—.Oregon Daily_ ¥ Emerald Tuesibn November 14 1 'IH'l Kngene. (begun \ oltime ‘i 1 Number :>4 University students picket to support strikers Campus groups aid union efforts By Janis Joseph Emerald Reporter About 75 people, ineluding 15 I ni versitv students and one adjlllH t proles soi walked tlve pu kel line in Spring field early Mondav morning in support ot the striking Morgan Nicolai emplo\ the strike which began in months ago was initiated vi lien the i nutpain . .1 door and specialty wood products man ill.a liner asked tor a tit percent de 1 lease in wages and benefits and ap proxiinatelv 15 other changes in \ii olai employee rights Nicolai reduced the average hourly wage from Sit lit to S') (III to become more competitive in the industry, ai cording to a Morgan Nicolai advertise rnent "Were fighting to maintain living standards anil wages, said I.eKoy Koh iiison, president ot l.ocal to 15 ol the Western Council ol Industrial Workers the local union \ del rease III the standards ot liv mg and wages w ill aflec t ev ervoiie ill the com mu nil v families are starving, and they 1 an t pev their bills said Heather Wright a member ot the t Adversity Democrats one ot the three student groups that sup port the strikers It's a shame and there’s no reason for it lorn to Strike, Page "> I'huli. In \ndrr Kditiri i Streaming; at tars th.it drove through pit ket lines Manilas, t tint ernetl I'niversits students .mil itimmunits members joined striking Morgan Xicolai employees in .1 shins ol solidarity lor the tti-month old strike Professor examines changes in Hungary By Stephanie Holland Emerald Reporter The director ol the Knglish l)e port11k-1it at Hungary’s College lor Kxternal Trade spoke at the Cinver sit\ Monday night about political and economit < hanges in Hungary Isty.ui Hutykay told a grou|i of 1J in the K.Ml s I ir Room that many of the Hungarian revolution's goals in October l‘lr)ti, such as gaining neu tral status and pulling out ot the Warsaw I’ait. are now being imple inented Hutykay said a new system of economii management yxas intro duced in Hungary in ltttiH. which i ailed for unprofitable companies to he shut down, except when their profits could replai e imports However this ecuuuniic reform did not coincide yyitli any political reform Hungary did not make any steps toward pluralism or denim la cy Hutykay said In May of 1‘IHH a neyy , more liberal communist party took over. \y hit h was one ot Hunga iy s greatest events, he said ■'We’re in a state of complete de mocracv now." he said. There is absolute freedom of the media and individuals enjoy absolute free dom. ” Hutykay said Soviet president Mikhail (lorbachev lias influenced many of Hungary's major reforms Hut. though the Soviet Union lias reached a democracy where any one can say anything nothing has happened." Hutykay said Hungary has politically and eco nomically surpassed Romania, he said. liecause Koiiltiniii’> people are starving .1111! 11 111 III t Ircednm ul speoi h while Romania's loaders lillllil i.