Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 12, 1989, Page 8, Image 8

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Many Ecclesia children still with foster homes
Saturday marks year after girl's death
K> Bid) H.ium
Assik i.itcd Press
WOODIU IKN (A1 ’) A Vimr
.i(4h S.ittiril.iv nirinliiTs ul ,i r«*
litmus (4rmi|i liri)ll(4llt tin- Imih
of ,m H year olil (4irl In .1 nir.il
Ini' sl.ilniii rill- ilrath id Dayna
Hroilss.il il si'l nil .I I llllil .tliltsr
invi'sliHiiliiin lli.it is I.ir from
I hr next nielli 't t I i i li'si.i
Allili'tii Assin l.itnin i liildri*11
vvi-rr t.ikrii iiitn stair t ustoih
IiiiI.h ill ri'in.iin in fnstrr
lioini's Ih-i tiiisi* tlirii p.iri'nts
won't .inii r to i i mil it mils si'l li\
tIk- stiiio i hildrrn s
I )u isiun
I think this is tin- nnlv time
in Anirrii .1 th.it sn mam ( hil
.lii'ii hale ht-i'ii taki'ii intn 1 arr
1111 sin h a 1 nsis basis untliT
siii h hurt ihlc i in umstaiu cs
saiil Hill Tliomas thr agrm \
I’ari'iils n( thr 1 hildri’ii livr at
a larmhiiiisi' near Samis rust nl
I’nrtlaiul. is lii'ii' tin- youtlgslrrs
svrrr tumuli'll up hs stair off 1
1 ials 1 A months ago .Stair offi
1 nils is ant thr adults to admit
thru < h 1111n■ n iverr siutims of
alnisr and to promisr that thus
• For 10 300 wall amps
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w out be abused .in.tin
\\ere si,II working w ith
(heir p.ircnls. Fhotnas s.inl
"We would like very mm li to
m.ikr III,- kind nt < ommilmeni
that m Oregon need In hear
mi their i hildren i.an be safe
One parent thin haven’t
worked with is I)avna s father
Mdridge Hroussard |i the
founder of l.it lesia Stale nil,
ends lielieve he is in Oregon.
t>nl tus whereabouts could not
lie determined Oils week
A telephone i all to Her lesia
off,i nils tnr i umment was not
()n U ednesdav the stale offi
, ials held a news , nnferem e al
the pnemle detention i enter
where the , hi I, Iren were taken
nil 0,1 H film
"Win we ate here loila\ ,s to
rememhei Davna Hroussard and
In rememlMT lhal I )a\ na did
llnl die a, , identallv Davna was
hrutallv , easelessl\ needless
ly healen In death Thomas
I our adult fu , les,., iiiemheis
were , onvlf led of manslaugh
let \ fifth meinhei was ion
vii led nt , nmuial mislre.itment
in i mine, linn will, ulhet heal
digs nt i tiildren
Several children testified at
the trial that Ihev wen* svslem
.ItK ally healen as pall nt the
group's lough disi ipline
Ihev said that I )a\ na w as
tie.ilen with all eleitrn.il Mild
lubber hose pier e nt plastic
pipe and w eightl ill mg bell as
the ulhet children were Inn ed
In wall h and count I tie blow s
l’ldndge Hroussard Jr ap
peari'd on llie Oprah Winlris
Slum after the arrests nt
l it lesia members and blamed
the media's negative publn ilv
almut the group (or Ins daugh
let's death
Broussard. .1 former ( ollege
basketball player. loll lull'd
!\< i lesi.i m 1 • *7.il the \\ .ills
( hrisli.m ( i-nli'i 111 l.os Angelos
lo steer < hildren away from
drills and 1 rime lie motivated
them through disi tpline and
athletics, saying once he want
ed lo prepare them lo compete
in She (llvmpii s
The group came to Oregon in
the summer of 1MH7 and an
noiini ed plans lo i ultivale
i tops and train 1 hildren for
athletic competition
Sim e the manslaughter con
vit turns ol Ins assoc iates.
Broussard. who was not
c harged. has kept a low profile
"lie's not had any contact
with the caseworker lor his
lamilv I le hasn't had am con
tai I u itll me I le hasn't ap
pealed III c ourt lle.ll lllgs I le
h.isn't been involved m any ot
the meetings 01 contacts that
we’ve had said Bart Wilson
(:l,K kamas ( aiuntv bntiu h man
agei Ini the < hildren s services
agent v
Broussards lour surviving
i hildren are in slate < ustod\
lie hasn’t seen them, his wife
has Wilson said
The state has spent $54.").()()()
on the case .is of July, and i on
linues to spend about $10,(100
per month tor foster c are
Of the 53 < hildren taken hy
the state, two were returned to
the custody of their parents
while 1 1 others remain under
state jurisdii lion hut lire with
The 40 in foster homes are
impatient to reunite with their
"A vear to vou and I is 10
years to a kid.’’ said casework
er Jerr> 1 luntle\ "No one i an
tell them w hat w ill happen to
morrow and that's really diffi
cult for them
No criminal wrong found
in state penitentiary care
SAI.KV1 (Al’J An insestiga
tion has turned up no (rimnuil
< miiiiK I in emmet lion s\ 11i 1
medii al i are given In iiim.lies
.it tin1 l Iregon Si,ip- IViiitrnti,n \
intirinais an offii i.il said
\\ ednesdas
Marion ( mints IJislru I Allot
nos Dale 1’i'iin said insestiga
lots found no i riminal wrong
doing in tin- i an1 gist'll In an id
dnrls infinnarv inmate ssho
ssas Inn ilils gist'll an injnt lion
id tranquili/cr
Penn also said the insestiga
lion i anie ai mss nothing tin
usual in llie deaths n! lom in
males ss Ini ssere treated at the
infirmars over the past 18
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there u .is no cr iinin.il
wrongdoing in .on o! the inedi
i ,il (.ire issues rising out ol the
lllfil Ilian .' lie said.
Penn said giving inmate llv
run Sears, 7li. an in jet lion ol
drugs against lus will was |usti
tied heiause he sultered from
mental problems and was tin
able to i ontrol himself ' at the
I le became a danger to him
self. he said
Penn said the investigation
also discounted allegations that
Scars' trauquili/.ei dosage was
doubled to prevent him from
talking with investigators from
the Senioi and Disabled Set
\ l( es I illusion
Iii .ill font (uses involving in
mates who died lie said. mi
topsies showed that the prison
els died ol ll.llur.ll I ,loses
"There is no higher death
rate hi the Oregon State Peni
t e 111 t.i r\ than m penal i list it o -
I ions in othoi slates, he said
\ppearing at a new s i onlei
ence with Oregon ( orreotions
c hint l ied I’eari e. I’enn said
the investigation did turn up
nursing praitii.es violations in
( uiinei tion w itll the i are given
to the elderly inmate
I le said those mi hided at
tempts by the infirman nursing
stall to sneak the tranquili/ci
into Sears loud when he re
fused to take it and ( ontinuing
to otter the drug to Sears when
infinnar\ doc tors were no long
er prescribing it lor him
Hut those are \ iololions ot in
ternal polic ies and do not in
wive c riminal law he said
For his part Pearce said up
propnate disc iplinarv steps
would he taken, although he
dec lined to say w hat thev were'
The c orre lions direc tor also
said his agency has hired a
team of consultants to review
the prison's health care pro
The investigation ot the infir
mary was begun in |une by the
Senior and Disabled Sendees
Division Penn described the
division's report as a partial in
vestigation. and asked the state
polic e to step in and c omplete
the inquiry.