China C ont mut'd from P.ini- 1 some sufferings there won't lie any re\oltitionary change Some people in the meeting disagreed however, suggesting that there should he business .is usual because they are doubtful as to whether international et o noinii sanctions would I.. tlier feasible or effei tive A government that did not t are about the lives of its own people will not care about in ternational sanctions, said ( Xiaogailg. a graduate student in comparative literature "(Chinese people have alwavs been suffering all the years.'' Gao said "A tougher life will only toughen their endurance Instead. Gao said keeping Western dialogue open to Ghi na will help the (Ihinese pen pie The movement in China was instigated hy elite intellectual class yy ho are influenced hy Western ideologies and thoughts, ( said, adding that keeping the open door pul it v will speed up the process of ayvaking the common people Moreover, economii saui tions may i reate a lose lose sit ion for hotli I lie ( diiliese people and the countries who impose sum tions on I lima said Sun Duopin a graduate student in him hemistry The (’.hinuse government Drugs ( ontinued from Page 4 present to reaffirm the Umver silv's commitment to prevent mu another tragedy sue li as I luglles death " This is such an enormous problem that am nuniher ot programs i-s not enough to i on\ iiu e v oting people thev an al risk W ilson said "We ah snlutelv have to have parents concerned about the welfare of students vvhethei it's in high si bool or college 1'he University as part ot the settlement established the (iai rett Ini entive for \ allies tin ham emeiii memorial fund in Hughes' memory, to snpport anti drug projet Is on i ampus University President Myles Brand requested the Universitv I nundation lake $ . out) from the President s f und to eslah lish the U1VK fund. Mostdev said Bennett, along with husband William, will also contribute to the fund with some of the mini ev inc luded in the Theta (.’hi settlement Moseley said "We wanted a memorial fund that would be used diret I ly by student anti-drug organ! zations and organizations that deal with value enhancement." Bennett said Bennett said the problem ot drug use is beyond peer (ires sure and is now a sm ietal ail moot, referring to a recentlv i ompleted survey that found high levels ol drug use at the University The study found '17 percent ot students have used alcohol. tiT) pert enl have smoked man juaua and It) pen ent have ex prrimented with t ot .line "When you lose a child, vou're a bereaved parent the rest of vour life." Bennett said tearfully "I want to make a change I want Harrell's death to have mattered " Bennett was appointed to the ('.ampus Organization tor a Suhslant e Abuse free K n v iron - merit to monitor progress on the goals in the settlement w ith the University and to provide input on future programs. mn\ abuse the notion that eco nmnii sam lions have troll l ( Inna s ei onotm and use it .is an i'\i use tor further suppres sum. said Vue (lung a graduate student m i imiparative litera lure "Western countries may thus Ixs ome a si apegoal tor ( Inna s economii disaster." Vue said I agree with the assumption that economii sanctions vs ill cause economii disaster, .mil will in its n» ii In ms to politiiiil i li.nuit' Mill tlic ipti's linn is Would it Mo (inssi lilt'7" \iu»tIut ililtii ultv in limit; mt; i linnet's in ( hm,i is hots to ,m,ikon tin' HIM) million ( In Ill's*' pi'.is,mis it ho \l> s I MKl )l (.Ml Kll > \> S Luncheon Specials Chicken Laksa 3.85 CHINA BLUE w/Vork Chow Mein fl-00 RESTAURANT ( fystiiirs \r\t to L' ot () Hookstor»■ 8"c» I 1 it h * \ * 28 U C onsldering graduate schoo! an management'.’ A representative of the Atkinson Schoo! will be at University of Oregon on Thursday, November 16, 19S9 To schedule an individual appointment from 9 a m. to 2 p.m , call Hazel Powell in tire Career Planning and Placement Service Building at 686-3235. The__ Atkinson Graduate School Of Management Willamette University Salem. Oregon (503) 370-64-40 Now all you have to worry about are midterms and finals W' I ! Ivin w ,u .kIt inil : 'lessilie >lknild be complicated In tinam ml |t- ut u In ! i \ I 'i tn t 'tlei i in; student loans lor more • * in ' > \t .ii blind ei :• u i.|tmlii\ tor one, just make an ,i('l . ■ ■ ■ ,t nt null u hii.iiH \kI At.11nmi^rrail>r I lu ll fall ! s i s ^ 7 S 7 2 (' < ’ ■ w e 11 it 1 ij ‘Hi .tn t t '* ’lin.iv an) It ' . 'I •. ’e1' ' M: |'( I' ( it' .11u . : . ". ■ b.e f.i'it t ii mu r U> •Mi 'll Vl'll II l.K l .ill U .11 m Bank of America I X mii; the joh' ot Atmiric .t \TkSA Mcmlx'i li)l(