GREAT GRIDS! MIX, MATCH & GET IT TOGETHER! Organizing Accessories for Kitchen, Workroom and Study Area. DOWN TO EARTH 5th & Olive Eugene Houseware Store 544 6357 In Historic Farmers Union Marketplace Convenient Bike Rack & Always Free Parking Buying a futon doesn’t have to be expensive. Allwood Waterbeds has a com pute selection of futons , frame*, and accessories 15% student discount with student ID Allwood £l\i ter beds w AM!. H‘; '*» * <»K*» ' hi MM S * Ai • MM A 168 West 6th • 687-8055 CO DUCKS!! Help support the Ducks —And wear your colors! ALL UOfO SPORTSWEAR 20% OFF!! tVe Feature the Best in Quality, Design & Colors. The Best Off Campus Prices! l M\ I KMH l!| S l> I R l I 7 Campus Connection — u of 0 720 E. 1 3th (Next to Dairy Queen) —Encore! ( ourtrM I’holu Mihr.i imn.ii inn Dumi tn prrtonn S,third.n niuhl in the IMl s Ill'll I inilrr Knnm .it 7:.Ill pm Mibra musician Dumi to perform on campus The ill11si< ul 7.imbahvvc .mil other Mi u .in Millions w ill lill tlic I Ml "s Hen Lindei Room S.ilunl.iv evening when Mibr.i Mills)! 1,111 I lumi I,ikes III till! stage ill 7 ill (1 111 I n kets lor I he (OIK ert are $"i tin adults and S7 'ill tor cliil dren under 1 Duini is the unisK al incntni tor mam Northwest musicians said Maggie Donahue Dona line who is a friend and a slti dent ot Dumi's. said her inter esl m African Milira iiiusk was sparked oil bv a concert Dunn |ierformed at sf \ era! years ago Donahue said Dumi lias a strong follow mu in tile North west and throughout the na lion In addition to his being .i inusii inn. tie also is a teai hei ol the art It was through tus teaching lo( al hand Shumba formed sev oral years ago. .1 hand lion alnie herself placed with, she said She said Duini, v\ ho is from tile Shona trihe. "litres so mm h .ihoul bridging the i nl lures v\ ha h he tries to do \\ ilh his musii I )umi will he in Kugene w ith Ins familv 1 lis three 1 hildren u ill perform w ith him .it the coin ert 'It's going to he intimate, mm mg. uplifting and it u ill broaden the consciousness It w ill he u arm and pirn ert 111 Itouahue said It will make Mill feel something ot the All I i an evporience and how we ie i nnitec ted This may he Ihimi's last con 1 ert m this region as he is pro paring to return hack In Xim hahwe soon Donahue said CXPKCSS YOUKSELr AT LAA DEE DAH Specializing in: • Resale of quality designer clothes ■ Handcrafted "one-of-a-kind" vests (local artist) • Handcrafted jewelry (local artists) ■ Holiday, gala occasion designer clothes • Hand woven wool Turkish rugs (kilims) »or information pirate (4ll 683*2329 468 Willamette (»th « wiiiamette) PEACOCK 9 TAVERN • - • 1 745 8522 • 125 S.W. 2nd Corvallis Live tfafie THE LEE BLAKE BAND!! FRI. Nov. 17th & SAT. Nov. 18th Coming Dec. 6th... La Femme Lingerie Show! 5:00 & 8:30 Tickets on Sale at La Femme Nov 15th TUESDAY NIGHT $3*5 WED. NIGHT WkCrw Oucfcaa $3#5 THURSDAY NIGHT FRIDAY NIGHT ■ag mb* A BrvcragK $3?5 SAT. * SUN. NIGHT Slut A Ff|i *2** Steak. Fries * Salad •2”