*un*'nucr 5 teat her adviser ;il ('hurt lull said I!>«■ ■>< hoots studio moved m ioh? into ;i spat e ,il the Chun hill I’laza shopping i enter located across the street Irnm the si Imol I lie spar e is on loan Iron) the I’la/a. lie said lames said .1 1 lass of itl KRVM students meel for one school period a da\ at Churchill The school is allotted too hours ol air lime ear h weekthn I mm H to 111 a m "We trv to complement vvlial they do downtown |al the laliir alion Center).' James said "The kids work w ith a t on temporals mtisit formal, they learn how to do news how to make PSAs (puhln servit e aunouin einents). and how to do radio production The Churchill studio which can lie seen through a win dow In shopping tenter patrons, utilizes computer etpiip men! and an Assot uite I’ress news wire hiMikop. lames add ed Sheldon, which is on the air from 10 a m to 4 p m . has about 140 KKVM students st liool Program Director hathv Wiper said The school studio moved last year to a new "communit ations complex" at Sheldon, she added "The (Churchill and Sheldon) programs are very differ ent. Wiper said "We have two beginning classes. plus a group of tin-air students I think our format is a hit harder edged than Chun lull s we primarilv play progressive anti metal musit S’eilhiM the Sheldon ot Churchill 1 hisses use a textbook. \\ 1 per said I've looked lot one believe me. hut there pisl aren't many radio texts tor high schoolcis Wiper said So I make 1 opies of parts ol i ollege texts and adapt them to this level Thousands expected to mobilize By Janis Joseph Emerald Reporter The l..me County Pro < hoii e Coalition will rails in the KMC courtyard Sundav at 1 p m . in support of the National Day of Mobilization to de fend aliortion rights Under the banner of "Mobilize for Women's Lives " supporters will march from the KMC to the downtown Federal Building At - to pm the rails will continue with speakers, musii and information Ixxiths. said K111\ I’ion \. National Abortion Kigbts Action league lo< al spokeswoni an. fieri \ said they expect several thousand peo ple to turn out and "show a little muscle’ to let legislators know thev .ire going to work hard in support of choice and defeat any opposing legis lat ion Oregon Right to Life spokeswoman Cindv Kahm said the group is not planning any counter .11 Indies < )ur resourt es and energy w ill be devoted to pro-active legislation and educating the public Kahm said Oregon has historic all\ been a pro-choice stale and there are no Oregon laws restricting abortions said Debbie Reed, educator at Planned Parenthood of lame ( minty Right to l ife proposed a ballot measure earli er in the week for next year’s election which would require women under ihe age of 18 to give parental notification Indore having an abortion Keed said there Is a "darn good chain e" that the proposed measure will be on the ballot next year "It’s a real touchy issue." she said "Even pro t hoice pimple ma\ vote for it without under standing its full implications However. Planned Parenthood w ill do its best to bring up the impli cations and edu( ate people The Pro-Choice Coalition has been organiz ing Sunday's rally since September. I’iercy said She said lh.it the coalition has a very broad base of support in the community and includes representatives from Planned Parenthood. ACLII. The Keligious Coalition for Abortion Kights. League of Women Voters, and Zero Population (Growth Events will lie field in cities across the coun try and in Washington, U.C.. said Hill Sheppard, direr tor of the Planned Parenthood Association of Lane County. There is no more of a fundamental civil light than making decisions about your own both Piercy said A woman's right to choose and to make deci sions about her own life is very important, she said If a woman i annul i boose, then it is just one part of six iet\ living to control another part, she added TV RENTALS 13" NO REMOTE 30.00/MONTH 60.00/TERM 13" REMOTE 40.00/MONTH 80.00/TERM 19" NO REMOTE 90.00/TERM 19" REMOTE 100.00/TERM $35 DEPOSIT CAMCORDER RENTALS MON THROUGH FRI 29.95/ DAY 49.95/ 2 DAYS 64.95/ 3 DAYS 79.95/ 4 DAYS 100.00/ 7 DAYS FRI. TO MON. 49.95 SAT. TO MON. 39.95 WEATHERPROOF StoEXTRA/ RENTAL EXTRA BATTERY S5 PER BATTERY PER RENTAL TRIPOD WITH CAMCORDER: 5.00/ PER RENTAL ALONE. 10.00/ DAY $35 DEPOSIT AT TIME OF RESERVA TIQN NON REFUND ABLE IF CANCELED AF TER 12PM THE DAY BE FORE THE RENTAL IS TO BE PICKED UP VCR RENTALS DAILY. 4.95 FRI. TO MON: 9.95 SAT TO MON: 6.95 WEEK: 24.95 TERM: 90.00 $35 DEPOSIT Mote: VIDEO TRANSFERS WITH THE RENTAL OF an swim Camcorder, AN 8MM VIDEO TRANS FER IS FREE WITH THE PURCHASE OF A VIDEO TAPE OR $5 OQ WITH YOUR OWN VIDEOTAPE ADDITIONAL TRANS FERS AVAIL SS.00 PLUS PURCHASE OF TAPE OR S10 OO/TRANSFER WITH USE OF OWN TAPE. TYPEWRITER RENTALS WEEK: 15.00 MONTH: 30.00 TERM: 60.00 $35 DEPOSIT SEE US TODAY IN OUR ELECTRONICS DEPARTMENT UO-Bookstore District says student goes I A I .me ( a unity ( in uit judK'' w ill ((insider a re(]uest today b\ Id i ne ne St hoi >1 I list i ii t 11 to I mi .in lH-vear old student from its si bools. Koliliie Don Robinson attend ed Smith Kugene High Si bool lor three days before principal Don ) .11 k son suspended him Oct 25 on the grounds that Robinson's lies to not a member of the bloods ganij. although he said main of his friends are mem hers Robinson will not contest the school district's effort to ban him. and he will return to Port land to i omplele the courses he needs to graduate, he said in the same interview In a complaint tiled in Lane ( nun I \ ( in ml ( amrt \o\ t the school district said Robin son is a self admitted membei of the bloods gang" who is designated as a "red alert i ase on the polite information s\ stem The school district was told Robinson was an occupant in i ar involved in a dm c l>\ shooting in Portland Iasi April ai i mding to the ■ omplaint The Portland Si bool Ilistrii t i onsidered Robinson "one ot tbe two most dangerous gang members out ot the approve mainly Jtltt gang members" at |efterson lligtr School wliiili Robinson attended tor tom vears before i timing to Kugene tfie si tiool disli ii t i (intended in the complaint Robinson t mild not he reached tor comment Weifnes day The I-aigeoe Springfield i hapter of the National Assoi i ation tin the Atlvani emeitt of tailored People issued a state ment supporting the si bool dis trii t's actions hei ause it fears the \ a lines of any gang .u tivity in Kugene publii si bools would he voting African-Amer ii a ns L ookmg tor a good deaP Check the Emerald ADS