Strike Continued from Page 1 "The strikers .mtl their family members .ire nut netting basic nutritional rare Then . hildren are hav ing to (iiti h in to help them survive said Roller! Kenneth, publisher ol the Student Instil gent Members ol the Surv ival Gentei and the Slu dent Insurgent also pit keled in support of the workers Both organizations want to help bring the issues home to students who believe the strike is unrelated to them. Kenneth said Kenneth stressed it is not |ust a i oiupanv but a community issue lie said he wants to increase student visibility and involvement Last week the three groups set up an information table in the I Ml Irving to rally support lor the strikers "We're i ommitted to making this a top prior itv'and a regular activity Kenneth said " The direct income loss to the < omiminilv is over St i million per v ear " ai i ording to a news letter bv the Solid.iritv Network a local support group for the strikers Solid.iritv Network composed of local c iti zens. is a leading ton e behind the strike It is one ol the "legal ies ot the strike' which will contili ue to support other strikes aftei the Nh ol.u strike is over, said Dennis Gilbert, University physics professor and i hairmen ot the Network Gilbert said he is not an ordinary physics professor lie became involved m the strike last summer when it "seemed like a real showdown struggle in the i omnninitv " Gilbert said i oinimi nits support is .in import,mt stop in the labor mos ement Hi' tun a me involved s\ 11 h I hr Solidur its Nelsvork .uni (Mull'd up .1-. i,in (filbert s.ud tin \rtss nrk believes the strike i .ill hr won I.OIIU strikes sometimes will lie s.liii "There is iletinitels .1 i hum e tiles II ss in Morgan .11 ipnred Nicolai Doors in Itlllli. 111 sis! 111^ on ss.i^e reductions to tie imnprtilisr in the dooi industry accordion to .1 ssritten sl.ite ment I>s leeKoy l’.ls(|iinil lllim.ill resouri es m.ill .iHei tin Morgan \u ol.11 I lie \n ol.11 . oinp.ins had lost niones tor three of the last live years be lore the take-over t hese losses were 1 dim t re flection of Nicolai's inahilits to compete on pm c due to hi it her than market labor i osts .11 1 oriiing to tile statement The company met ssilh the union I ndus to nri>oliute .1 1 lint rai I settlement Hut \ 1 c olai rep re sentatives said they won Id not ai;ree to a i ontr.u t that requires employees to |oin the union This disaKreeinent is a major issue svifli the sinkers Koliinson said II employees vs ere not ie quirt'd to join, the union ssould still have to rep resent them ssithoul them pas me. union dues he added \o further talks ale si tiedllled ,11 1 oiiIiih; to .1 memo !nun I’asquini ()t the nil) Nicolai employees ss tin ssrnl on strike about III pert e 1 it have trussed the picket line (filbert said SO YOU GOT YOUR FIRST HAIRCUT IN EUGENE!! How was it? If you were happy with the cut, go back. If you have more difficult hair to cut — we can help WE ARE ** SHORTCUTS * * downtown 5 stylists with better than the usual talent ★ APPOINTMENTS 342-7664 966 Oak , With Macintosh you can even do this: File New 98N Open... 3£0 Close Sane , #:$ Saue Rs... ^ Print... Quit Miami ish'a miputers have alua\ stxx'nease loust Hu! thev u never been thi> easy !n a \ .ineiv i if \pnle’ Maantosh c< imputers and peripherals Si i m ivv there s ni i reav >n u i settk ti >r an i irdnun IX U 1th Tire Macintosh Sale, sou can wind up with muc h more of a computer VCIthc>ut '[ending a l< x nn ire numen Microcomputer Support Lab 202 Computing Center Monday - Friday 9 am - 5 pm 686-4402 * The Macintosh Sale Now thnxigh Jaiiuan M. Bosch Authorized Service » Gasoline Fuel Injection » Anti-Lock Brake Systems » Diesel Fuel Injection » Electrical Systems » Hybrid Ignition » Electronic Systems » Accessories Tune-ups • Brakes Japanese cars also 1917 franklin Blvd. Eugene 48S-8U6 Ki SIUK\M Tl i:sda\ nkjiit is PIZZA NIGHT l loppings I vow vhoicc s9.75 <>:00 |>iii ‘til I'losin^ I.Mli \ Vldcr Oregon West - FITNESS TANNING PACKAGES • ins ^15°° $20°° 15 tans s25°° Membership nor required BEST HOURS • BEST PRICES 6am 11pm 7 Days a Week 485 1624 1475 Franklin Bind Across Irom Campus i