_National Poor mothers may face doctors unwilling to deliver By Paul Re< er Assoc iated Press wAsniNt; ro\ iapj \ fc•*iuyj sued is ( ausim; doctors to stop delivering bn hies. leaving impoverished women with poor obstetrical i are and contributing to an in t rease in infant mortaldv. the Institute of Medii ine savs 'Signilit ant numbers ' of oil stetrii ians. famiK physicians and nurse-midwives nov\ are limiting their prat tices because of frequent malpractice law suits and sharph increasing in surance premiums the institute study committee reported Wednesday " The tear of being sued has caused many doctors and mid wives to limit care espet i.dl\ lor women with high-risk preg riant ies." said Roger | Bulger i hail man ol the t nmmittee and president of the Assot iation of At atlemit I le.ilth ( ienteis "In urban areas, tins often means that low income women have been burl the most b\ the lack of providers.” lie said but noted that there is a serious shortage of obstetrical tare in both rural and inner areas lie said health providers lentl to avoid patients with high nsk pregnant ies Fhese most often are the impoverished bet ause they generall\ are more bkeh to smoke and have pom diets THE PRIVACY Fourteen privately >sed spas await you a? Onsen Nature’s om! bree/es a refresh you in our open to the sky rooms Our warm bubbly water will relax you Get fo know us and < lose the door on the world for one quiet hour HOURLY HOT TUO RENTAL Toking foservo' jns ' * ! 30 p rr weekdays ni 1? 45 weekends ' i *45 V04H ! 883 Garde- A*e Eugene Is student health insurance cutting into your budget? Call the (i.iris I l.iela> Corporation and lind out how sou e.in su\e hundreds o| dollars GARRY F. I.IDAV President Insurance Broker Investment Broker 4X4-6X85 GJ.-T. both cl \vln< It intrease the risks ut li.tv mi; ,im imperils t i inlil ()ni‘ result he said. is that the I Hileil States ranks Pith m the world m ml,ml mortality and In some measures the sta tistii s ol infant death are get t mg worse In ItlH.V infant mortality tor hi,u ks and other non whites ai tually mi reused tor the tirst time m JO years said llulgei While the i:ausi*s tor this in i rease are many the inaccessi bilily ol i are lor poor women a situation i learly made worse In I i,iliiI it\ ( oni erns, is an impur taut tai lor The i onimittee, w hit h in i hides dm tors, lawyers and ed in aims suggested both short term and long-term solutions Immediate ai lions rei ommend ed w ere • St itt! subs I Hit’s tiii : 11<-i i ii .it 11 ability premiums for nhstntru.il providers who treat women on Medii .iid • Ki'unii|j tlir \.ilimi.it lii'iilth Serve e (airps t ins would pro vide more to,ins for medii at students who then would be i till mated to serve in areas where physii tans are in short supph 1 or more permanent solu lions. I he committee rei mil mended • Stale experiments with altei natives to the system of modi i at liahllitv Possible models i ould ini hide a no fault i om pensation s\ stem lot i ert.im conditions such as neurolovji < al impairment of a new horn Also simi’esled were nevjoliated contrails between dm toi and patient and eslahl is|i I in; in id \ .mi r .1 m sti'in ill htmling .11 In (ration In si'ltlf ilispulfs • ( uhmiIi-i.itiun ill .1 plan In thr Amrrti .111 Mi'iln ,il Assm 1,1 lion lit.it i .ills fm an ailntinis Ii.iIui' pun i'smiix 11I 1 laiins that unulil ilrli'rmini' fault. liv. .mauls ami ilisi iphui' iiIIimiiI ITS liki'K It) lintl lot tlir |• l.i1111111 m i ,im‘) u heir .in iilistflni i.iii is llic tIt• I<• 1111.1111 ll is c,is\ |o iiiulrist.ind this Sltll.lt 1(111 Stilt C Itlllsl ( list's 111 vtilti- hi.tuitl.im,ti^cil ml.nils ultttsc parents nciii'i.ilK art1 utlltiitil the restitutes In pin \ itl<' Im .i lilelime el t timplev In 1985, infant mortality for blacks and other non-whites actually increased for the first time in 20 years — Roger Bulger • l lii* < ommitli'i* Iciunil ili.il li* H.il i I,mu*, .i^.imst ntislrlrii i.iiis run tun to lliri't* limns lughi'i than lot iitlu*r mt'ilii .il s|n*i i.il Ill'S .mil lll.lt llllirs .III* H\ n I* .IS IH111 i I i .ire Huiurr s.iul M.ilpr.ii In i1 msur.mi <• proiiii unis Ini nbslrlrii s in sunn' i it It'S IIUU I'M I'l'll $1(1(1.0011 il VI'iH ■ 52/u/ - ' - '//i /, 13 I DOUBLE CREWNECK TOPS SALE 24.99 ORIG 34 00 One.1 fx>< ket long sleeve cotton knit tOii:> ID bl.il k magenta navy or teal S M l MOCK TURTLENECKS /. 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