Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 16, 1989, Page 12, Image 12

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Brooks sees 17-point spread over Oregon State as 'crazy'
Bv lr.u\ Sumner
l merald Sports I ditor
I leading into Saturday's t ivil war game w ith ()o
St.tie Oregon |<> 1) seems to have .ill the .kIv.iii
tages ov el the •) . 1 Beav ors
I he I till ks .ire third ill the I’.II dll III ( imlereiu e III
liit.ll nllense third ill tot.il defense sei olid in |iassing
i it tense .ind lions I one ol the t onfereni es lies I ipi.irter
ton ks in Hill Vlusgrave
( logon St.ite on the other h.ind. is de.id last in tin
I ol del e lit e III tol.il otleilse .mil eighth III passing lie
hind only the lethargic IMA Bruins .ind run oriented
\i i/on.i Wildi .its
Besides .ill this tin Heavers ll.ive been blown out
I tie jilt two week ll\ .ill l II lllll l.lt I Vo MM .Ml si ore
Obviously the Ihnks fulls deserve the I point
Sjire.id odds makers have given them for the game
III,It Is ot ionise unless Oregon lout hall < O.II h
Kii h Brooks knows anything
I lliliik its 11,1/V. Biooks said of the |ioilll
sjire.id at Ills weekly phone jiiess I Ollleieni e Wednes
da\ I heie s no way tti.it makes anv sense to me
Brooks saidOregon Stale despite its sometime*
sluggish nllense Will ottel the I till t some ( till I lell g. -
when it has the hall Beaver lullliar k Bat < h.ltfev am
• luarterlrai k Mall liooher were among the threat*
Bn a >k s men! ioned
"There are several things that eoiuern me
Biooks said Bat ( haliev is a maiur lineal tiolh as .
itiuni't and .1 re< ei\ e i i Mining nut ul the Ink kfieid I In s
,ik exr.ellent foot ha 11 plau-r and ln*'s rushed lor mure
lards already this year than In- has in am nllu-r year
In even Katin- tlu-v'vt- won. lies been a slgnifi
i ant tai lor running tin- hall In- said I li.it s a major
r one <-rn
lloohei is a tremendous athlrti- lie has ureal
speed. Hrnoks said I le s 1m-i one-better and better as
a passer and In- is a tremendous threat as a runner
( onlaininent ul him and r meting their ver\ fine
..m is and not allow my Hooher to si ramble and find
any hod \ open on I lie run is a major mm ern. la- add
On-yon State despite its offensive problems this
season, lias played lespei lahly on defense for most ol
the y ear The Heal els ale fourth III Tie i on If rein e in to
l a I defense t tuning into tin- game jusl one spot behind
tin- I )m ks
'■Oregon Stall s defense is ohviousll a veil line
defense lirook- said I he\ \ e heen at tin- upper dl
vision ol defensive slats in tile I'ai III all leal long
I he\ have some outstanding players
I sera Tu.nilo is an outstanding nose guard
Itrooks said of the li foot I nn li H70-pound junior lie
may he the hest nose yuan! we le lined lip against this
s eai
"You throw in I’ellom Mi Daniels and a seiondau
that is doing a good joh not just ol getting mien ep
lions hut of supporting tin- run. and it adds a lot ol
problems In- said
Hiry n* jus! <i vrr\ l.i^t unit- Iiro<>ks.ini i h<*u
defensive front has tremendous speed and qui< kness
I he\ u' done a \er\ good job for the most part of < on
t,lining running games and putting pressure on tin
Oregon Stale broke a I t game Civil Wai vvmless
string last season in a 21-1(1 win in Corvallis While
Brooks wouldn't use the word revenge " he did point
out that the loss to the Heavers hasn't been forgotten In
him or his players
I (an t tell wm there's not some talk about what
happened last year and that we don t want it to happen
again he said The premise ol this football game
Irom our standpoint is that our seniors want to heat lb
egon State in the Civil W ar game
\o Oregon team has won seven games in .1 season
since l‘Hi-1 when the Ihuks went 7 2 1 The Ducks
didn't go to .1 howl that \ear and ver\ prnbabh won't
no to one this vear brooks didn't want to talk about the
howl situation
I can’t control howl things. brooks said All I
know is il wt win (ag.iiost Oregon Stale), this team
should he in post season pla\ based on some of the oili
er teams that ale
brooks had high praise for the seniors on the Oregon
football team who will be playing then Imul games in
( lo gon unifoi ms
"We've got .111 outstanding group of seniors he
said I he\ hare really done .1 great job with their 1 a
reel s here and brought respei t.ihiI it\ and 1 re.dibilih to
( Iregon for riba 11
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