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Marla, and Kath\ Illusions 345-1810 L Good through December is 1989 with coupon only Regrouped tenants council plans action on rent increases, zoning K\ ( atherine Hawlev ime rah) Reporter I uyene renters i mu ernert about rent tin teases and their lights as tenants nmt have someone to turn tn tor mlorma lion .nut support t he lame ( ount\ I enarits (aumt il. to -.1 formed in the summer of ltJHf). is orRafitzinn amt let niitmj; lievs members who want to lake at I ion on renter issues sin ll as set urih tleposil returns, lights anti responsibilities anti rent PRESENT!0 BY THE FAMILY, JEWELS JIWIIOS IMTflllN YA ROCKY SOMf ONF IS SWF AKING HARRY RlTCHIf SJCWElfHS AOS INTO OUR COMIC STRIP' r r C MON ROOM I Y DO I l OOK l IK I A J( WE LI R 7 DO YOU Ml AH Ml TAt KING ABOUT MARRY RITCHIE S HUGE COl l l CTION OE'DIAMOND Jf WE IRY OR HOW EASY IT IS TO OPI N A NEW ACCOUNT NOT Ml N . WAY WHAT l£MMf WORLD MAKt S YOU THINK RE DOING A COMM I RClAl SURE HAMMY RITCHIE S IS A \ INK Jf WE l MY STORE AND THEY ARE OfFERING NEW f ACCOUNTS TO STUDENTS BUT EVEN THOUGH I DO THINK THAT THEY HAVE THE LOWEST ^PRICES IN TOWN IT S NOT l IKE I'M A WAl KING COMMI RCIAL FOR THE STORE ADS. MAYBE YOU DON'T GET II Up to 60 University of Oregon students may already have the AIDS virus Thousands more are putting themselves at risk by ignoring the truth AIDS is something that affects us all Practice sate sex, and take the chance out of ADS. For more information, call the Health Education line at 686 4456. Sponsored by the Student Health Center AIDS. TAKE IT PERSONALLY. ( ontrol Kleven |><*«>|»!*• including two rental properh mvncrs. attriul imI .1 (iiuncil mi l ling Iuesd.w night lu determine .1 1 nurse n) ,i< linn Im llm organization u Im h has l» i n dormant for several nnmills Right non mu jol) is lo (In nut homework illtd get the fin ts Morrison smd People who at tended the meeting volunteered to gather information on topn s sue h .is ini reused costs lo landlords possible /.one 1 hnnges to pro mote the ((instruction of more housing and rent (olllrol legls latum m other i dies and stales Those who attended the meeting also de< ided lo investi gaO a report of a rent spike staged In tenants In iilg in the Kivei Road area and lo lend support to those who m.iv he 111V ohed ill tile strike ( )ue nl the main goals ol the i nuneil w ill he to repeal a 1*185 state law prohibits the es tahlishment of rent controls Morrison said ll will lie (liffil nil lo get tin' legislature to reverse itsell. lie said Landlords will light ev er\ step ol I lie w a\ It may take more than one Ir\ I \ ell ll the group SUI 1 eeds in repealing the law il w ill still have to promote the establish meld ol rent 1 onlrols in I n gene Mthongh rents in the Kugene area have been in< reusing steadih m recent vears rent i (intro! is nut the answer to the prohleni. said Mar\ Slogsdill president of the Rental Owners Asms lation. an organization that represents about dll) own els ot small rental properties 111 Kugene "We arc completely opposed lo rent ( onlrols ' Slogsdill said. adding that the (|ii.iiit\ o! housing would deteriorate with rent controls h\ discouraging owners from reinvesting in their property I.muted profits would also return e the mi entive tor build ers to ( re.lte new housing, she said Rei eld rent im leases are a le suit hI p.iHti t,i\ reform. w lm h I'limm.ili'd soini' las i .redits and write-offs lm propcrtx owners who compensated by increas mills. Slugsdill said. The amount ul profit is not sii tremendous as il might ap pear. Mog.siiill s.iid. Ihi' council would [impose reasonable rent i oiltrol legis latino that would allow owners to make a profit u hilc prolei I mg tenants from unreasonable or unexpei ted ini leases in rent. Morrison said "We know landlord's i lists have gone up." Morrison said " I be quest ion is bow milt II Landlords i an make a prntil but tho\ can't profiteer Other i ilies with rent control ordinal)! es have been pleased with them. Morrison said Kent control max be new lor (iregon. hut its not new for the rest ol the i ountrx be said The nearest i itles with rent i ontrol ordinances are in the Max Area I'w o landlords w ho attended Tuesdax s meeting encouraged the imini il to lm us their alien lion on issues besides rent i on trol sui h as i hunges in local zoning laws that would permit i onslru! lion ol new bousing I be biggest problem in landlord tenant relationships is that people are unaware ol their lights and responsibilities ." said Lee Hughes, a rental prop erl x ow iter 1 he i oiln( il was begun more than a vear ago as a "hunch ol us who were ticked off about rent increases." Morrison said 1 he group held a puhlu meet mg that altrai led aliou! -ft) pen pie and also established a tele phone helpline to answer ten .mis' questions Hut the group's momentum died out and the helpline was eventually discon turned \\ e made the mistake of not having a program of activities for people to pilug into. Morn son said I he council is the otgani/.a lion in hugene that deals e\i hi sivelx with tenant issues Mnr rison said Get a 14” 1 ITEM I I I ^6.50 Plus one 16-oz. PEPSI NAME_ ADDRESS___ 687 8600 • 1432 Orchard One Coupon Per Pizza • Expires Nov. 15. 1989 Lose 10 to 14 Pounds in 14 Days! Only Cost is Food. 19 Years in Eugene. 687-0590 THE ULTIMATE INDOOR TANNING MACHINE Fast Convenient Relaxing Affordable fcunShcmer >n campus by »m»o 1