_Sports_ Bakersfield hands Duck wrestlers first loss of the season H\ Mike Maloney Emerald ( ontrihulor I’lie (begun wrestling te.im suffered Ms Inst loss nl I lie sea son Manilas ini’ll! tailing l<> I al Slate llakersfielil li\ a si.ore of 22 11 I ?titiI the Hakerslielrl niati li the Dinks hail hi lasted an till beaten streak in Mr Arthur ( otirl that spanned the past two seasons The defeat r aiue on the night Hon I Miles uas honored lor Jit years of servile as Oregon's head \vresiling i oar h I in rlisappointerl that s\ e < I ill n't gel the win." I inles saul A\ e were really in the in.dr li mild tin' end Hakersfinlrl. the \( \A s 17th ranked team jumped out to a Hell lead i is er the I )m ks bs winning the first live mail lies I reshman Hob < avion ss ies tling in plat e of l'a< In r hampi on Dan Virllak who ss.is side lined ssilli a knee injurs lost to Bukerslield pinna Cat I liga 1 . at I Hi pounds ( as trill did a s el s lesper t able |oh III Ins lust saisils matt h I inles said I le kept II ( lose Tile must cm ding m.iti It tif thf mghl vvtis .it 17i> pounds when' Oregon freshman lason join’s till Iwhind H.ikrrsfirld senior Mike Ditll.is r> I after two rounds llii’it Ind il up 7-7 .il (hi’ end o( regulation Dull.is was nvs.1 rdrd uni' point lor rid mu 111111’. Imishitlg with .ill H 7 \ n tors Bakersfield t ln’ii look tin* ni’xl three m.ilr Ill’s In opun I ltd largest in,irum of till’ evening Oregon vvri-sllrr Koli Slum’ was mill'd out tiv Bakersfield's Ahmrd I I Sokkarv .it 1 M pounds In tin- I I.' pound in.ill li I Irrumi s Si oil (.limn losl ,i 7 J di’i ision to Bakers I it’ld s Sir vi’ Morris I inlt’v i ili’tl Ilt<* I 17 pound in.ili li .is llir turning point in I hr i mill si ( drnn ln-.il Morris Im third plat r .il last vr.ir s I’m Ill s I inli’S s.iirl Hi.it loss ir.dlv Imrl us Ki’dshirl tri’slim.m I’.il I raig vv.is impressive hi .i losing et Imi against Bakersfield s Kifh .ml H.iilrv .it I .0 pounds H.ti lev vv.is .m All Auirrir .in last sr.ison hut i mild manage no hrllri ill.ill .1 II dri ision against (aaig who ontsr.ored him in llii' fin.il round (.■'urge lohnston itno1 (fregon its lusl win of the night si or tug .1 t. v n tor\ mi*r Bakers field v Mike ()le|irik in .1 15K pound in.iti h Johnston ion trolled from the Iregimung I’ar 10 1 hampion Krn Messner 1 onlinued to turn the inomentuni in Oregon's favor hv posting .1 I 1 vit lorv o\ er Bakersfield's Brian M.d.ivar at H.7 pounds Messner won the 111.iti h in spite ot a hand injur\ lh.it sidelined him in the I (ill k s season openei Messner jumped into the lineup earlier than we e\pet t eii. fmil's said "He's wailing to do w hatever he has to (or the team (iregon's Best performani e of the night was turned in h\ 177 pounder ( urt Strahm. w ho si ored an 1H .1 lei linn al fall over Bakersfield freshman her in I .angles Ihe win pulled the lluiks within sinking distant e at It. I I Oregon's |oe Kissone lost a he.ilthieakel .il 100 pounds !\ mg tile mate h at “i onh to lose when Bakersfield s Steve I aw son was awarded one point loi riding time DOMINO’S PIZZA 1 DELIVERS JeFREE... Campus Specials • Giant 16” i Any One Topping I Only | *7.95 • Good Through Nov. 30. 1989 i I.......J "Just Ask” Specials, Not Valid With Any Other Coupon or Offer. Limited Delivery Area. Offers Good at Campus Store Only. 343-3030 L.uvsnn was tin- national (.re co-Roman open division chain pinn during the off season liiikersfield completed the 22 11 v i< lory v\ hen heav \ weight loin ()seiulorf defeated Oregon's ( .on Strahni hv a 12 si ore (all St,tie Bakersfield head coach T | Kerr said the score uas misleading Oregon wasn't at full strength .Hid ri.Ki In make .1 Ini id lineup ( hanges Kerr said "Moth teams will he improved vvliiMi il i miles lime lm the t’ai Ill s " Oregon is now 1 I having posted a tli 1H i 11 Inn at I’orl land Slate on \ovemher loth Bakersfield nuiveil to I 0 The Ducks next match will he November 25th in Mi Arthur < a 111 it against the Stanford. Oldham nets Pac-10 honor Oregon cornerback Chris Oldham was named this week as the Pacific 10 spe cial teams Player of the Week. California quarterback Troy Taylor was named the conference Offensive Player of the Week and Southern Cal defensive tackle Tim Ryan was named for the de fensive honor. Oldham, a senior from Sacramento. Calif., blocked a field goal attempt and re turned two kickoffs for 60 yards in the Ducks' 38-20 win at UCLA. Oldham leads the conference in kickoff re turns with a 28.5-yard aver age and is tied for the con ference lead in intercep tions. Taylor, a senior from Ran cho Cordova, earned offen sive honors for the second straight week by completing 25 of 33 passes for 368 yards and two touchdowns in Cal’s 38-26 upset of Wash ington State. SALE SALE SALE 100% Cotton Sweat Shirts 50/50 Tops & Bottoms Batman & Misc. T-Shirts Printed Sweat Shirts Cotton Blend Leotards 20% to 50% OFF! Next to U ot O Bookstore 877 E. 13th Ave 342 6375 Good Through 12/16/89 "25 Years of Quality Service" GERMAN AUTO SERVICE, INC. Mercedes • BMW • Volkswagen Audi • Datsun • Toyota 2025 Franklin Blvd 342-2912 Eugene, Oregon 97403 It you are looking tor this image . . Gucci Liz Claiborne Ralph. 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