Muslim GTF hopes to break stereotypical views H\ Denise C lifltm t meruld \smh iate I ditto lidu Muli.tiiini.itl insists In- i ■ not \our sterentv|>i« a I Muslim "I do mil belong to yen kind of reat liomiry group that Westerners set' Muslims as. s.ivs thr Muslim Student V ■ . rialinn director ns he sils plat idly nl his desk disi ussing Western thinking and stereo types I am very fond ol mu sit . U 111! Il IS not Sl'l'll us MT\ Muslim, and most of tin mtei I'sts .in- verv st-i ulai And ilm 52 yeai old native I’akislani is tj11it k to point mil only .i small fraction ot tin1 moii' than 1 billion Muslims worldwide tit into the Western stereotype ot fundamentalist Muslim terrorists Muhammad. who is also a sociology graduate 11mi hing trl lm\ ,il lhe t' 11 ivi■ rsit\ i laims tin- Western media tend In pres rut hijai king kdlinu taking hostages .mil "wanton Inini.ui inassai re" 11s t\ pii ,il lslamii ,ii tivitins hut Im said most Muslims don't approve ot viu lent litiluH mi 'The word. Islam, literally it miMiis (if.k e, Im said U' arc not intolerant as we arc por t rayed in the newspapers and on TV "In mv country I have never heard that someone has heen kidnapped Muhammad add cd It would he considered ver\ cowardh to liijai k or kid nap a tourist Mthough horn and raised in a deeph religious and i ousel vative Islamic family Muhani mad said he is not i onservalive religioUsK or politii ally '' | Inn e Jriends u ho aie at lie I id,i Muh.immt'd isls h'u v i hristiuns and .ill if liginus aii)l political si himls ol thought In- s.nil "Personally I am very ( lose In \i-u I ,i‘H pul it ii s \lu h,limn,ill added noting In enjoys studying .ill types ol Western philosophies .mil so i Ihrnrii's ,i i omhined Ii.ii hellir's degree in Ii11■ i.i111!• * and pulitii id si n*!H r. .uni i master s degree in philnsiiphv frimi the northwest I’.ikistanian t ’iu\ ei sit\ ot I’eshau ,ii. u here lie also taught pulitii al si lem e Inr tom \ ears In August pun. Muhammad I ei ei veil a grant III go III hast ern Washington I amersitv where he earned another mas lei s degree in publii adminis (ration It u as ver\ east lor me to i nine to I lie 1 nited Mates lu said \1\ hat kgiound is in Western institutions and 1 on derstand the langu.igi Two tears ago Muhammad received oilers ol gradual) t<\u h i ng fodluivships in mm iolu g\ from I hi ti- universities, m i hiding this l tiivi*fMi\ I de< idl'd In i umr in (Jregnn tot tny dm tiirate in mm tnhigv ix'i .lUSC 1 like to sta\ in the Northw rst in' Mini I vi iilinillv hunt's to 1mm unit’ I), Him II I I.inns .1 mi.ii memhership til HU to MO stu-\ dents u oil .itii>111 to ,11 ti\ i* 11II ■ 111 I >1 -I V Ii makes si■ iist• in uii vvlirii \ini .in- i m i s i i i mill it l.ilili- .nut sh.m' thr saint* sfiisi's nt i into and wrong willi I In • people In- said \s d0i*t On nt til'' s!udi'lll as sin latino Muhammad's goals an1 In eliminate slereolvpes ul Muslims at tin* I iliversitv In sponsoring mini atiuiial films and gui'St speakers. sin h as last Tuesthn s h'i tun' mi 1st,mi jihad and Terrorism A Non media I'oint ul View I think mam Westerners think that 11had terrorism and Islam are i losety linked lie said I thought we should i larih that lihad is nut another name ut terrorism "I'd like to show Hill J H is i lion that in' du not approve lei 25% of OFF EUBOTOTE weatherproof plastic CARRY cases Assorted Colors . pADt-OUOS . /IPPt R BINDtHb , CARB^ AlL PORlf OltO 30% OFF c0rc?sucTs AND better business WEAR 20% OFF 0AYRUNNER ORGANIZERS & REFILLS ^—r / 20% OFF ALL BRIEFCASES, LEATHER AND VINYL UO Bookstore 13th & Kincaid M F 7 30-6:00 SAT 10 00 6 00 686-4331 Get the word out with an ODE classified mrisrn in auv form whalsorvoi whnlhttr il in i nmmiilt'd In Muslim, rlinstinn |i*w 01 .m\ mu' Ih> .idih'd dsii wonts hi Muslim studonts to iimIi/i dmi lilu si,uni,tuts iilli'ii .iif ,i|i|iin'il to lurrorists worldu ido Iht* world should 1m* iilorti'd to Itio .itioi ilirs i onimilti d liv Isi,ndis in tlii- Wust think ho i .nisi* lliiit is .ilsu |i*muistn ho s.iul \nd ihi'ii' should also In* ,i |iro\ ISIOII .ii;.Illlsl stiltl* tl'II'OI ism 11ki* in Soulh \1111 .i ii lii'ii' thov liaVr Ikviii di’jim'iiig the lilm k ptupll’ til their riadtlt' md • l|>|»rt“NSUlK tluMll Mill l' dll' I «»lituI v t ' II llri ill .should In' u smI when inditing tennrisl ■» ti\ Hu s Mulianim.iil! U lifthi i < hnsluii |i‘\i ut Muslim it someone luiils ,m 111 mii i'ut t iv 11i.i11 is .i i i iiiii Ilf .is In- <|ii ii■ 11 \ t liisi'd .m i>|ii■ 11 t»ink mi Ins desk Itut nilli Ihi' si'li'ilni' usi'il IimI. i\ ill.ini II 111.111 Stl'll'llll |II'S .III- I II',Ill'll U OF O STUDENTS!! Expand sour Laiiiulr\ Horizons... DELTA OAKS DRV CLEANERS & LAUNDROMAT 1 FREE Wash for our New Customers!! restroom facilities coloi I \ lounge area I-recent lee WeVe the newest and CLEANEST!! (amt closer than out think!) 1(156 (il'lTIl \crcs R(l. 342-6150 Niuir (..I. Jof's .ind Nf\( In I ond ( oiimitinu Fall Car Care Special! I LUBE, OIL & FILTER j Who can you depend on lor their in depth training, computerized equip ment and work backed by long term warranties9 The Masters ol Master Care. o( course 6 MONTHS/6.000 MILE LIMITED WARRANTY COVERS ALL PARTS 4 LABOR! RADIATOR SERVICE Drain radiator and add up to 1 gallon of coolant Inspect belts, hoses, water pump $26.88 Chemical Treatment. 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