c ru i iiil part til .in .in liiti’i t s i-ilti i ,ih.hi ( urns s.iici I VsigimiK in i iinli'sl is mi port ant lir s.iul U r i .111 l .i\ mi) publli input ll s timinit lu m.ikr niir designs more; in i hlsi\ r \ 11 hue 1 vt I) till’ design (ilMipr t it ion tin iisrs mi llir s< h.irfrrs building inrn h.nils anil prop ert\ muii'h llitutmhiilll tin' do\\ llloM 11 .HIM stand In benefit I Mini t lit- students work 111 till' studio ! In- Imok of design prei epls compiled li\ sluili-nls.it the In ginning ol tin- term I’rini ip/es ut I'ublu /’/.ill's is available .it ( .impiis (;upy < enter to anv one ini hiding downtown Inisi ness owners who .ire looking for ideas to improve their buildings "(The design principles) are not gist .t pti*s< iiption for i hange (iivcns >..1111 'They require interpretation .inti any tiling that requires interprota lion leads to i realivity VValwvn agreed th.it imlivid ii.il business .uni property own rrs should take the initiative to gel out ot the ei onornii slump downtown lias been in for \ ears "We've got to make it possi file lor our tenants to be sue ( esstul '' she said Mystery (< ml mut'd from Page 1 lilmiliK scenes liulii inside .in • • I i ’*.k (,1 Hi in i i s 114 K> . S I Hi • K.-i; V . v I Hi $189" \ 10 value SKI PACKAGE #2 Package Includes: • Rotiingnol 700 Spoti ski • I uuk (.1 Himlintr • Poll" k.-k Ki'K Ki'K All For Only .«p i .i i *i!" $1 7Q99 - J/ >. W Ytounli Y in \alur LA^ME COUNTY FATRJi&OUN LANC iiTskY'Rfwis Modrl * sCIA ( IK J Ki ji1.iI. ( III $49°° si/vs a\ «ii! > li * 11 TURTLENECKS \\omeji*V Childrens l$H 799 lhsndV'tls Id cl4«is. tnim BOOTS FFE & Childrens 99 misi i’i i s \i \\\ \ioki in \is mi non' . Come Check Out The ANNEX at 199 YV. 8th., Eugene Fun has** SI tor t»‘t tor an additional ll\, discount • I iiniti'd to suppl) on hand • hirst com** lirsl st*r\»* 83.1 FM 17th j'Hprn LANK COUNTY FAIRGROUNDS Nov. 17th-19th SKI | THANKSGIVING Hi) We Buy Quality • Stereo equipment • Video recorders • PA amps & mixers • Portable color tv's lust 2 blink> from cttmpus Stereo Workshop 1621 E. 19lh 344-3212 M F 9 6. Sat 10 2 [n A T I! R aT1; ! F I B E R S I IQU A LI T Y ! [CLOTHING i T AFFORDABLE i dp R I C E s! Z Ban^in Irce I ^ i h II (* Mhii s i 1 I 1 S s ti n (I ;t v SPRINGFIELD SCIENTIFIC SUPPLY Hours: Mon.-Sat. 10am-6pm 726-9176 1124 Main St. Springfield