Program ( ontinued from P.iKe 1 community is getting tired of It " ( r«irollttl* S.lld Ah r<‘< 1'iitK as June lftHH ('.arnutlc said the Big Urotti ci Big Sister program oporatoil Irom three local offices one in Springfield one in tiortli I n gene and one in I Ml Suite t The north fulgent' program had been funded with money from si bool ihstrii t t| but in June ItiHH the distrii t an lioilllt ed it < on Iff no longer siis tain it. (.aconite said Ihe Springfield offl( e was paid S KMKti<* to p,trlit ip.tic num* i onsis li>nlK v\ iilt university life Big HititIk-i Big Sister nt Mid-Oregon n*t fives nt) leder al state nr lin it I ptililii support (laroutte s.inl Money is raised from .mil phone drives fund r.using events. and .1 used hook store in till' Spring field M.ill Miming other she siinl I he Spring field ottli e serf es toll) 1 null I les the program is one of N high-priority areas tor funding from I nited U .iv of Urue ( otili l\ s.iiii l.isa Ihirh.ini direr lor of marketing and i oniniiinn a lion foi the 1 haplei I 'lilted U av of I .me ( ounty laised Si li million 111 19HH and SI 'I million this \ ear lor Ini man serviie programs. Durham said The group allot aled $7 rili to Htg Brother Big Sistei oI Mid ()regon in 1'tBn •md S 7 ti_'i tins y ear I mam lal need tor tliflerenl programs varies Durham said "It s hard to eouipare one ngen i \ to anothei hei ause it de pends on how many people they 're helping and how mm h they re recpiesting ' she said > il<- pholn I l.ii A ot nilriiuatr lands threatens thr tut lire ol relationships sui h as the our Hifi Brother vol unteer unit I niversit\ student l)u\ id Kurtsinner shares with seventh grader Curt Curtis. CLASSIFIEDS Visa and MasterCard gladly accepted. 686-4343 105 PERSONALS MEESH Over . oyer... now to the turn it around down. HANG UP!! Wc N L)b DIANE C. ROOMMAUS ARI mid and lc»e' I promts® not to pass lour it you jump on the tloot and Bon will eat her oat bran' We low you l OB I & BONNIE AZ ANGELA B HAVE A GREAT WEEKEND AT UW AND GET PSYCHED FOR MONDAY' LOVE VBS AZ MICHELLE T Have .1 F riday' R l < • Iwl U •• Mi lay love YBS AZ WELCOMES ITS NEWEST PLEDGES JAMIE R JENNY P CONGRATULATIONS' LOVE YOUR SISTERS GREEKS b«»i *> («'»•*•* «v «***K serenade and *i| fu>- ' order mm Negatives art* going to the archives soon Abso lutely the i.i-.i chant r* to order Wan> MEN S RUGBY GOOD LUCK ON YOUR FIRST GAME SATURDAY' KICK SOME ASS' 105 PERSONALS III AH couldn I fk,»vt* t»j! a txMU" yPrtf1 I k»vt* you CAM CAMERON. MY CAMERON You art* my Brahman I love you OM Peace Peace Peace Soil Chou© PRIVATE HELP F ROM F RltNOS Free Pregnancy Testing BIRTHRIGHT AB7 BfcS1 SARA •.me i If S COVI R-> DOWN HI OND MAIR i APP1NC. AH( H IND Mf H SHOUl Of R‘ '.WAi i l )WIN‘i Ml H Mil KY Nl CK WHIlf CATHKf BREATHS Still sultry WMiSPf R Uf T Wl E N PI T Al PINK l IPS AND IMI I RT AIN IT S A I Rt AM WAIT F OH Hi R ARM- lo H| A- M I OR Ml WAIT UNT II SMI