Police Beat_ Fill* following is .< list ill i ampus .him < rimes taken from < )ffiia* of Public Safet\ and I ugene Pole e Depart ment reports between Oct 'land Oct I. • Mori* than S.'.tun in mil rosi opi I'lpiipmrn! I>«• I<>i mg to tin* hioliigs ili-partment was rrporti-d stoh*n to KIM) Oct 17 \n unknown suspi-c! entered a room in the huihfiug ami n-movi-il tin* iMpiipmi-nl • \ i niversity student was issued a citation by fcPU (lit it for possession of an altered driver s I si* I In- liri-itsi* and an altered Washington I II > aril wen 111si oveled in a wallet found on a dirt road neat Autzen Stadium and turned in to OPS on Sept .!li Hie student said Ins wallet was stolen in Portland two years ago. ApproximaleK a week alter some of the i indents were returned to him. with the e\i eption of the driver s In ense I he student said he didll I know about the altered In ense The mi idenl is still under investigation • \ i Diversity student reported a - use "t pubiii inde i e i it viol .IM) oil Or I It The student who was followed h\ the suspei t into the International Students l.ounge at I Ml said she Inis 11,','ii having diffii nlU with tin- suspei I sine <• spring l'tHH The suspect Is desinhed .is a , 1 I '< pound white male lietweeu 'iti-Sa years old with slender build brown eves glasses and grav ing blank hair He was last seen wearing tan shorts and tennis shoes I I’D is investigating the int ident • \n EPD officer arrested a man for trespassing on the I University and lor stealing a shopping i art on Oil t I I lie man had been served with a l niversity lettei ( )< t I advising that he would be treated .is a trespasser and arrested The KIM) report stated the arresting officer observed the man harassing students in front of (.ondon Hall I he man look a large safety pin out of a box in the shopping i art. held it six mi lies from a woman s far e then slui k the pin through Ins ear and reportedly made animal noises The officer advised the man he was going to tie ai rested The in.i11 reportedly pn ked up a magazine and tried to shove it in the off it er's face, danced toward him aid Street and stated he was not on University property a< i ording to the Id’!) statement tie was then pursued and arrested for trespassing Two students said the man harassed them her arise of their hairstyles The shopping i art was returned to a to c at Salona\ store • Possessions worth Si 1S8 belonging t" a member oi Phi (lamina Delta fraternity 70 1 1. 15th Avo were re ported stolen to Id’I) Oi t ') The student said the prop ert\ was lor ked In the fraternity s storage room Idle building was (dosed tor health and safely viola lions while the student was out id state When the stu dent's parents came to pick up the property, it was gone Included among lire possessions were a Stilt) suit a $-50 sleeping hag. and two hiking helmets worth $7t) • A va< mini north SIH5 Irom Adams Hall was reported stolen on Or t o Id’l) reports no susper ts • In addition OPS reports eight bikes stolen, none re i overed CLASSIFIEDS Visa and MasterCard gladly accepted. 10b PERSONALS ATTENTION' GAMMA PHI BETA C.Hl I ► S' *»uv lOi PERSONALS LAURA N. !! 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