Gathering discusses recent China crisis n\ ( hoi Vv .11 Nl Illvi f mcrnld ( onlributor live months ago the world wall hod in horror as the ('.hi nese government (rushed the hopes ot the Chinese students vv ilh bullets and tanks About aO people attended the ' I he Situation in ( Iona \ou and Our Kesponse " a Tuesdav, afternoon meeting in C.erlingei Lounge to discuss oti what (an he done to ( hange the current situation in ('Inna The two hour event spun soied bv the Loieign Student organization included a slide show two talks, a musical pie sentation and discussions I he disi ussion Ini used on different approaidies in i hang ing (,'hina. Id onomii sain t ions w on Id ulliinatelv bring revnlutionarv changes, given that mmomii hardship would Ion e the t Ihi nese government to instigate Haifa By Pom SOLAR NAILS Student Special Sets S24 (reg $45) (complimentary bottle of polish with set) Fills $1 7 (reg $20) Manicure Special $7.00 ireg $12 00) by Appointment Studio 340 340 E. 11th • 484 0088 REMEMBER WE DELIVER • Movies •VCR s •TV s FREE MOVIE With Any Rental ut Equal or Greater Value 19th and Aqate • 342 4972 Expires 11/16/89 Selected New Guitars */2 off our list Price Sorr> . no trades accepted on this oiler Case must be purchased *ith guitar at regular price coupon expires II IH N4* Music city Since '99' P^treyort of tfie w*ry open evcnings fill 6 I united lu slock huulh owned for S2 \eur\ kii(l(il|>li llua reforms Rudolph llun a physios professor who m f hin,i until .1 lew days before Ihc m.iss.ii in I rue people Will slittel Hilt unless there ,lie lorn to ( hina, Pago ‘I Bike lane changes recommended Bv Peter ( ogswell t mcr.ilfl Reporter The I nivorsjtv 's transportation SiiIm nmiml tee voted to rei ommend hike lane i badges toi I ast I ith \ v eiiue to Dan U illiams v ic e presi dent toi administration it its first meeting ol the \ ear It pul into effect the changes "radii lake plate on l ast 1 lib Avenue between kim aid anil Agate streets Ihe lirst of the two changes rails tor two seven loot vv ule lake lanes to lie painted down the middle ol t Ith Avenue, one lor ear li direr Iron with r mss walks tor pedestrians set .it r ert.nn mlerv als fins i liange would he marie on the set (ion 111* 11 09 Oil <»•! SKI GOGGLES Scott St UK i«* I ms ti(HI K. - S: I )»ublt* I **IIS 711(1 Krj; v $168" SKI GLOVES Mens, Womens & Childrens $4.99 JL \ i p SKI BIBS Mens, Womens & Childrens s29"-$69" LANK COUNTY FAIRGROUNDS Nov. 17th-19th SKI JACKETS Mens. Womens & Childrens Qg9 11 until utis to choose f rom! SKI SWEATERS Mens. Womens & Childrens Hundreds to choose from $1 Q99 A S 0|» LANGE SKI BOOTS S1.m1.-I IVCTX. ( m 1 CUT $49°° \