Hf < HONS WITH MORI THAN Hf R AURA ATTENTION INTERFRATERNITY COUNCIL EXECUTIVE BOARD APPLICATIONS DUE MONDAY IN SUITE 5 EMU BY 5:00 PM ids PERSONALS THIftTIl S MAI l student ; »«l »m passionate with A J3 Junction City WOMEN WANTED TO . MALI f NGf VOUH BODY IN A DtVf Hf»E PHYSti A i SPORT RANGER CHALLENGE 746 6167 MICHELLE P. HAPPY 20TH! GET READY TO CELEBRATE THIS WEEKEND! LOVE. AQUARIUS AND GEMINI OH. MY GOD! She is (malty ?1 M Happy Birthday Laura P I hope we spend the rest of them together Your Sweetie Ken PITER PETER is finally nineteen put she 5 still the shat King queen We wish her toy and happiness from Scoff she li get we >.*nfess Hope you have a happy bi'thday only 3 more weeks till PLANNED PARf NT HOOD ' ... smears infection checks birth control K counseling Day-. & evenings Cali i44 $411 PRi Eli ME NTARY EDUCATION MA JORS l ast time to apply to the current undergraduate i4 yean Clamant ary Ed ucat on program Applu j!io«> process 686 ‘>4?*i no LOST & FOUND REWARD LOST 1OC09 SILVER fof.» elt*1 with .»i t>i *rvttunt*s Great sentimental *al uv .in «»t'S 4H*>6626 i is TYPING SERVICES ADVANTAGE WORO PROCESSING A i«m? Resume f )e vrt opment l • l«f j IBM P/ST *>83 2/10 LASER WORD PROCESSING 19 years e«p*-- Editing IBM ■. in mi .»i ; • .»d N»*.r .*!*;*-• Robin 344 0769 O&S DOUBLE IMAGE Quick typing word processing d»aser tat ions term papers etc 131A W 13th USe/34 PDO WORD o> . • y •-.;•«• . Term pjj-c'N ‘ Rt'SunVPi ‘ A aOt-n wurK Superior Quality reasonable rates’ 800 ‘>4‘» 0808 * 714 736 1/17 * 24 hrjp 7 Days PROFESSIONAL TYPING Ai»o word p»o« essmfl editing Fret* pu Kup'delivery Honda 936 1892 THE WORD SPECIALISTS [ •IBM Comp D*i> ( * ResumesTtMmg CINDY 484 S4S4 CAROLYN 344 S2B7 A 344 7231 TYPING WI6 23S5 TYPING UNLIMITED iBM Compatible Gr*J St r>ooi Ap(*o*erposes 345 13th No 6 SURVIVE IN the I a 1 Gi.'tdf Kf, board bais lessons from produc ehput>li»h«r John S with 2 hi! singles and 3 albums to ms cunlit 344 6630 130 FOR SALE BEIGE HIDE A BED ar danger $75 Mihe 486 6 73 7 COLOR TV~perfec t $60 Smith ( < •■••• i ■ FURNITURE AND »u>i;sehold den .it budget pn »s Thufs Fri Sat only' Dinty•» Trading Post 1 365 Rival Road 688 3742 FUTONS & FRAMES Furnishings * Lighting * Posters ‘ Clothing * Jewelry * Sleeper * Couches CITY LIVING 164 W Broadway 343 3622 KING SIZE water bed complete No • '■01_ MAKE LOVE not' LAW REVIEW t shut-. $13 sue L AAl BeOy N 4010 1 N 36th St Tacoma WA 98407 SELLING tWO !u hats to WASHING TON VS OREGON game Sat O- » t4 Cali 746 3798 WONDER HORSES to wallers KidstuH has them 62 W 1 3th 484 4488 135 BUY OR TRADE - THE BUY A SELL CENTER Buy * Sail * Trad* Musk at n'Struments Stereos Toon* Photographic Equipment 361 W. 5th Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU Pt TtJ? m THINK THtP.t A HAS f/NAU Y iPtWIHH? 7Hf CRACK D€N‘ A/CFt GOING IN, LI VP' DO Twee PtOPlO LOOK FA MILIAR 1 / ^ Mi ROSES s5 per Jo:. * * * * * GLADIOLAS A 75c per Mem K