UNIVERSITY BRANCH 831 East 13th ('()ME SEE l S * / ()l R SEW l.(H A TIOS! • I.OWIST AIR! ARCS ANYWHIRI • PhRSONAU/I.D PROP! SSIONA1 SI RVIC I • INSTANT Ilk All PASSES • STUD! Nl AND VOl III I AkI S • IN 11 kNATIONAI STUDIM I XC HANCil IDI-.N 11 TV CARD • AM I RAK • I AS I COM PI T! kl/l l> kl SI R VA IIONS • C'ONVENII N I CAMPUS I OCA I ION • IK kl I Dl l IVI K1* 683-5577 ION I Kl I I HIM) XXX 37W HOURS X (X) to S M) M | \1 I MAJOR CRI Dll CARDS ACC I PI ID _Police Beat Till’ following is .1 list of (.unpus area i rimes taken from the Office of I’uhlii Safels .01(1 I ugene Colic e I)e|i.irtmenl re ports between (>1 t II anti Nov 14 • A juvenile was arrested and another juvenile cited and re leased, for theft of hike parts h\ MCI) on Nov 10 After ques tioning the subjects led KIM) to the Footbridge area, where an KIM) officer noted some hike parts in the brush The items were seized and taken to KIM) for storage A complete hike was also recovered from the same area The incident is lie lieved to lie possiblv related to a rash of hike part thefts this month • Two quit k release pins worth $10 were reported stolen to KIM) on Nov I t The pins had been removed from the tires of a hike at I )end\ I lall • A hike rac k and Imth tires and tire rims from a touring hike at Henderson Hall were re ported stolen to ()I'S on Nov I t The parts were worth Slot) • The front and brakes of a mountain hike at 1 till Avc and Kincaid St were reported slu len lu I I’D on Nov H In addi lion, the brake (aides were damaged I’be brakes were worth S1 fid • Mountain bike parts worth $ IHO were reported stolen to l!l’l) on Nov H The tires, derailleur. handlebars and brakes were removed from (ierlmger 1 lall • both wheel rims and the hike seat of a mountain bike at EMI were reported stolen to OPS on Nov >t The parts were worth $200 • A hike seat from ('.arson Hall was reported stolen to KIM) on Nov t The seat was worth $:io • A set of handlebars hand brakes and a gear chain from a mountain bike outside Vi I lard Hall were reported stolen to OPS on Nov 2 The parts were valued at SHOO • A theft of a i amera, a jewelrv box and a wallet containing Si ri(l in rash from Willcox Hall was reported to KPD on Nov H The owner was not sure whether the room was linked or not • A wallet purse and change purse worth a total of $4-40 from Stafford Hall were report ad '.toll'll to ()»>S on Nov I t I ho im nor was not surf wheth or thf room was loi kfil or not • A tliclt ol a w.illft and purse from Ksslinger Hall was report ed to KP1) on Nov 7. The wal let. i detaining credit cards and $:tri in ( ash. was left on a chair and concealed by a briefcase and a coat The owner left the room for 10 minutes and re turned to find the purse and wallet gone. • A case of criminal mischief in Douglass Hall was reported to OPS on Nov. 7. A resident as sistant called about some graffi ti on the third floor stairwell from Oct. 24 Photos of the graffiti were taken and turned over to KIM), where they were determined to he gang-related, with references to the Bloods and the (Tips. • KIM) arrested a subject tor trespassing at Tingle Hall on Nov. 4 The subject awoke an KA after entering the KA's un lot ked room at approximately 1(1 a in The subject, not a Uni versitv student, reportedly said he was looking for someone to sell marijuana to. 1 NOW AVAILABLE!!! INTRODUCING THE NEW PARTY BALL from Coors Extra Gold, Coors, and Coors Light. It's the most convenient way to enjoy hassle-free keg-style beer without the keg. It’s filled with over five gallons of brewery-fresh draft beer It’s portable. It’s the preferred alternative for any party. It even comes in a box with its own liner, so you can ice it down and take it anywhere. So get one and have a ball! n* v- • r j jm GREAT FOR ANY TAILGATER PARTY!!! Ask about the PARTY BALL at your local taverns & restaurants. PEGASUS SMOKEHOUSE PIZZA HAS COOKS PARTY BALLS! I 4th »•»•»» »f long » J HALLEY'S COMET ALLAMM BROS COFFEE 45$ (8oz ) 55$ (12o*) rnee h«tf a half Acibm fracn tlw UO Boofcslox