Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 16, 1989, Page 6, Image 6

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| Organizing
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wavs generates more appli
l .nils
ihi* protesters said the re
i ruitnieiit on i .ampins was .i v in
latum o! .111 (tri'sit m A dm i ms
trativi* Hide lli.it bars tin* pres
en<e ul organizations prar.til
ing disi rirninalon poln ies
from tei lulling on i ampus
l lie OAK stipulates am at
tion that unreason.ililv differ
enliates among persons on tile
basis ol sexual orientation" is
disi rfitiimilorv
Smith said the I niversih
sought the ails i( e ol the stale
attornev general's ollice. wliii li
deteimined federal law permit
led some tedei.il agent ies to
differentiate prospet live ein
plovees based oil sexual orien
111 a letter In I 'niversih I’resi
deni Miles Hi.mil dated Nov
1 t. justii e department attornev
lames ( asln and Melinda
(ii ter ill ret tor of legal services
tor the Oregon State System ot
Higher i tint alion, said enfori e
merit ul the (JAR l>\ h.inning
the < I \ from campus would
violate Artii le VI of the ( misti
I he letter i (included that fed
eral law whit h m several prei
edei'l setting i ases permits dis
r rimmaturv practices h\ the
( |A supersedes state law lit
this situation
If ft ulhanei is willinu I"
Mgn the paper ill'll hi' agrees
In abide l>\ even < )AK .uni lie
agrees not In disc riminate
against guvs .ind lesbians then
well leave." Hughes said
The recruiter lh.it is here is
not authorized to sign surli .1
statement " Smith replied
MnseleC s.illl tin' proper
method ot testing the OAK is
through .1 grim.mi e filed In
Hughes th.it seeks to revoke the
(TVs abilitv to rec ruit students
on i ampus hei ause ol their ills
1 nminatorv polii ies
However. Hughes said the
protest was .1 separate action
Irom the gt ievant e
The annual \ is it by (!IA re
i miters was protested last yeai
but rec miters 1 anceled all
si beduh'd interview s.
I he day befure intern lew s
tbe\ 1 ailed and canceled the 111
ten lew s." Smith said ' I lie
belie! is lhe\ eondui ted inlet
view s oil 1 ampus
Smith said tormei I Diversity
President Paul Oilim disap
proved ot oft i ampus rec ruiting
ol students and clinic ted ( IA
representatives to conduit in
ten iew s m si bool fac I lit ies
(Itllhane did meet with one
student hut w as unable to c oil
duct additional interv iew s In'
1 ause ol the protest. Smith
Stock up on film
from the UO Bookstore.
Deck the Emerald Pages with j
A very personal Holiday Greeting!
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