University Kiefer heads elementary council Bv Peter C ogswell Emerald Reporter The National (' of Teachers ol Kng lisli elected Barbara Kiefer chairwomen ol its elementary set turn heifer is i urrentlv an as sistant professor at the University's school of education. The M i l is a professional organization ot english teac hers with titi.OOt) members in the United States. Canada and other Knglish speaking countries, said Diane Allen of the M i l public information office "The goal of the M "TK is c onlinunus pro fessional growth lor teac hers throughout their professional c areers Allen said heifer served as a member of the M I K el ementarv sec lion steering committee whit h has 11.DUO members, before being elec ted as c hairwoman of the element.irv sec lion She lirsl hrc.iine involved with the M i l' in 1‘tHl) while a graduate student at Ohio State University. She has been at the Umversitv sine e I98H "I became involved with the M II be c ause it is the primary organization tor those of us in the field ot leaching language arts and literature.'' hiefer said " Those at the Umversitv level need to be involved with a professional organization she said "It helps them stav c urrent with the latest researc h and theorv and is a place to meet cailleagues Iter duties as chairwoman will include planning the elementarv sec tion convention program reviewing proposals for svmpu siums initiating public ations and formulating statements ol policy regarding english teac h ing .ind related matters Then' is .1 lot of lime involved Kieler S.nd It Hoes hevond professional iluhes relut ed In hitlg Origmallv Kiefer wanted In h .ill bill diffit ullies m finding .1 |oti exenlliullx letf bet In he .in element.n\ m hool mstrin lot she s.ntf f ile two things I like best .lie nig .mil .irl Kiefer s.nd When I was ,m ele mentarx teat tier rending xvas .in absolutelx |>il m.irv 1 om ern "If kids 1 <111 I then nothing l.dls into place." Kiefer s.nd I saxx hive of liter.iture .is .1 prime moliVtilor ol 1 hiltlren lo le.irn to rend Kiefer said she tfei itletl to return lo si hool at Ohio State to lot us on language literature and reading Her resean h involved t hiltlren s responses to pit lure hooks hieler said she has several t out ems about i 11 Trent methods of teat lung at the element. 11 \ school level that she hopes to address when she offit i s PIXIES!! RECORDS, TAPES, & CD'S In Stock Mow! Lose 10 to 14 Pounds in 14 Days! Only Cost is Food. 19 Years in Eugene. 687-0590 GREAT MOVIES DISCOUNT SHOWS Su-Mo $3 / Tu-We $3.50 i9tf 492 E 13th 686-2458 BUSY? GET TAN QUICK!!! Fast Convenient Relaxing Affordable SunShower on campus im* u» PIZZA I 342-8111 i TINO’S 1 • Full dinner menu • 23 varieties of Pizzas • Whole wheat and white crust • Pizzas to go cooked and uncooked 15th and Willamette Hours: Mon.-Thurs. 11 00 Midnight Frl. 11 00 1 00 a m Sat. 5 00-1 00 a m Sun. 5 00 11 00 p m V UNIVERSITY BRANCH 831 East 13th ( OMt Stl l S AT ()l R Nt \\ l.(H ATIOM • l ow I S 1 MKI \KI S \S) \\ Ml KI • PI kSOS M 1/1 1) PkOM SSK IS \l SI RVIC I • INS I AS I Ilk Ml PA SSI S • s 11 Di si \si> Yi >i mi \ki s • is 11 ks \ i ids m si i di si i \( ii\s(,i idi srn'i t ski) • \Mlk\k • i \si compi li kl/l I) ki si k\ vnoss • ( < )S\ I Sll S t CAMPl S 1 ()( A I |( IS • I K M I 1)1 I 1VI RY 683-5577 rol l I Kl I I XINI KXK HOI KS X 00 to S KI M I \I I M \JOK ( Kl DI I CARDS \< ( I I* 1 II) ()rvgtm Duih - _ Emerald I* l» IV..% *!'•* I . Th« £r The hi E f ujm F nday Id Publish* «A» Union and IS a mem "Ml, With idbo’S ' lh< A*»\ atod P donng at the on tho Editor , Pi Nows Editor Sport* Editor Supplement* F ditor Night F dltor h»intnpfM*r Blau OartaV Jackson imp boil Pole m* Holland Jd Dan eph U Managing ( ditor A n Thornttxi Photographers r I h Ft i < Advertising V.i ■ H< i !• I • . ' H,i OM A. . Am, SMtt»l\f.»*-.1t M»- i N»- ’ '..i,'"- h ! 1 ESharon Knsh Slothor I dward Wm.. h ProduClion ' A■ ' • K.Itf • , Flirt 1 1' , >• 1 1 ,r* A .v | p| • K I,j { ,t , . nfn r • M i W*1 1. M if". A-..;.- i Mu-; ' Pan-.*’a • ' Anna Rpmlwi * ■ if'*?! * • »••'!*«•» ”?<*■-! Jennifer Smith ‘n nil J,t!,--. *.|.i»k J*.ir t«*f 11" n r. in --iff' JuV' In j ut Whd.- Kelly WlMi.ifh*. General Stall Advertising Director Assistant to the Publisher a ! • , Production Manager V • • * H Advertising Coordinator > !’ i . i • Classified Manager I H- •*. ’t David Han Virgnua Pm Account* Receivable. Circulation Newsroom Classitied Advertising Display Advertising Production Graphic Services 686 SS11 686 4343 686 3712 686 4381 COLLECT HOUDAY , . GLASSES! braner HOLIDAY ? FULL MEAL ' DEAL $2" Includes our Homestyle Single Burger, fries, 16 oz. soft drink and 5 oz. Dairy Queen sundae plus this great holiday glass by Libby. Only at participating Dairy Queen Bra/ier stores. Glasses ttmitrd to supply on hand. WE TREAT YOU RIGHT •. »>,. m «aDU< • . . V ** THE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON Blast! Up to now, the rhino was one of my prime suspects.