Under pressure lull (iuntilr goes for thr s.y< k .ig.tinsl Mike Uonlrnkmhri during thr Neirr.itinn ,iml Intr.mmr.ils tooth,ill clhitnpinnships .it \ut/.ru St.idium Sunil,n Though Hordrnkin hrr S s't.illord dorm tr.im 11 rut iin to u in thr g.imc .rrunst thr < .nui.ils < on tro\'rrs\ n\ n thr m.iti h led to St.illord’s lurtuit I’liolo In Ingrid U lnlr Islamic speaker explains 'Jihad' 'Holy war' a myth, he says Bv Dan i isler imorale) Reporter I hr i mu rp( (it )11i,i\ MV* Iuchk The Or ego 1 M Daily Ef h Friday ©neap! during Publishing Co at the* ofy with offices on th» he Associated Press Christopher Blair T racy Sumner Supplements Editor i j.nt Night Editor ' • • ; * - f t; nr id vacations by the University of Oregon Eugene Oregon The Emerald >s operated independently of the Um third floor ot the Erb Memorial Unton and is a member The Emerald is private property The unlawful remc ecu table by law Editor 1 Managing Editor •* .V News Editor Editorial Editor Sports Editor Graphics Editor M - ■ Encore Editor t ■ Associate Editors Community * ."• > Student GovernmentActivities F r R' * Higher Education/Administration • { *•" Features • Reporters A • i i*• ► t • , r>» , A- • - Euler Catherine Hawley Stephanie Mottl'd r Joseph Eayn*t l ifcefish (.am Sives-nd Alice Thornton Photographers *1 Advertising Ma • : ■ t • ■ i Ha ;> tt M A. 4 Am, M m» dt M- a f. . - ■ Pa" . Elise Sharon. Kristi Stother Edward Wemck Production • * S ' A* n.-f Kat1 <*, Bad. non Lotus Child Carol Dopp Jim Finch Kiaastad Elisa Lichtman Jim Ma*. n W»* Pansewicz, Anna Rembecki Janet Sc hob©r Smith Caitlm Stark Jennifer Thomas Jenmfe General Staff Advertising Director m Trw- Assistant to the Publisher • ,r Ow bey Production Manager M • ♦ P Advertising Coordinator ’ki*-Ira Da '*■' Classified Manager T m H .*. -th Accounts Receivable Circulation Newsroom 686 5511 Classified Advertising 686 4343 Display Advertising 686 3712 Production Graphic Services 686 4381 David Hansen Virginia Peart e Ten Boring. Jed Clark Alice Can Yvette Gill Jennifer Huey Linda dy M ms Angela Mum/ Gar? »• Ted Shepler Jennifer Smith. Scott Viate Ingrid White Kelly William*. Mil//.mi.il Si(I(Ii<|ii TAX WORKSHOP for INTI RN VTION VI STI DIMS \M) FACT m t I hursdav. Nov t tnhvr I f>. OSl 4 < (Ml >:00 |j.m * I Mi Konini Koom ♦ VVc tlunk the following for their support and sponsorship of National C ollegiate Alcohol Awareness Week: (Xficoot the 1 Van of Students Office of Student FX'velopment, AXIU> ( < .ntrr, l lavri-aty Housing Men Apamst Rajs* Multhul tiir.il Affairs, Alpha lambda l\'lta/Phi I la Recreation Si Intra murals ( ulhir.il J orum. 11-X ' I’anhellenn . (ireek Advisors Athletic rVpt J die Roberts I Ml ! ood Stvms, Pepsi lor mo re information •« cimpi* program* ami initiative**, vail Itumc Rolviuon, Training and Prevention ( tH.mlmator, «t hSf> HO*' (Osafe ( antpu* Organisation f.-r a Substance \Ihim’ ha' Invifonment THE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON EUGENE’S ONE AND ONLY! AVAILABLE EVERYWHERE BE SURE TO ASK FOR IT! In 12 oz. Six Packs or Draft.