Family Housing Task Force to meet tonight at Amazon meetings Kamil> Housing Task Force will moot with members of the Amazon and Westmoreland Policy Board and Tenant's Count iIs. and representatives _Et als_ from Past Campus Housing to day from 4 to t> 10 p m at the Amazon Housing CommuniU Room Oregon Christian Fellowship (Intravarsity) will meet tonight at 7:30 in Room 110 Willamette Hall Student Senate meets tonight at (> in EMC Century Room II Navigators meets tonight at H for a ('hristian Fellowship Ralh in the EMC Hen Finder Room Everyone is welcome. Students for Equal Access will (list uss issues facing the alter allied i ommunitv today at 4 in the Carson Hall Cold Room Public Relations Student So ciety of America will have a business meeting tonight .it .V 10 ill Room 2 14 Allen I lall OSPIRG’s solid waste rei vt ling group meets to night at ft in the EMI' (iumwood Room Chi Alpha meets tonight at 7 to in EMI' (lentury Room A Everyone is invited to attend Students for Choice meets to night at 7:30 in the EMC Hoard Room Students lor the Ethical Treatment of Animals meets to night at 5 in EMC Centurv Room A SPEAKERS AND I.EC I I ’RES "The Impact of Perestroika on Soviet Science Education" is the title of a lei lure to he giv en by Dr Tatiana Derviz. astro physicist at lamingrad State Cniversity I'lie presentation \\ ill be today at l .10 |> m in the 1 All' Hoard Room Hunger issues will lie the to i us ot presentation In Kllon knopper from Rood tor (lountv. Tom linger from ( am pus Interfaitll Ministries and Keliei ( a Murphs . a (fTf from the international studies pro gram The disc ussion will be tonight at r> at the Newman (lenter. 1H0 Kmerald St "Is Kvervthing Relative: A Philosophical and Biblical Analysis of Kthical Relativ ism” is the title of a lecture to be given by Douglas (fronthuis. today from 12:30 to 2 p.m in the KMl! Ben hinder Room. "Recent Research in the Altai Mountains of South Sibe ria” is the title of a lei tore to he given bv l)r F.sther |ai oh sen. an art historian. The pre sentation vs ill lie today ‘it -I p.m in Room 2-11 Lawrence Hall. MISCKLI.ANKOl'S Bible Sharing begins tonight at H al the Newman ( enter lUTit) Kmerald St lal/e Prayer w ill follow at ‘I "Spirit of the Mountains a mountain lion video him. will he shown tonight at 7 Id in Room 12d of the Law Si iiool Irish poet (>er Killeen will read from his new hook of po enris. tonight at 8 in (lerlingei Lounge The event is sponsored I.ilerarv Soi lets and the i rea live ss riling department “What Are My lav Obliga tions While in the tinted Stales?" is the title ot a work shop tor international students and f and the Oxfain f ast (audition ssill host a hunger to rum and vigil tonight at the Newman (lenter. 1850 Kmerald St tonight al 5, to break the fast and discuss hunger pro!) loins and solutions All are en STUDENT HEALTH INSURANCE Mandatory or Voluntary? The Student Health Insurance Com mittee is currently considering manda tory insurance for all students for 1990-91. Committee members and consultants will be available to discuss Mandatory vs. Voluntary enrollment systems. Students encouraged to attend Thursday night at 7:00 pm in the EMU Cedar Room C. p _ v (/) UJ D a in to I p in Fur mure infur mation t all TCI I’eei \dvising at (.HI. i 17 t Museum ol Natural Historv ss 111 tie showing the set.ond halt ut Thr Shadow < alchrr a film on the hie and work of photog rapher I S Curtis The muse utn is located at HiBO K lath Ave Anriir Hall will he shown to night at 7 in FMl' ( edai Rooms A and it This event is part of lewish Cultural Awareness Week .mil is sponsored bv the lewisli Studi'iit I nion 11,'.idI, nr Ini subniittun; it .i/n to t/ir I mer.ihl trout i/i'sk i\l(' Smtr MIO. is noon thr tin hr fori' public .ition ft ills run thr ilii\ ol thr rirnt unlri'i thr rvrnt oi l nrs hofori' noon I’lnisr submit it ills thr ihi\ lu' tiirr thn nrv to run only Xotwrs ot rvriits with n do ihilion 01 iiilmission i^r will not hr .a i rfiti'd I unipus rvrtit.s tinil thosr si hrdult'il iii'.irrst tlir public,ition tlntr will br iinrn priorit\ ibr Km tir.ild rrsrrvrs tlir riftbt to nilit notu os for ffrnniinur and stvlr STOP o"p PAVING PRICES S' f SELF-SERVICE PHOTOCOPY THC C0Pl| SHOP 519 E. 1 3th 6* it*'! 0»l -'t US X I 1 Hill IK UNI i FIRST 1 () l) ( ()Pll s cummin simciai Monthly fntljy 8 30am 8 30pm SjltHihiy 10 00am 4 00pm 3 c ♦ ()!•'!• S I Ki l l I’AKKINd 485-6253 t OhUdUen's ART POSTCARDS (JOIN US NOV. 18 FOR FOR WONDERFUL, CREATIVE FUN! AGES 3-8 2ND FLOOR (GEN BOOKS DEPT.) 12 1 P M UO BOOKSTORE The CULTURAL FORCJM presents: MS. SONIA JOHNSON Author of “Wildfire: Igniting the She/Volution” and “From Housewife to Heretic” The most provocative and radical speaker on feminism Ms. Johnson was excommunicated from the Mormon church in the 1970s and was seeking the presi dency for the Citizens party in the 1984 elections. WHEN: Monday, Nov. 20 at 7:30pm WHERE: EMU BALLROOM ADMISSION: FREE FREE FREE “The truth shall set you free but first it will make you miserable. ”