Fast to raise hunger awareness B\ |olie Andrade l meruld Reporter I'niversitv students and cnmmunitv mom hois will liavo an oppnrtumK to show their concern for hunger problems h\ participating m the H)th Annual last for World Harvest sponsored In Oregon Student Publii Interest Kesean h (.roup on Wednesday and Phursdav The annual U4 hour last will Iregin W'ednesdav at p in and end Thursdav .it a p in with a toruin and vigil .it the Nieuinan (tenter Singer Patrick Dodd will perform at the i losing event Kllen knepper of I ood lor I ane (tountv and loin llegei of the( ampiis In terfaith Ministrv will also conduct a discus sion on Third World issues and hunger proh Inns "When vou s.n linngei in I N t people I don't think of their town, or i ountrv said I I Ion kieburtz. projei t leader lor the campaign against hunger and homelessness and OSPIKO state hoard member People need to realize its a lug problem in the I’.S kiehurtz said, adding that this was her reason for partii ipating in for the past t wi i vear.s We want to heighten people’s au.ueness of problems and give people the feeling of what it's like to have no food she said "Wo also want to raise monev. direi 11 v e\ pand awareness and build momentum behind tlit project itself and the issue." said Tom I ligbev projet t .luie Sign tip sheets Mere tllsll ihlltfd to ulguill /.limns on .«ntI otl rumpus lor people interest t-tI m |irtit i puling I hose lusting vv ill he given armbands anti buttons to wear to show their support anil u ill lie given a meal i ol beans anti rite to give an Itlea ol u hat a third world meal is like kiehurt/ said I'urtu ipants are also being asked to donate the monel that thev s.ivetl during the lasting period, kiehurt/ adding that ilonations from anyone are welt time kieburt/ sun! tliev will be donating half of the monev thev raise during the last to l-'ootl tor Lane (aiuntv I he other halt will he given to (Klam. the national sponsor of the last She said she is hoping to raise about $Htlo this vear S.hid more than last veut Moth kiehurt/ and llighev said tliev espet t helvveen till ami 1110 people In part it ipate kiehurt/ sauf her long term goal is to see the I 'nited Stales make it a priority to provide jobs that enable the homeless and hungry to teed then families She is also i ampaigning tor a minimum u age im lease ( Ither student groups endorsing the list mi hide ASI () the foreign Student < )rgurti/u lion the t'mversilv Democrats Sistei t'mvei •sitv I’tojecl. the International Stmlies Asso< 1.1 lion. I laiiitovvn t mum it and the Latin Amen < a Support ( Committee CIA ( nntinucd from P.tnc I Although Smith s.ii Ih* UO Boo** to** .‘GREAT MOVIES: * DISCOUNT SHOWS » l Su-Mo $3 / Tu-we $3.50 * J= E 13th: ■ 686-2458. • a a n e» 9 * a • I UU Udll find stamps & envelopes at the UO Bookstore. s.iul I'his is lieu lcrrili)r\ I Ilf l,H\ Ihal UK lllcll’ll SCMI.ll prctcri'iH i• .is piirl ut I he statu system's ureas of jiruli-cliun in the iiltii niiil hi' action arena have been just ret enllv i banned lu uu hull- llu- sexual 1111-ti'i t• ih «■ issue Su its new lerrilorv for us ,uu) well t.ikr (.■ireful e\ ion Suiilli s.uii lie will review the gnev.iuc e (lunges through .1 I.k t timling process .mil will implicate the l hiiversilv M firunitive \i (ion Offiie 111 the gl lev .1111 e rev lew Uprising ( onlimit'd from Page I ling am follow up /ei In i said Mam limes mir i alls aien I retmneil Sleit assured tile students nl Uela/.iii s support .mil plum iseil to improve i omiminii alum w illi Ini al groups "I'll make an eflort in i;ei Inn k to \ mi on this and other tilings. Steii said I i ) I I S memhers are plan mux a possible protest tor I n ll.IV Wore ilt'inamlinj} n» '■iiii'ii;i‘i\i \ .ml is appropriated .uni nu I S troops .nr sent /rrbo said 'ii.isic.ill\ mui if seeing the i ulniinalion ot .1 ton \ i'.ii struggle l lii' root 1 .him' ol tins uprising is tin- \KI \ \ Hovi'mini'iit's ri'ltisal to neitnti .ito in r;ooil taitli u nil tlio I1 Ml N This is .1 ip'iirrnl upi is ton A NEW DON JUAN IN DOWNTOWN EUGENE We invite yen; to en|oy the 'i.tme iiithentii Mi1 * i ■ ' M i i i' i' ■ ■ I* v.' ’ /, ■ iT‘ |, ! I ill ; I ■ : tui-.itw ‘ days a week t«ample Chicken Cnmita-. C .imit.i', do Re Chile Venle and Chile' t t to Sunday Thur'.day. Hitt nd.iy \ Satuid ty jiMvniy Nonunion:* ^ Musi | present | coupon 2 FOR 1 minimum 2 / coupons per party | uona lor comotnauun ainnrr >3 13 ma ium i.iruii |uu mr u< Nol Good on Fridays Or On Orders To Go Olftr tipilM 11 JO 09 DON JUAN MEXICAN RESTAURANT 2650 River Rd. 689-5621/635 Broadway 344-1091 Stock up on film from the UO Bookstore. NAVY OFFICER PROGRAMS AN OPEN LETTER TO THE SI l DENTS OE THE I'NIVERSITV OE OREGON, N on should now In* formulating' ideas about how von plan to enter the job market. Important questions you need to ask \ourself are: • What kind of positions are a\ailahle in today's employment market? • What is your prospect of being hired to till those positions based on your educational background? • What will those positions offer )ou in terms of personal development and financial benefits? • What kind of job do you really want and why? I he N.ivy i\ currently seeking individuals <>l all majors lot various technical and non technical management pusi lions Starting salaries range Irom S20.IXX) and S2 '.(MX) atul advance lapullv to between S32.IXH) and S'S.(XX) m gist lour years II selected, you would receive a management training program followed by a commission as a Navy Otti cer and subsequent academic training I his training will prepare you for a level of responsibility unparalleled anywhere in industry entry level management positions. Positions currently available in the Navy are: Pilots Naval Aviation Cadet Program No other job gives you such important responsibility so quickly. No graduate school offers this kind of experience. And nothing beats the excitement of being a Navy Officer! To investigate the opportunities available to you, call: 1-800-543-7287 Your Navy Officer Programs Representative will be on campus Thursday, November 16 from 10-3 pm at the Placement Center. NAVY OFFICER V Von are I'omorrow. You are the Navy.