CLASSIFIEDS Visa and MasterCard gladly accepted. 686-4343 115 TYPING SERVICES THE WORD SPECIALISTS * Gradual* School Appn .•*-! Dissertations-Th©s«*s Pat ‘ IBM Comp 0'^ Cor'vH'S' ■■ ' ReSumevEditmg CINOY CAROLYN 484 5454 344 5287 A 344 7231 JO THE TYPING PRO 683 6068 QUALITY IBM WORD PROCESSING 14 YEARS EXPERIENCE LASER WORD PROCESSING 19 years experience Editing IBM Grad school approved Near campus Robin 344 0759 O&S DOUBLE IMAGE Quick typing *ord processing disser tattons. term papers etc 331A W 13th 345 6734 _ HPIC COMPUTERS Macintosh and IBM word processing RESUMES $16 •«* Highest quality laser printing Call 686-8708 49? E 13th 20? Rifou Theater Bulking WORD PROCESSING & EDITING 8 years experience high qualify Call Ken at 342 6347 WORD PROCESSING RETIRED UNIVERSITY SECRETARY Ail types of papers Edit Pi'> up and deliver Jean 998 1864 TEXT CONVERSION ('onver! printed text (English or' i ' >re*gn) to Mac i8M tiles f asf and inexpensive' 0QC1O0G1B fANM IN PARK Pt A/A *3 ‘ • i RAN* . N fcU VD K»*. .E Nl 747 4S69 no FOR SHE BUY SELL, trade EVERYTHING for children at Kidstuff 62 W 13th 484 4488 R R R RING M.' I m BUD MAYERS youf ATM Sludent Campus Manager Mere at the U of 0 I would like to tell you how AT&T can help lower your long distance hills l can also answer any of your long distance questions The best time to reach me is M and F 1 3pm and T, W. Th 3 Spm but you < an call anytime 666 6046 BUY OR TRAM J THE BUY A SELL CENTER Buy * Sell * Trade Musical instruments Stereos Tools Photographic Equipment 361 W. 5th i960 HONDA PRELUDE Automatic, A/C new tires, battery and brakes stereo and Sun roof High miles bul runs great $2100/of ter 464 1683 66 BUG GOOD CONDITlON 1660 RE CEIPTS EVES 346 2228 RANDAL MO YAMAHA 4700 3424601 Hugh_ 81 OAT SUN 610 4 dr Hatchback tami ly car clean runs great $1200 Evenings 344 7609 84 AERO 126. |ust tuned low miles new tire runs great $475 David 346 7389 96 000 MILES PEUGEOT Auto, dtesei 4 door Nice engine $1 100 negotiable 344 7451 1974 » j. M5WAG0N BUS good well maintained anginal yenow and whit# pamt automat* $996 4844 733_ 145 CARS-CYCLES SCOOTERS «J? HONDA CIVIC 5 *•**■.! 2 d .< i hatchback Runt smoothly S-250Q/OBO Ao« U2 40 BMW Bt i * wholesale * ■ sale offer* 666 6860 1*3*7 CHEVY AMARO RS -.m;«• | *ilh *ide bl*< * 'a- mg slopes TM 4Q0 Trans 12 t>oit Post stuff M i BAM H stall • onvpMftr .’*>00 RPM original interior original paper *or% •Vlth till© ”..|l**H Slips (!' 1 OWMn»»f-, manual custom annals custom .•» <•' and bra excellent condition g,» >ay© most >t the time SlOK.OBO 1686 9214 476*428 mm 19 MOUNT SHASTA COMP full Deore AM options ' *wks M $600 U2 2273 6 PM wo RESALE CLOTHING GETTING WE T f ty H ) Ch-'i-y P . m e 62 W i Itr, t - .» v >r t>- * is MEN WANTED CASH paid lor clothing No appointment needed SECOND THOUGHTS 77 W 11TH 683 6501 We Pay More Gentlemen’s Encore Pay TOP dollar lor Men » and Women % clothing 1111 Willamette 343 6179 TRY THE BEST uo AUTO REPAIR utomot i IN providing s COmpi0t0 StrSf of %ervrces to tt%0 British csr omrt0t 579 Gertie Id SliMl fugene Of*900 97402 (50)) 4*4 204) tsiwt 195 FOB SAlE 2 1 *ay tickets form Port land to Norfolk VA Tues Nov 21 >121 mm r- 226-9427 _ ONE WAt airline ticket from Honolulu to San Francisco S F to Eugene Jan uary 7 & H Call Tracey 342 6453 ONEWAY TICKET from Eugene to Madison Wi with stops m Portland • i" »• M > i. S'* 14.' 4.