Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 14, 1989, Page 4, Image 4

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f veTeJII
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on campus
m nn*iMi < u*
UplIIMt t>» * -n*o X
Groups hold CIA protest today
Alpha I .imlid.i Dell.i I’lii Kta
Sigma Irishman li>ni<*r ■ ■» u
tii's will meet tonight .ii 7 to
j) m in KNII i i il.ii Room II
Asklepiads in<•< t ■ nought at
7 in I.Ml' ( entiirs Room \
I tehhie I l.itlsni h will speak
_Kt als_
.ihutil Nu\ s si Inil.irships .mil
members must turn in lluni ar
In It's |nr Ht'lurfn llir I ims
Slmli'nts Against Apartheid
mi'i'ts tonight at 7 p in in I \11
( odor Koum \
Ini idi-ntal I ci' (aimmittee
w ill hold a hearing tonight at 7
III I All ( rllllin Kimiiii I >
liaptist Studi'nl I nion will
Intlii its weekly INI meeting
tonight .it K at 1 a i'll Harris St
(iollcgc Kepublii ans w ill
hold a general ini'i'ling tonight
.it i ill in I Ml ( enturs Room
I’mji'i I Saleride will has e a
parts politick general meeting
lot drivers tonight from a it) to
ttl m the U omen's (lento!
Anyone interested in Saferide
is well iiini1 to attend
A joint minting between the
Student lle.illh Insurant e ( nm
mittee .mil the Student I’rojec Is
Hoard ot Directors to disc uss
proposed changes m the eon
Ir.n I (retween the two organi/.a
lions will he held tonight .it
7 to p m in Room let Stniuh
Student Campaign lor Disar
mament meets tonight at 1) at
the hninnnia Center 1-4 I J Kin
i aid st
Campus ( rusade lor Christ
meets tonight and every l ues
day night at 7 to hi Kooin 1!()4
Irmilnn llall Kvervone is wel
I Mill'
The Kugene Community and
I mversity Coalition l.arth Day
meets tonight at 7 it) in the
I All ’ Hen I .inder Room
Nil aragua The Story Mot
on the Kvening Mews" vs 111 lie
the title ol a presentation I .mule
Hit i hieri ol Witness tor I’eai e
today at t to in the I All' Hen
I inder Room I he presentation
yy ill lie given again tonight at 7
at the N'eys man Center. IHfiO
661 wasn't rubbing
it in-1 just wanted
Eddie to know
the score of
hist night's game."
< k) ahead and glc >at You c an
rub it in all the w as to Chicago
ss ith AlJvl Long I)istaixe Sers ice
lieskies, v< >ur Ix-st friend Eddie
was the one who sakl yeair team
could never win three straight
V) give him a call It casts a
lot less tlian you think to let him
know who's headed tor the Itiyofis
Reach out and touch someone1
It you'd like to know more
about our other ATM Long
Distance products or services,
including the VIM ( ard, please
contact sour lJniversity of
Oregon ATM Student Campus
Manager or call us at
The right choice.
Kmerald Si
Daniel Irur.ih will speak m
passive solar strategies in the
an lutei lure of Kenya tonight at
7 til m Room 1(17 I „iw rein e
M!S< :i I I WKOl s
Oregon Student Public Inter
est Croup along with the I All
Cultural Forum is sponsoring
A View I nun ()ur Future. a
i hikiren s art show expressing
childrens concerns lor the air
pollution problem The show
w ill he run until Friday in the
KMt ’ Ta\ lor I .ounge
A protest against Cl A re
cruitment on campus spon
sored bv Student Campaign for
disarmament. Students for
(Im ernmtmt.il Integrity, and
the (lav and Lesbian Alliance,
will lake place today at 12:10
p in in the K.M1' (lourtyard
followed by a mart h to the Ice
i ation ol the interviews
A CD-ROM tutorial on the
PAIS (public affairs and t urrent
affairs) database w ill he held to
da\ .it 10 .tl) a m in the Refer
nn e I lepartment. Knight I a
A CD-ROM tutorial on the
MI.A (language and literature)
database w ill he held today at -1
p m in the Referenc e I)t• |>.irl
ment Knight Library
/Tie Chosen a movie being
show n as part of levvish Cultui
al Awareness Week v\ 111 he
shown tonight at 11:1 a in the
FMI1 Walnut Room
\ppl\ ing to Pat ifit t Tiiversi
tys programs in physical ther
apy. ot t upation.il therapy and
optometry will he the topit ol
the schools assistant director
ot admissions' presentation to
day P'l will he at I 1 10 a m
lit al 12 all p m and optometry
at l it)
Orientation sessions fen
those interested in registering
for the Summer Fmpluvrnent
Program will he held today and
I hursduy at ( 10 Sign-ups and
meetings an* in Room 12 Hen
(fr it ks 11,ill
Health \wardress Fair will
he held today from 10 a.in. to 1
p m
Applit ations tor tiie W hite
House l i-llouship are avail.ihlt
in Room 22 11 leinlric ks 1 l.dl
Deadline tor submitting lit
,tls ti) the Lmerald front desk
I \ll Suite 100. is noun the dot
heiore inihlii .itinn lit a/s run
the d.i\ ut the e\ent unless the
event m i uis before noon
/'/ease submit It a/s the dax be
fore f/rer are to run unit
Sullies ot events with a do
notion oi odmission i /urge will
not he accepted t.un/ius
events and those si heduled
nearest the public,ition dale
w ill he given priority The Ian
erald reserves the right to edit
noth es lor grammar and six le
You can
find stamps
& envelopes
at the