Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 16, 1989, Page 3, Image 3

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    Equal opportunity is not enough
Bv Myles Brand
One common theme woven
through man) of our historv
lessons is that A merit a has
thrived as a nation of mum
gr.nits \o iiifornieii person i an
denv the eontributiou ot linmi
gr.oils and the descendants ol
immigrants to Amerit an i ul
lure and sot ietv
Thus, it is all the more ironii
to realize that i ontrarv to some
popular thinking, main muni
grants have not been warmly
There is a strain ot hostility
and intolerant e that runs deep
m Amerit an soi ietv vv Inch can
not he overlooked American
Indians, almost trom the arrival
of w hite people were sv sternal
it ally exterminated, and then
those few who remained were
confined to reservations
The dhinese. lapanese and
lews fleeing Nazi lairope were
a11 denied admission K) our
country And of course, we
i annot forget the hitter store ot
the Afrit nils w ho i nine soon at
ter the Pilgrims, unwilling and
angry, captives oil the slave
ships I he great store of the
I'nited States cannot he told
without these unpleasant c hap
We are currently evperienc
ing a new ee.iee ot immigration
Russians in Neev York; Nic .1
raguans in Miami. Ilmong in
Seattle and Portland; Vietnam
esc m Texas and Oregon
over tiOO.IHH) neev Americans
per year, ac c circling to one esti
mate This rate is almost as
high as that ot the period be
tween lull)
\s in the past, many me lud
ing our neighbors in Latin
America must tight a hard hat
tie to convince the government
that the I foiled States should
open its doors to I hem
All around us we see mam
ellllerent people ot v arious lien
lages We abound in diversity
I lie once favored theory of the
melting pot: the image ot
Americans boiled down to one
happy and satisfying brew no
longei applies it probably
never did I hem are many dil
lerenl Americans who have all
made .1 unique contribution to
Ament .m culture
Some observers now desr ribe
tbe I 'nited SI.ties .is .1 s\ m
phonv vv ill) m.oiv distim I
and easih identified uistru
ments performing in li.irmonv
It is Init' that if the I ’nited
Slates is to successfully lat e the
soi 1.1I and ei ouomii 1 hnllengos
ol the late twentieth i enlur\
we must all work together
lint equally true is that too
often the Amerii an s\ mphoin
is out of ke\ K.11 ism and other
negative attitudes and stereo
types loutililie to confound re
Intiinis in this 1 uuntrv
()ur ow n state in partu ular
has an ambivalent lnstor\ In
the mid nineteenth 1 entur\ it
was illegal for a Itl.u k person to
take up residence here llawai
ians were forced to leave and
(Chinese were loudly con
demned American Indians
suc.cumlied to first disease
then to federal troops
More ret entlv. in I’orlland a
1 it\ otherw iso know 11 to he pro
gressive. a Black man was mui
(i<!rc<l In white hoodlums be
cause Ins skin was the wrong
color We dare not cast stones
at the people of the
Iteiisonhiirst sei lion of New
York C"it\ when the problem is
a lot closer than that
There is a part tor all to plus
regardless of rai e gendei eth
mi it\ sexual orientation age
or physn al ability AlI mem
hers ot our soi lets must rei five
the respei t. the opportunity
and the edui at ion to reach then
full potential, to accomplish
their goals and to contribute to
the well-being ot this i ountry
We in higher edui at ion i an
not sit nils In and expei I soi ie
Is to magii alls transform
Kqual opportunity is not
enough Mere exhortations to
respect diversity are not
enough We must act .iggres
sis els That is affirmative .11
I am pleased to be .it .1 uni
sersitv ss itli .1 historic alls