** i FOB SALE one *ay plane ticket Jan 3 Pittsburgh Eugene $100 Contact Mara 696 2478 _ ROUND TRIP t« kit to Smti Barbara Dep 12'18 Pet 12 28 $248 negota bie Amy 683-0942 __ •i NOT Rif Thjrvfcsgnring weekend 1200 343 0322 en .1 . t- a.mi in‘ T New t rfc SM a< M56661 airline TICKET Oec 20th Portland lo Cm cinnati >ttQ 6632933 Call stter 4 PM_ UNIT l D AI Mi INFS Eugene tu lu Nov 20th $t30rOBO 4ftf> 11 72 COMPUTER SCIENCE MAJORS Get upper division credit and assist with programming in an internship with John LaBati s Foods Interns will be involved in the conversion of IBM System 38 to AS400 Come to 221 Hen docks Hall to sign up for interviews by Nov 13 manra ?io OPPORT QVfRAVlAT' )K from your Srit Might to a p»es!n •iee? Saturday N -v Mt* ’.’PM M . . .» for details »>66 0971 Recycle This Paper i AMN M« 'Nf V tx • SK)OCK>y» mcom« potent-ai Oeiatin i hoc *d7 6000 Elf v »».4.’ PU8LIC RELATIONS INTERNSHIPS Gatn e*p©rt«nc© m pub" relations through an internship from cm* >f the following businesses Eugene Family y M( A M hfM/.r* W-: i-nettr H f ji s Women s Resource Center i «ty of Eugene Development Eugene Springfield Convention ami Visitors Bureau and Western Rivmn Girl S< out Council Read position dev ript'.mn and sign up for interviews in ??1 Mr" • In, ► \ Hall by Nc>v U SOCIAL SERVICE INTERNSHIPS ea'ntng upper division < '©Oil through an internship with one of the follow mg Looking Glass Shelter Sheldon High Sch >0 For more information t ontect Off»i e of International Servn *»*> .130 Oregon Mall *3206 WOMEN'S HEALTH INTERNSHIP Assist fhw admimstr ator of the worn en s t enter at M( Kttn/ie Willamette Hospital m a winter internship JR/SO m the Cottage of AMs and Sciences are eligible to receive upper division credit for I heir participation Sign up in 221 Hendrick* Matt by Nov t.} ?i5fffcl> WANTED CONTRACT NEWSPAPER SUBSCRIPTION SALES • Liberal Commissions • Receive Good Training • Ideal for College Students o< Trmse Wanting E»tra Income Involves door to door sale*, in me i u gene Springfield and surrounding Musi be 18 or over Dependable transportation and mtur ance required Apply Call, or Drop by Sieve Hodges Sales Mgr Circulation Department The Register Guard P O Bo« 10188 Eugene OR 97440 2188 Ph 4B&-3311 £«t 227_ OREGON VOICE Two associate editors to write depart ments cover campus beats ant! re search features Applications in Suite 4, EMU Deadline Nov 14 AA/EOE PART TIME POSITIONS, days &/or evenings ideal for students & home makers good wages benefits tram »ng Arby s 2766 W lllh, 2 4 pm weekdays 215 HELP WANTED APPOINT ME N’Mi Mf T AMI| rate p4>0 NMkly CaH Park*At Slw CfH>tk 48) l 181 Of Apply itt 0«f4On (VI (A Tt«*ti Buig 1142 W*iiAg'H«-»pt*> Rd *.W U M • f • BUDGET A N A l Y S T * ' If'.’ I C*.• f.t!MwM fu»« »*W't budgeting enpenen. o Complete .i.. ,»te<1 n^ASUOi am-.I f»tufh to m.i ' bo* ■' ASUO office ContAt t IFC . l/4tf COMPUTER SCIENCE MAJORS ‘.tuotN’ t.RAorn t .. Ately fur CIS 131 *4 ?>«> 4 70 per hour WINTER INTERNSHIPS' lion* And »igr» up I or I MfOHj'H k V. Mj|tl by Nuv 220 WORK ST irairaTtffiTE lERlCAt POSITION S' Juale 22b APTS -DUPLEXES < AMPUS FURNISHfO 1 !