Community Group continues to teed unfortunate By Sheri SU't/ler I mer.ild ( ontributor With I h.inksgivnu: unlit .inmml tin t*>ui,,i most people think ot turkey stuffing iim lied po 1,iloes .inti pumpkin pie thanksgiving is .1 lime to be vyilli l.imilv .uni l»' lli.uiklul loi Inn inn hind .Old ,1 yy .11 III pi.11 e to sleep Not everyone is so lortiin.ile In I .me t outtly .11 1 oldmg to I ( !oulitv Housing 20 pen 111 ol the popill.lllon lives .11 01 lielou the poverty level Many ol these poor people .ire homeless .11 uI gather iicor the I'mversitv i.impus e.u h night A oroup ol friends who 1 .ill themselves .1 hilllilv have l.iketl it upon themselves to 111.ike sure these people net .1 1 lei fill every I .is) week hmvevei the family was evicted from their house 011 August.! Street Hut even though they .ire now homeless themselves, they ,iie determined to keep the me.ils going kashmir Hishop. tH is one ot the family members Originally I. Montana sin-has been III i.ugeue tin several months anil is pnltmg all hei efforts into leedilig the homeless People think we're trying to bring problems In doing this Bishop said I he (homeless) people .lie already here Were pisl feeding them The family has been living out ot a van sim e it was evti ted from the house last I oesd.n Bish op ami other family members have Keen try inn to keep piiivitling hot meals loi the other homeless although they don't have regulai ail ess III a kill hell "We've been living out ol the van and Ihhiiii mg trom kill lien to kill hen said < hrtsto filter Hoffman and also a l.imih member Huffman saiii that some of ill'' coop houses around campt!1- have lieen letting the family use their kill hens lu ' onk hut meals We real I V need a' ' ess to .1 kit' lien thal is* i aii use and store tilings in Huffman said l lie family yets their food from lu< al 1 flari lies and a fei\ local stores All meals are vegetaii an If ue serve vegetarian meals, everybody s happy Hoffman said II we seived meat dish es the vegetarians 1 mi Id n't eat I he family is 1 urrently looking lor .1 house I tollman said thal lien need some monel and someone who wouldu I mind having us \110ther homeless frerson who identified himself only as Kainsong said. I veil a garage Mould do W> have ptopane stoves 11< il I Ilia 11 estimates the family has been feed mg I > lo .'ll people every night siuee they started a hunt three months ago lire group gathers every night outside ( ondoii Hall where they have a love 1 irr le to give thanks before the meal is set V ed Wed like cooperation from I lie University lo keep holding il Bishop said "< ampus seen lily sometimes gives us problems Die house 011 Augusta Street was 1 ondemned fiy the Hitv of l.ugeiie S Department of Develop men! I tlgelle I lie Marsllill Kugei l.lelaitd aid il was tiis a use of efet I r u a I tia/ai ds Bishop said she thinks the eviction was a < nnspirar y between the neighbors the house s le gal ow ner and the polii e "The mother didn t like the idea of 0111 love family Bishop said IMiiilu In Xmlri1 Kjiih-m \ lot ill group keeps fet'd ini’ the homeless near campus even alter being rt it ted Irnm their own home. Forum discusses solutions to Eugene's homeless problem B\ Shawn (.rassman I nu-rald ( ontrihutor I lie ( i!\ III I UHi'lle s Solut lull lu its staKKni'iiiK homeless pnili 11*111 lienuis Ii\ di'iiliwith 1 e\ Iremels lous\ relationships within their own household she s.utl Most ot them were being h.illeretl and simplv not llit'ii t hiltiit'ii and le!l lo save Iheii lives rhe Ituuni sponsored bv tile Kugene (Commission on the Rights ol Women, is the second 111 .1 senes til disillusions de signed to address the various mu i.iI problems t,i< ini’ the i it\ the Women's Commission is one ol five i iti/en i ommissions in the City ot hugene's Rights I’rogram Commission membeis .ire .ippomteii In . .mil .11 t hi .in .ulvisnrv i a|i«h it\ to the i ity i oiini il Creg Kikhoff hum,in rights analyst tor the i it\ anil coordi iitttor ol the forums believes programs like Ibis are long m erdue We iibviousl v have a \ arietv of problems f.u mg our soi ie tv he said "What we want to do loi ally is build up public it\ and simplv let people know how grave some of these prob PURE COTTON TURTLENECKS 2 F, 22.00 or 1 1 .99 ea. orig. 16.00 Perennial lavonles at a great puce and m an excit mg array Of I’4 fashion colors Necks with shape re taining lyi ra tor a prelect fit Sees S M l XL Inns an* Instead of people turning their heads. sve would I ike to son soino community at livism Ritzdorf'x studs consisted ot random sample questionnaires i ondut ted between April and June l‘i8H She and Rut kei in lerviessed -4• > homeless moth eis; a figure she estimates to lie less than halt of the ai tual amount ol homeless mothers in Lane (lounts on any given das Her findings both paralleled anti contradicted several na lional trends of the homeless is sue and helped shatter some existing myths ()l the respondents to the '* 1 question inquiry 7H pert enl were Caucasian and t> > percent were vounger than it) sears old (lontrars to the transient myth" that the homeless move around and evontualls le.ise Kit/.dorf found that In pen cut of the women had lived in the Kugene Sprmgtield .irea for at least I is e s ears The studs also disproved the notion that homeless mothers are unetlut ated and unable to get |ohs Hi pert ent of the re sptindents tinishetl high si hool and almost halt ol those ssho graduated spent at least one s ear 111 i nllege Cash For Textbooks Mon. • Fri. Smith Family Bookstore 768 E. 13th 1 Block From Campus 345-1651