——Oregon Dailyw _ Emerald ?■*' ’.■O'.- ."W - n .. ,,r i, ill* Ducks uv ton to the 8m »It** Civil wwdjr 8MW« I rithiv. November 1 7. 1*1851 Hugene. (Ircgiin \’i)lumc '11 \umhtM >7 IMinlu In Mark N Irn Actors / K Knotts and Suzanne Conrad rot route a si one fmm I ni\rrsit\ employee Christine A Nelson's life tor television program "Missing/Reward. " Nelson disappeared from the Eugene area three years ago Local mystery sparks TV movie By Mark \ Ini I merald (.raphu s l cliJor I nisersiis employee • hristmr \ Nelson dis .iPIx-.11ftl ni'.ir hei home just before slit- ssas to st.irt ,i mu1 month vacation 1‘hree seals biter no one li.is hl'tiril Irom nr seen her ntul .i Portland in i ill in I ion i ti III | i.i ll\ v\ .lilts to be ip solve the lll\ s tel V I .neat ion Villen mentis < onipleleil filming si.enes Irom the il.ivs prior to Nelson's disappear • mi e for .i national television show i ailed Miss niyi Reward which is slated to an on local and i aide i h.mnels Sunday Ihe show stars States heath and recreates si enes trom Nelson's life up to hci disappeaiant e vs Ith the hope tfl.lt Viewer i .in help solve the ln\s lers Nelson who worked i hiellv as a t lerii al spe i lalist at the Knight I.duals ssas last seen minis; her olive green Honda uiolnrcscle on Aug .1 10111) in the laspei area Search teams ItH.ated hei niotori si le three days later near a gravel pit south id ( lesSS ell We really don't know svfiat the deal is said I'.leanm Horn Nelson s mother "She mas have amnesia met ss itfi foul |das or |llst took off " I he piodiu lion i ompans spent two il.ivs lorn to Mystery, Page 1f> Contest sparks downtown ideas Architecture students formulate designs By C atherine Haw lev l merald Reporter Sixteen t’niversity .m:hite< lure students are getting valu able experience in urban de sign. and a chum e lo win prize money in the pro* ess A loeal businesswoman is sponsoring a i ompetitiou toi the students in an an hi lei lure studio to < nine up with new ideas for tin- downtown area spe< dir alls for the building she ow ns on the i 01 tier ot I enth Avenue and U lilamette Street The students also work on then designs in studio spate donated on the ground floor ot the building Daphne Walwvn owner of the Si haefers Building 1025 \\ lilamette St had unsui ( ess \\ ,tlu n ii .mil (In etis i .mil' up with tin' idea ill .1 design iniii !>«>tition m whit li stu111• iits would spend I.ill term working on submitting proposals to overcome problems in the downtown area and make it more ultrai live to inert.hunts and shoppers Uulwvn agreed to donate SJ.atHI m pri/e mon el as .in incentive to students although at the time she had not considered offering the enipt\ retail spate for the stu dents' use " I hen I had .i brainstorm. \\ alw \ n s,nd "U In not have the studio right here where |students| can get a firsthand impression of the kinds of problems the\ have to deal w ith?" During the summer (livens “Students get to see how the political process affects architecture design in sub tle and overt wavs. ” — Jim Givens tull\ Irit'd to attract retailers to the unfinished space on lentil Avenue helore she approac hed lull (.livens, assistant professor in the arc liitei ture si liool. hist spring. I had difficulty getting the tenants to at i ept the spat e as it was." VValwyn said. adding that potential tenants objec ted inainlx to the buses and to pen pie who loitered on the transit mall. worked out iiisuram e details to allow students to moot there During the lirst weeks of the term. students examined tluu n town ureas in several f’a< iti< Northwest < ities and de\elo|ied a hook of urban design prim i pies to mode their own propos a Is, "l or example, we (.ami* up with the idea Keep open spares open . (ovens said It sounds simple, hut you look .iruuricl .uni people jhm'I tol low inn it Students working .done in in |),urs lien,in In generate their own designs Inr the Kugene duw ntow n ,ne,i Incusing on the Sc h.refers building Itasicalh then designs me ,1 test oi the ideas lhe\ 1 .line up with at the beginning ol the term t livens said Students have had to deal with a variety of real life prob loins in their designs mi hid mg restru lions stemming limn the building's status as an lus torn landmark In addition. ( ovens has sola ited leedbnt k on students pl.ins hum Ini nl men bants and an Inlet ts i itv government of ficials and passersbv Students display their work in the studio s windows and have posted a notebook for pen pie walking past the studio to ret ord their < ommonts and sug gest ions Involvement w it It the retail task fori e the downtown i mu mission and the i it\ i mini il has taught students that some parts of the business of an hi let tore have nothing to do w ith design t ,n ens said "Students gel to see how the political proi ess atfet ts art hi let tore design in subtle and overt wavs, he said rinses perieni e w ill deflate the slim k of moving from the si bool stu (III) to the olfii e Mthongh lr\ ing to at i omino date the suggestions of even lorn to Contest, Page Hi IACUC makes rules to address concerns By Stephanie Holland Emerald Reporter The Institutional Animal ('am and I 'sc (aimnnttec opened its regulai tall meet ing to the puhlit Ihtirsdav evening. I lii* ineel ing. w hu h began abonl 4 p m in tile Law Si hold t.online lit ed w lien i iiinnnllee members re Ini ned hum an inspei lion loin ot I lie annual let ild\ in I Itieslis I tail I be committee i haired In biologv professor • diaries Rimmel voled im.mimouslv lo reiptesl .1 lot al peel i mil llllllee In review prolni ills loi non sponsored leseari h al the l hiiversitv kimniel said one ol Ihe advailtiiges ol die let iew committee would he a lllll torin polii v on unspousored researr l> h.ii ked In evprrts III ihe rescan her s St lenliln I ielrl Although one ol the disad vantages would be addition al paperwork lor the si ieu hsl proposing the leseari h kimniel heiieved Ihe advan lages outweighed the dlsad v anlages kimmel told till I reidborg. 1 n-direi lor ut Students lot Ihe Ltllli.nl Ireatmenl ol Xintnals the i 0111 ei us siibmilted In SI! I A would tie reviewed .is soon as the committee develops a mis li.misin for rei ci\ mu .mil responding In i om ( i ns from the1 public I lc s.uil when Ik nr ].ii k Vandcrlip ilirci l>n of vetcri u.ir\ si rv k ( -. .uni .iiiiin,il i arc rt'i civ cs a statement from a i om mull il v memliei with a (piestion alinut am mal researi Ii to c steps should lie adopted to ad dress the ( oili eril I list. the t dill ill i I tee mem liei should ( 111 ii I III I a rev lew ol the i.iiik ( I II Sei mid . tin nieillhei should plepale a re pm I I hint the meiuhei m.iv ( all a spci iaI meeting to li ipiest ai I mu he taken ic guiding the i oik el il I ourlll it no spe( i,d meeting is called the issue should In addiessed at the i omillitlce s nest rcgulal meeting l inal l\ tin ( nmniiltee should ie spond through \ ii e I’resi deiil’ol Rescan h |ohn Muse lev . to the person vv ho made the i omplaiiit Since |iiin•. kunuicl said _’ii rescan h proposals have lieen siiliiliilled to the r om inillee All were approved c\( epl two, vv 11K II are pend mg Vaiulerlip is a new cum mittee member as is l.isa (ialavelta vv ho is I he student leprcsentativ e I isa is in tune vv ith ani mal concerns and in lime vv ill) student ( out erns kimmcl said