-I ■ . \!UplO APARTMENT » >H R£ NI lO Campus very lean % \ M)fill IV) BLOCKS f HOM CAMPUS Unlufnijhml *itv* 11 ■ ‘ < *n *‘le Iju'upy Si ■: ilities %* 7Qimonth 1434913 ?30 QUADS ( EOAHWOOO QUADS 44 1 £ I7lh Avr Immedtate opening in clean quiet , in!t*mpo*af» Cju4 am pus . lean mi. «* Cali t>*i I SH?4 S»r mom in formation AVAIL ABL £ WH{ Nf VI R ?to ROOMS ..."" f OR SI NIOR OR GRAD *ith computer interests and need lot se« uiily Close 10 college Can 66-3 SS54 I BLOCKS f ROM U ol O Furnished or unfurnished room for quiet female student J ISO includes kilt fien use SPYGLASS ASSOC M8 1130 mrAximam DORM CONTRACT FOR SALE' Avail able lo male or female Call Alice at 342 1209 or leave a message at 48*) 9194 UNIVERSITY INN Houvng Coni** ’ i>i ahrr S PU 144 0429 Must nr" ASAP ?M) ROOMMATES WANVeD ROOMMATE share 3 Or house. Winter and Spring term Close to campus 1245 A utilities 48% 2681 ATTENTION SINGAPORE ANS SSA will be meeting Friday November 10 at 4 30 PM in 133 Gilbert Pjrticipj tion of Singaporeans is needed to dis cuss Culture Nigh! ‘90 (Winter Term) MUSLIM STUDENTS Friday Prayer Is weekly held at the Is lamtc Society of Eugene 1856 W Broadway 485 0699 Friday 12 40 PM THE STUDf NT Ml At TH IN SU R A N ( I COMMITTEE eill me«1 with University administrators f nday al 1 00 I'M in the EMU Board Room to dis< uss op trons lor the 1990 1991 ASUO msur ance plan AH concerned students are encouraged lo attend ?75 EVENTS STUDY ABROAD INFORMATION MEETINGS Mon Nov 13 3 JO pm E MU Forum ■ | , * ' Fran< r> Maly Germany ThuM Nov 16 J 30 pm E.MU Fn Room Mon Nov .’0 4 30 pm ! MU Forum Tw#y Nov ! 1 J JO pm I MU ChJji A H ASIAN 3’Ai Hli AMI HU AN STUOf NT uNK'N V . Mf *, *. pm f MU f *1 VIDEO VinkwSiiiiiuM. Islimi, _ Jiliutl ■ftMORISH A NON MEDIA POINT OF VIEW TUESDAY NOV 14. 7:00 PM l MW Fi» Room U of O SPI AM R D' Muiimmil Suldiqi "’h ■' Utarujm (. ♦* at so » pr (ud.on at tr»4Y Un fRtfCOFFM FRH COFFfct Sponi« l MU Mr- Centre ».« sign up tl 00 entry fee PRIZES!!! NINE DAYS WONDER ROCKS TAYLORS TONIGHT DON’T MISS OUT z«o AHtS HlltlBttlT FREE CHINESE MOVIES'! 1 NEWS 2. SPRING SWALLOW DATE: NOV. 12, 1989 TIME: 1:30 5:30 P.M. PLACE: WILLAMETTE 100 SPONSORED BY CSA 210 ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT :JU31f: ■ ART CINEMAS " - 492 E. 13th • 686-2458 « ft* Th hi Aii-E' t 30, • 3A A (uwy 4ula a lilna * (bool Iwmi SHIRLEY M VALENTINE Hi - -A XKLCX 104.7 LATE NIGHT4 V vm Tn M 1 0 * » ' T4 ' ' •“ JOHN CANUI ^ [ 1% i cru4a Ni « c/ma h« I Iwnt*' m 1 iUNCLEBUdK J rihAL SHOW fCHMOMT H 5*. fKl [ mCHAl L J A OX • St AN PINN K I LCA .CASUALTIES OF WARJ rvsvvvvvnvv sr ah n a mo At i THS ABYS$\ UNIVERSITY THEATRE PRESENTS RED NOSES BY PETER BARNES NOVEMBER 3,4,9.10,11.17,18 ROBISON THEATRE TICKETS AT ROBISON THEATRE BOX OFFICE 686 4191 $6 GENERAL PUBLIC $4STUDENTS 2«5 fOOD & DRINK Personally invites you to come dine in either hemisphere featuring loods trom within 42 ot the equator INTERNATIONAL CUISINE al Eugene. OR prices LUNCH n jo .* oomoo fr. DINNER 'i jo looiuit* Tm,r-, S30 10 00 Frl Sil Call lo> l46 t lllh 3116b U » mutt & Bdofianr THERAPEUTIC SWEDISH MASSAGE aiQumil for len«i« mutdoft JEANlNE VAN VACTOR l.M T Phon# 494 6977 AFFORDABLE Jim PROBLEMS ' Call !*• UofO Cm»i» C«n !of for iw«»on*i counaoimg SlMCfly ConftcJflMlidi 44rtfl liaib By Pont SOLAR NAILS Student Special Sets $24 (reg S45) (complimentary bottle of polish with set) Fills $17 (reg $20) Manicure Special $7.00 (reg $12 00) by Appointment Studio 340 340 E. 11th • 484-0080 FUTONS & FRAMES! for the student, of the student BEST PRICES IN TOWN Check us out ROCK SOFT FUTON CO. Call Amelie 345-5678 6:30-9 pm Calvin and Hobbes WUA1 ABE TOO tO06^J. 1001(1 CfHNS ID R T x LATE K* SCHOOL' /•» HOW OP UNO PUT 1008. CLOTHES 01 ON WHT ‘JfJ y -^,5Y>-vy t by Bill Watterson IT •> SAO WCW SOMt Ptt)Pl£ CANT MANDU A UTTlE '(ARlETT I