EDUCATION AH ■ -f;Vtt>:-iTV ; M NEW JCPSiV RUTGERS STUDY ABROAD IN EREi ATID • FRANCE •GERMANY IRELAND • ISRAEL -IIMA] • PTIEXICO SEE THE WORLD AND TAKE Cl ASSES AT THE SAME TIME SEMESTER • SUMMER • YEAR LONG AEEORDABLE ACADEMIC PROGRAMS RUTGERS STUDY ABROAD THE BEST KEPT SECRET AROUND (201) 932-77X7 Cuclo No 01 W ill your bachelor's degree leave you one step behind? As the world Ix-comrs more and more competitive, you need to find a way to Ham a step in your career The Graduate School at Bentley College can give you that step We offer \pri talucd. master \ decree |iro)Cr arils in the IllUllWIII^ ait'JLN AniHiiitaiKA (Computer Information Systems Business Administration f inance Bminr%% Kmooniw^ Iasation I K>n t spend vour career catching up C^ot aft cad with the Graduate School at Bcnt!c\ ( College ( all (617)891 2108 or I SIIO -442-4723 (outside MA) Ksr more information Bentley College j (.i actuate School Admiiuum ] Waltham, MA 02 154 4705 Circle No 02 (Iroiluatr to a ht^jurt tietiree of siu cezs tv ittlrv ( ,>J. »(. ui>ii >0alu4r ««< t> (Ku'r •Mir*' ;«"0*ci' «iK .iikWmI !•% * i7* «i V vM^wlfcK ‘4 < *»«t»li Si M' ’ifir" ■ S St SM: SMI OFFERS MASTER OF SCIENCE PROGRAM IN IEl FCOMMCNH ATIONS SYSTEM MANAGEMENT PROGRAM ENCOMPASSES MANAGEMENT. RECITATIONS AM) I AW HI SI NESS AND ECONOMIC ANALYSIS COMMl'NK’AIiON AND INFORMATION IECHNOLOCIES Telecommunications is one of the most rapidly grow mg industries in the country SMI' s MS m Telecommunications System Management program is specifically designed for persons who wish to pursue i advance .1 career in this expanding field The program feature* • Broad Eligibility — progi am tailored ftw i es aoiie w ith B a 13 S degree in Business. Liberal Arts, t Science 10 courses Requirements can be met in one calendar year Southern Methodist University School of Knpneenng & Applied Science Director of Telecommunications System Management Program Dallas. TX .'527f»-0335 Ielephone 214 W2 3109 Circle No 03 UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA MBA legated x*ai Atlanta ibe Soil's business rub 'V Georgia MBA offers • e*ceo&onai r^xJuais wir business degrees -arrtcat**; cfsaoon o* specsa*z«l vnas o? erpertrse • ,., • •a. .Am en? arxed by a $2 ~'*cn fBM grant • N I MBA mierr yip and t>aceren? services. to* cost of -vne and renowned tacuftv .V-!e MBA F'cg'am Orectc* 351 Brooks Hat GSB GA Athens GA30601 IC4 M? 5336 Tlwl 'lmrr\it\ <•( (.icotpu Circle No 05 ENTRY LEVEL POSITIONS ACTUARY SCIENCE Tt>© Amer.can Soc.ety of Student Actuaries has lh* obs We are a referral service Ha: specializes ir ire recruitment of individuals for ■nsurarce >** jtec ^porabocs Ar s 'jjr>'s a problem scvver who evaluates the ' nanoai economy and Other business mpacabons of future events Design t nanoai -.e.v ty and other types of programs which locus or te health popery casualty 'etiremeri demographe. econoruc and n vestment possiOm ties .^ualrfxatioas Receding a degree m Actuana Science Mathematics. Statics or Computer Science has sa' ;• «v»l be sitting 'or one or more Sooety o' Actuaries e*am REGISTER NOW1 Send a letter with h brief description cl your bacx ground ana or a - utrent resume- We ou a registration form ard additional information N • PHONE lALLS PLEASE American Society of Studeni Actuaries 1400 Opus Place, Suite 960 Downers Grove, IL 60515 Circle No 04 Directory information For further information arck* the appropriate number s Send : 0^ The >atu>iiitl Culiutc Newspaper 3110 Mam Street 3rd FI *»r, Santa M, >mca. t ’A 90406 01 02 03 04 06 06 07 06 09 10 11 .\ddrrsg City Slat* Lip_ J orrmt collegium vertit) J alma mater Year in school November S'// /n / \ V/M/N INI CF.NTKR FOR ( ROSS-Cl I I l KM M l l)\ St VII II. SPAIN \< ADI: Mil N \ AR SEMCSTF R ANUARS TERM AM) Sl'MMEH PROGR SMS I MIN 'I t Xv. U i l I S \p VSISH STUDIk x t>«t* I ’|fl S4>rx\| S>itr PLAN TO STUDY ABROAD Attend a lummer study seminar in China East West Europe or Mejico STUDY Courses n Business I her* Als and Education. SUMMER INTERNSHIPS LondorvOuMn INTERSESSION Dec. Jan [Xibarvloroon Caro'flome Gr adjale-’.itcetyaduale Meet the Professionals' CoSegiate Program People to People Inn 501 East Armour BNo Kansas Oty MO64'09 816)53; 4701 Circle No 07 STUDIES ABROAD Application* arc now being k accepted for the University of j^Rk Each fall or spring 100 day .>dv*srv aboard the American built S S I’niverse IiUtuIIv offers you the world You can earn Hi 15 transferable units from your choice of more w than 50 lower and upper division courses, while calling upon places ns culturally diverse as Japan. Hong Kong. Taiwan. Malaysia. India. Turkey, the Soviet t'mon. 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Then prepare for the learing adventure of your life Circle No. 09 LANGUAGE STUDY IN SALZBURG Why not study Getman or other language* at an international language i stitiute '.•rated in Europe* most beautiful city’’ Winter & Spring courses scheduled January to June Summer courses are offered from June to September Credit available by special arrangement All classes are enhanced by a wide range of excursions and cultural activities Housing u\n.Iuble on or olT campus For further Information, pleas*’ ask for our catalog: sAI-/.m:RG INTERNATIONAL IjINGUAGE CENTER Office of ADMISSIONS Moosatrasse 1IW 9, A-f>020 Salzburg, Austria let <1500 stud over 80 countries Schiller International University IS Oftcr \C !!!! 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