strong commitment to women
and minorities Women were in
the University s first gradual
mg class, and during World
War II we tried to stand ssith at
least one lapanese American
student whose rights svnre be
inj; \ lolatrd li\ tli«> federal i;m
lodav main mmtxI programs
(min irs ami |iiu( edtires art" in
plat t- lii'ii- (hanks to mu al
lirnialivi- ai (ion polit \ let nn
n.imi' a ft"\\ nl mu sm i i'ssi's
I In- (illn i- nl \tlmissiiins oflt'is
tuition iviiims to .iltr.it I niiiini
II \ sllllll'llts I In- ( dill I- lit Mil
limit \ftairs llir ()l!n i- nl
Mullit iillnral Alt,ms anti \i a
demit I earniii}; Servn es all nl
It-i programs In In-Ip niaki' tin1
I’mvcrsils a responsive institn
t n i n
Wr liavi" a tiirmal plan tu
lliakt' this i ainpns ai i «*ssilili* In
tin- ilisalili'il ami as st.ili" funds
lift unit' availalilr in- art- si>t In
makr till' nt‘t I'ssars improve
infills I In- slinlfiil i mnliu I
i inli- is fsplit itl\ umill'll tn
I. >i tiul \ f i li.il nr pin sii al lia
rassiiifiil nr assault
Ihere is a vjreal ilf.il innrt' In
lif ilmif however Hi- iifftl In
rflain nitirf tif mu minority sin
Hunts U c lift'll In increase the
tntal nuntbfi nf umiifii atlmin
islralnrs anil I at tills I )i 1 r re
i ortl tin hiring Hlat k Ilispanit
\merit .in hull.m .mil \suin
I.ii 1111 \ .mil administrators i-.
IIII.K 1 C|)l.ll)ll‘ Wf .ll-MI lll'l'd III
hire mule women .uni minor
ities in i l.issitieil .uni manage
llieill sei vu e |ii isil ions
\ffirmati\ e ,u I ion is .i nun .il
issue II is Siill|il\ wrong lo ills
■ omit some peoples .uni some
u.ilmns I'm those ol us ill
higher cdtn .ilion howevel .1
strong affirmative .u turn polit \
Is also good ediu.ition |iolu\
I he students ol this (hnversits
know this bettei 111.Ill any ad
ministralor [.earning does not
stop ill the i lassroom It hap
pells in the ilorili. in the loi kei
riKim and over at the KMl
Students learn from othei slu
This t huversitv must make
the lull effort, therefore lo
bring togethei the most diverse
group ol students possible to
make learning i omplete In this
w a\ the I huversiK w ill be a
mil nxosm ol the best m the
real world Oin sludeiils will
graduate wiser lor knowing
I hat a heller w orld a world
w itlioul bai i n is i an be real
i/ed \o legal \ is more impoi
Oregon l)uil\ _ _
I’ll Hox «|0» » illfTIK Of, COM •»'•*»»
’ : ■ . . .1' • 1 M 1 ' l> !’ • * • lay ■ • ' ;
r**ii<n «m1 vii' .ibons by IN? Orngon Daily Emerald Publishing Co .if IN*
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Eugene S westside neighborhood cafe, fea
turing home baked breads and desserts.
Mexican, vegetarian, and meat entrees
Good food at a reasonable price
Weekend Dinner Special —
Friday & Saturday
green salad, garlic bread.$4.95
W 5th at Lawrence
7 a m to 9 p m daily
Breakfast til 2 p m
By the way, we re playing cards with the Millers
tonight... And Edna says if you promise not to use
your X-ray vision, Warren promises not to bring
his Kryptonite.”
Organic Pastry
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Natural or iJrLhrtl Saute
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also from Knudsen s...
A Jestive. rwn alchohnbc brurraijt
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Cranberry or Tangerine
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Date Pieces
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Golden Temple
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Al nrvc«* cjood ffvocK/' Hcrmrrty* ot w^4« »4 nm
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Echo Spring*
Whipping Cream
r*g. 1.55/pl 89C
Natural Food Stor*
r»g 1 6S/lb ^ 1 .25
Vanilla Extract
r«a 10 69/lb $8.99
L Sundance Natural Foods 24th & Hiltard Opew8am-Hpm 343-9142 J