shop save FOOD WAREHOUSE —— BULK FOOD & NUTRITION WAREHOUSE PLAIN & SIMPLE SAVINGS BULK & NUTRITION CENTER COORS cs bottle Roy or Light ♦ dcp BOUNTY PAPER TOWELS DUTCH GIRL ICE CREAM O $C00 \J FOR \J gal squares BULK SPECIALS ALMONDS. CASHEWS OR WALNUTS COUPON i shop/ save m foot Wjrehoutt Kt - one pound cube EXPIRES 11 21 89 FIRST 3 IMPERIAL MARGARINE O SHOO \J FOR I 17 COBURG ROAD HOURS 7AM-11PM 7 DAYS A WEEK 683-8670 AD EFFECTIVE 11-15 thru 11-21 89 .Tistes (MORE Filling I he Saga Continues WEDNESDAY NIGHT at TRACK TOWN PIZZA Get a medium (12”) One-Ingredient Pizza for ONLY... (Just ask for the Special) $595 (Add! Ingredient .70) Why settle for less... than the BEST!?! FREE DELIVERY (Limited delivery area) 484-2799 1809 Franklin Blvd. Great thinkers— come check out our Philosophy section. One of the greats the University Bookstore In the Book Dept Anachronists to meet Mi l I INC S Rainforest Action Group meets tonight at > it) in llir Survival (lonter IMI Suite 1 Slmlrnls lor Anachronism moots tonight .ii H in in tho IMI I ishtKjwI ()SPIR(. s I < >s Saloty group moi ls tonight ai i> IN in IMI (a-nturv Room ( _El als_ Droids moots tonight .il N in Knom 1 Vi Sir.mb I l.ill Kugenc School Distrii I 4-J's GommuniH Discussion Gom mitter moots 11>111v:111 from > 1 "i lo 7 m tho i diarlotle Parr Room at tho Mi I nc .it i< m < ontoi 20(1 \ Monmo SI (lull Sports Cycling will a businoss mooting (u night at 7 III in Room 22 1 Al Ion I la 11 All i vi linn onthusi asls are encouraged to attend Mortar Hoard moots tonight al li iii Room I t Ceologv Ml members nood to attend SPIAkKKS AM) 1 1 1 "I I RlIS "(.lasnosl and Soviet law I uda\ " Is tho title ol a lot.lure to ho given In Oleg Aleksandrovich Dervi/ toibn al t to in Rooms I2'l and 22'l ol tho I aw Si hool \IIS( III. A NIK il s I ho Problem ol Being Jew ish" is tho title ol a prosonla lion In the lovvish Student I nion as pari ol Jewish Gultur al Awareness Week |orr\ l)il lor. it local soi ial worker who works with problem id ethnic identiU will lie discussion tho issue Iho presentation will lie at ( to p in. in the KMl l or more information, tall the JNI at tain 4 toil Repentant c is llir title ot I'engi/. Abulad/c s surrealistic film about Stalin and Stalinism in (lie I SSK I he lilrn, in (ieor gian with Knglisll subtitles will be shown tonight at 7 in Studio A of the Instructional Media f enter The tiim is part ol the Russian Film Series ol fered by the Russian depart nient \ (,olden hex Information Table will be staffed todav in the I Nil' I ,ohb\ from B (0 a ill to 2 til p m All (addon Ke\ members are one on raged to stop h\ for informal ion Tim Hughes will show his slides from his trip to Pyong yang. North Korea for the I till World Festival of Youth and Students, tonight at 7 in the the I AH' lii Room "Avalanche Awareness" is Ihe title of a v ideo to he shown todav at 12 10 p in i n FMI' Room 23 I he v ideo is present ed by the (hitdoor Program. "(iatholic Devotion to Marv and the Saints" is the title of a Roman < iatholic Faith and < ins toms presentation tonight at B at the Newman < enter. I Had limerald St Ihe presentation will he followed at ‘I bv Stll dent Mass and w ill he led b\ I i Paul Rafferty \ ( lull Sports soccer game vs Western Oregon State (all lege will be held todav at t p in. at Southhank _ A K.irate i linn w ill lie held tonight from 7 to u in Room -17 Kssiinger I lall A (il)-KOM tutorial on lie Social Sciences Index will he held todav at 1 p ill in Kefei enc e Department knight I.i brary I kind line fur submitting lit uls to the limerald is noon the tl.n before publii ,ition THE EMU CULTURAL EORUM PRESENTS AM OTHER HERITAGE MUSIC CONCERT TRADITIONAL AMERICAN FOLK MUSIC CATHY MARCY FIINK ® MAXER ROUNDER RECORDING ARTISTS !»o of the most dynamic women in the folk scene Cathy K Marc y hlend tx autiful harmony sinqinc) with exquisite instru mental styles in a roper toire ol lolk country old time and con temporary sonqs to < harm audiences young and old APPEARING SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 18 8:00 P.M. THE FIR ROOM The Erb Memorial Union —University of Oregon $3.50 U of O Students • $7.00 General Public TICKETS AVAILABLE AT: lilt I Ml MAIN DESK HAl l ADLER MUSIC and MOTHER KALI s TICKET CHAKOELINE 686 A362 BUSY? GET TAN QUICK!!! Fast Convenient Relaxing Affordable SunShowcr on campus (snn • v i im mm*wm tr > * MAJNKRUND * GREAT FOR PARTIES ANO BIRTHDAYS 5*WinFn GAMES WORK ^CJkMBC WITH NICKELS GAMES ADMISSION -1 so STM STREET PURIIC MARKET I USE ME • M3-MM