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BIF' HI FOR TODAY HAVE A GOOD ONE' J ANGIE KEUY or YVETTE ' .1 luU»'r impo'.vtile h>t v!r. *o»fc |h»' Sunday night of final*. l h.i.»* Ia> •'Al» CONGRATS TO MOLLY & BOB ON YOUR PINNING WE LOVE YOU KAPPA'S HAPPY 1HTM birthday BROOK[ 0 W. , . A , ..M- !Nt RFCMfll l Rapa h#«d tonight*! 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A T * T Student ( »>• ; .• Manage' here at the U of O I would like to tell y'»u Mow AT AT i an help lowe' your long distance j bills l can a's<> answer any of your i ’ >W best l I • • M and F 1 3pm and T W Th 3 Spm t v , . ,! ■ 686 6046 )35 BUY OR TRADE THE BUY & SELL CENTER Buy * Sail * Trade Muv .»• '".Irumerds Slem* Tm<,i Pholographtc Equipment 361 W 51h WANTf[) Need 2 reserved GA ! ► els for OSU game Call Aaron 344 4b60 leave message usTars-cycles-scooters" BLACK HIANCMIFOHH Shrm.r gears Steal at S300 342 l7?8 Pair »■ VV*« ABRIOLf T 1984 WHIT! *. SPEED S ’*>00 68 7 1268 1974 f OMD Super Va- Needs Ti.(, S 400 OBO ’9'< .OiaSyNAG'-'N Bus • J *?' 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