Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 16, 1989, Page 9, Image 9

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    Speaker relates visit to Nicaragua
U\ Peter Slanle\
f mer.ild ( onlribulor
I I'he \n aragtian Conlia rebels have billed to
accomplish anything cunstrur five in eight wars
of war s.iid Witness fur IVai e volunteer leone
Hn i I lien m a talk I’nesdjy ev ening
Hicchieri. who rerenllv returned from eight
months m Nicaragua, related his experiences and
observations on the ( aintrn war to a group of si\t\
laving and traveling in the north central re
gion of the counfrv he met with t ontra soldiers
numerous times and observed their impart on the
i ountrv
"Thev have ver\ little popular support lie
said "The ( ontras have never taken .1 village
I hey reallv trv to avoid combat with the Sand)
liiri hieri spent most ot his time in Uaslala a
farming 1 oinmunity ot about j(HH), lor aterl within
a major corridor ot Contra activities lie vvniked
with the t alholir church observing mililarv
abuses bv either the (iontras or the S.mdinistas
Ihe Contra tones engage in kidnapping to
recruit soldiers lint others join voluntarily for
personal reasons, lie said Some hope to avoid
their two vear duty in the Sandimsta army Olh
ei s join because ot relatives in the < ontra .trim
or !*••€ ause (il i iimpla* i mst tlit- Sandinistas
So tin* nl gu\s have been (ml hen* sex
1*11 years It's tonsil It’s xerx tough Hit i Inert
Many Contras have turned themselves in un
iii i tin* iinmi'sti law established In tin* govern
mt*nl he said, hut mu* Contra told Bio Inert U r
ilon'l want to nmlimii' this u,i\ Hut that s tin*
wax it is \Yi* Ii.ivi* In (III tins Ui* have In jnsl
ki*i*p k ill mi* cai li other
"These an* tin* Contras who make its llnnk
I In* war will go on " Hin liieri said ( )iii govern
ment's i realcd a situation where well meaning
people are nil linth sides ol lie* battle slaughter
illg eai ll ntliel
Hui Ineii contrasted the ( nntras In the Sake
dnran IMI \ rebels Ibe IMI.\ lias massive pop
ular support, and now bolds part nl tin* i apilal
i 11\ In* said In their hevilax tile Contras were
more numerous Ilian Ibe IMI \ and f.n ed a less
populated countryside Hut still they never look
any land In* said
I be Contras lie In villagers in the enuntrv
side to gain support be added I hex give false
reports about tin* recent Centra! \meru an peat e
talks and the Sandinlstas
Hu i hieri said w ill return to \u aragua in I )e
i einliei to i ontimie bis work and observe the \n
aiagnail elei lions
Samoyed Newfoundland
5 years old. 60 lbs., white
with beige highlights on ears
and back Neutered male.
Last seen May 16, 1989 near
Jasper Please call 344 4385
Thursday night is COMEDY NIGHT!!!
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2222 Centennial Blvd
Board votes down cigarette sale ban
By )<>1 ic Andrade
Emerald Reporter
At tlien meeting Wednesday
night, the KMl ' Hoard nt Direr
tors turned down a proposal
tli.it would ban the sale nt i iga
reties from the KMi Main
t he disi ussion about the tag
alette ban look up nun li ol the
meeting, with the main focus
being a debate between health
hazards, and rights of smokers
The KMI' Hoard received a
letter from the Amerii an (ini
lege ot Physics encouraging
them to rid the K\ll of all i iga
rette and tobai ( o distributions
The KMI' has three vending
iii'ii hi lies in use
Mark \\ leglei I Ml Hi I.II li
llirllllii'l said Ill'll taking 'HV.I\
tlif vending mai bines would
n'sult m .1 Sr.,iioo iii Sh.1100 ilc
i rease in main desk profits
Si nil brown. KMl ’ hoard
member. agreed with Wiegler
lhal llii' vending mat limes
shuulii l>e kept bei.ause profits
from i igarette sales nun allow
the main desk In prm ide oilier
items al lower i ost
The majority of the board
agreed that it was an issue of
rights, and conse(|iientl\ voted
against the ban of i igarelles
In other business the board
voted to ai i ept the plai ing of a
mural from Mi l liA the I bs
(Mini ami ('hirano student
union m tin- stairwell leading
to the I Ml HallriHim I'he
board vult-il In eliminate the
numbers .issui iated with I .1111
pus I np\ f'holo II). anil I dub
Spoils ami use thi-ir names as
reterem e to avoiil i nnfuseuieut
lielween looms ami suites with
idenlii al numbers
I lie board also .11 < epted a
tree from the Alpha lambda
Delta I ’ll 1 Ida Sigma, a tresh
man honor sm nets with the
slipidation that it lie labeled a
season tree and not be over Id
The board rt*)ei led a 1 nmpus
board proposal
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Hus is at once an original table
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Mark Helprin's portrayal llovvs with
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Chris Van Allshurg’s paintings glow
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I he hook begins 'Once, the
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