Encore! Curtis' exhibit tells a noble history Photographic study show s a < (impelling c ultural portrait ot Native Americ an pa^t By |ulii* Decker f ncore ( ontribulor \ lesson in history is seldom ,is compelling .is the v isual es sav "Images of and Idvllit Pas! The photographs ol Kdyvard S (! u rl is The exhibition. on loan Irom the I luster ( anility Art ( enter in Miles City. Montana and cur rently on display .it the I nivei site’s Museum ol Natural llisto ry features t>0 sepia-toned photogravures from (lurtis epu study ot early 20th i entury Amerii an life. I he North A merit an Indian Although the exhibition serves as a lesson in history , it is not a let tore I he photo graphs portray scenes Irom the everyday lives ol the Native Amerii ans. ini hiding (lurtis oy\ n views ol tribal stereotypes in choosing si enes he save as ty pit al and manipulating Ins subjects to convey .1 sense ol personality and a greater sense ol culture Native Amcrii an ( liiefs arc adorned u ilh clalioralc head dresses children emerge Irom tepees, and Iptem poles loom in the ha< hgronnd. staring out at the viewer, telling then folk tales and allow mg for the red is i overs ol the North Amerii an past ( learh within eai It photo graph is the ahilitv of the N'a live Americans to live off the land, to work with and become part of nature .1 re< iprncal re lationship of trust and resper t rather than one of selfish mo lives and destrut lion There is a sense of romanti (ism in ( till is' work in the '* MMNKRUIND *' OBI AT FO« PARTIES AND BIRTHDAYS C0VIOEO D GAMES ALL GAMES WORK WITH NICKELS ADMISSION M SO I STM STRICT PUBLIC MAMET EUGENE • MI-1414 Lose 10 to 14 Founds in 14 Days! Only Cost is Food. 19 Years in Eugene. HB7-0590 GREAT MOVIES DISCOUNT SHOWS Su-Mo $3 / Tu-We $3.50 1= M 492 E 13th ■ M fcl 686-2458 DRINKING AND DRIVING CAN KILL A FRIENDSHIP vv.i\ hr portravs the \ativr Mneruans .1-- innately nuhli' living in a world uninterrupted ll\ till' loth i rut u r\ I hr photographs do nut rep resent i ulttiral ( lunge hut in Stl'.lll si'IAC ilS mole 111 .1 I llltlll .11 portrait th.it \ isu.ilU It'll ol ,i mode ol 1111■ whir h has progres sivoh disappeared hut that is so much a part ol American history It hriaimi's surprising that in sin h a small lormat ( u rt is u as a III i' to offer such r\ tensive portrayal, using Ins i amera to bring the past into to (US (airtis began his study in 1 HUH u Ill'll he set out to iihtalll in his words, "a ((iniprehen si\ e and permanent rei ord ol all the important tribes ol the I nited States and Alaska that still retain to a t onsiderahle de glee then primitive i ustonis and traditions rhe projei I had tinancial backing irom I I’ Morgan and support Irom I’res Theodore Roosevelt who wrote In Mi I nrtis we have both an aitist ,iiii i m I tit ini' an iiiiaiir tin a llalht'tl lianil tip rrali'tl press prnx iding the viewer xxilh pholtigrnplut his Inrx anti tint umenlatmn as xx e 11 Although the photographs are mil xvithout hlemishes. the warm hi11xx 11 sepia tunes glnxx lending In the rimuil n| the iill agt1 anti a leeling I"1 I!>•* tune the se.isnn the surroundings xx hit h bring the still photo graphs to life rile exhibit xxill he nil dis plax at the t 'llix eisitx s Muse tun tit Natural llislorv llitlH I I Ath Ave until I let I'l r MAKi: MOrNIlY tltc t- A’ /,4, V< 'fc/ //un«/ ( Fithifi, W I HUY. TKADF. «r CONSIGN • J 11.11 • I \ 1. '! I Ml 1. I M. .v I • • \ \ ■ • I Rl OH mh. I IIS \s\u M 1 l« Iiim>| «t|*| \«m» » l>»s« Is Ol |t»s| < mm hluHSi I III oiU(ll < >111 tiitu|ti> sli.tji ( .ill 'h >1 minis 1,11 !/>/>( ,V) I 7II.V) SAVE MONEY I O l» Moil Sal \bQ l . I I Ih IM-Urm 'Iill N lliqh 1_cur arSAvr_ Mueique Gourmet Catering to the Discriminating Collector CRITICALLY ACCLAIMED CLASSICAL MUSIC A OPERA ON COMPACT DISC AND VIDEO LASERDISC CD s FROM *5.95 SELECT CLASSIC FILMS ON VIDEO LASERDISC Located inside BRADFORD’S on the Mali 150 W Broadway OPEN 1 DAYS SUNDAYS NOON 5 343-9000 BUFFET & MORE Closed Monday TuciFil ii :to 2 oo * Sunday 12 30 2 00 Dinner Daily At 5 HO JADE PALACE I CANIONfSI l SZKHUAN [ CUISINf Protraxinjl fcVoA J 906 W 7lh » 344 9523 Regular Menu Served I !:30-10:00 ★ Great Taste it Fine Quality Fresh Ingredients • So MSG Senior Discounts On Buffet Dinner Children 1>C per vent up to 12 COLLECT HOLIDAY GLASSES! Dairy Queen brazier HOLIDAY * FULL MEAL DEAL Includes our Homestyte Single Burger, fries, 16 oz. soft drink and 5 oz. Dairy Queen sundae plus this great holiday glass by Libby. Only *1 participating Dairy Queen Hcuier stores. Glasses bnKrd to supply on hand WE TREAT YOU RIGHT •> »V « • ' O O C»-1> v , Junior League of Eugene The Thrift & Gift Shop High Quality Resale Clothing X Household Items • Latest Fashions for Man & Women • At tov tries • Designer Clothing « • Kitchen Supplies • * Cl games, toys. & clothing SHOP NOW FOR WINTER BOOTS, CLOTHING, AND ACCESSORIES! 2839 Willamette St •\« toss from WlllciiiH'tlr* Pla/d 343 3861 Open Mon.-Sal. 10-4 t li c li u 11 c e nter indigo tirkrlx axailahh- at (lit* luilt box orficf ami all Imlt < «*nl«-r outlets or rhanp* l>\ phonr (»S7 •‘>000 iircscnlnl l>> clniitl 0